1999-03-04 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: March 4, 1999 Place: Recreation Dept. Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, Albert W. Churchill, Jr., David Gardner, ,Kevin Hobin, Jane Lyman, Arthur Powell and Lauren Young Board members absent: Ivy Mahan Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Mari Matt Meeting was called to order. Discussion was held on Bruce's draft of the field improvements/additions plan. Field Committee will meet. Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. Discussed Dave Gardner's Open Space Plan and began speaking of Mr. Cahill's plan for the Open Space Commsision. There was an original "prioritization" committee which looked at the present Open Space Group which is now turning into this Commission. Bruce would like representation on that Committee. Mari explained about Peter Seaman's "land swap". Discussed Henderson Rd. project. Joan suggested showing the Open Space videos that have been prepared by the State to the approriate boards and commissions. Debbie Hurlbert is trying to obtain a copy. Reviewed Dave Gardner's draft of his report on Open Space & Recreation for the city. Members took different parts to research. Will report next month. DIRECTOR'S REPORT · Playground Report is complete. Joan met with Bill Lupini and Judy Mulligan today to give them their updated report. Judy explained that if the school equipment was done along with the building of the schools that the playground equipment costs would be reimbursed by two thirds. · Discussed the department's need for more space to accommodate new programs as well as rain sites for summer programs. Lynch Park Barn has been discussed as a possibility ,as well as, the Edwards School. But it seems that the Mayor may have his own plans for the Edwards School. Lauren Young agreed additional space was needed and offered to help look for sites. She felt Edwards School could be a prime location. She would like to see Girls/Boys Clubs, more programs for Middle School age, as well as, additional space for Recreation classes and activities. We have had architect Ray Grimes look at the Barn who felt it was very sound. For under $1000 you could get a structional engineer in to report on everything that would need to be done. Presently the building is mostly used for storage. The large room is used by the Guild of Beverly Artists and there is the Caretakers apartment and Dick & June's. There is great potential. Mr. Powell expressed the need to maintain the caretakers residence. It was recommended that the structional engineer be hired so that it can be determined whether or not the building would even be worth pursuing. Pursuing a surplus Fire Station was also suggested. · New telephone line have been added at the office. We now have 3 lines that hunt to the main number. · Dane St. Bathhouse: Water's and Brown said you can paint over "anti graffiti" paint that was used as long as new paint is mixed with same anti graffiti ingredent. It was also suggested that rose bushes or some other flowering shrubs be planted. · Mari updated Commission on van situation. Thomas Ford not interested in short term lease. May also look into the cost of a used van. Discussed going to City Council for the money needed versus using money from the Enterprise Fund. · Mari distributed a copy of the job description for the new position of Facilities Coordinator. Asked for input. · Mari gave an update on Touch A Truck. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted Gail Carmody Recreation Department