2002-10-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: October 2, 2002 Place: Beverly Recreation Department Board members present: Bruce Doig, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell, Elizabeth Caputo, Lisa McFadden, Patti Adams Board members absent: Mark Casey, Lauren Young Others present: Artie Sullivan, Acting Director, Tom Scully Minutes of previous meetings were accepted as written. . Montserrat College of Art Public Art Course teachers were present and discussed program. Would like help in selecting public sites that have potential for their use. Suggested a review committee be set. Presented a few of the students conceptual designs. Models will be built. Need Commission's blessing for the concept. Lisa and Kevin have agreed to sit on the review committee along with Councilor Roger Morency if he is interested. Motion was made to create an arts review subcommittee to review the proposals for the public art project. Motion carried. . BARC Gary Simpson, Bill Collins and Donna Furse from the Lynch Barc SubCommittee made a presentation. Their goal is to ensure positive community relations by functioning as liaison between pet owners and the city's service agencies. Described their web site: beverlybarc.com. Written materials, which further detail, their mission and how they plan to accomplish their goals was distributed. Commission asked if the committee could get a small group people to be at Lynch early every morning to help monitor the park and help "educate" those dog owners who may have their dogs off leash. Discussed the fact that the two existing conflicting ordinances need to be dealt with and that additional issues beyond cleanup and dogs off leash do exist. Problems, such as, residents afraid of dogs and problems on the beach and other areas where urine cleanup is impossible. The Commission stated that their responsibility was to see that Lynch Park be an area that all residents can enjoy and that the needs and the concerns of all of the residents, the majority of whom do not own dogs, need to be considered. The Commission also explained that these issues have been discussed for several years and their decision to ban dogs was not made lightly. Both groups agreed that criteria needs to be set to judge whether or not situation is getting better. Motion was made to form a sub committee, to include 2 or 3 Commission members empowered to dialog and work out a plan of action and measure of evaluation. BARC will be contacted when the subcommittee is named. Motion carried with all in favor. . A report that Joan faxed from Hawaii was distributed. ACTING DIRECTOR'S REPORT . Good Heavens Mrs.Evans: well attended and hugely successful. Over $7000 raised for the roof fund. . Gillis Park rennovations: about $10,000 raised so far. Councilor Costa been instrumental in finding sponsors. Installation could be soon. . Obear Park swings have been purchased. . Lynch Park Tot structure is unsafe and will be removed as soon as DPW can get to it . Helli's morning exercise class has relocated at Endicott College Post Center. Seems to be working out well, Helli is very happy. . Shannon Wallace has resigned from her office position. For now, Jean Belanger will come in a few days a week to keep up with the class registration. . Ahearn Park project is finally finished. A parking area has been paved and posted "park parking 8 am - 7 pm - violates will be towed" Discussion was held on a suggestion by Councilor Costa who was interested in removing the signage to allow parking for residents. Commission felt signage should be left as is. . Discussed a suggestion to move the equipment at Centerville closer to the school. Arthur Powell noted that if the equipment is installed on school property they will lose $10,000 of funding from the Lynch Trustees. page 2 Recreation Commission Meeting / Oct 3, 2002 . Discussed annual dinner. Group agreed to return to the Depot on Thursday, Dec 5th at 6:30 pm. SEAWALL Arthur Powell reported on seawall project which should be completed by the end of the year. Lynch Trustees have appropriated up to $200,000 for the project. LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMffiEE Tom reported that the committee asked 3 companies to make a proposal for Lynch Park Master Plan. Tappe Associates were selected. Slide presentation of their ideas was viewed and discussed. Meeting adjourned. Respecfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Department