2006-07-06 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: July 6, 2006 (7:00PM) Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Jack O'Neil, Mike Gaudette Board members absent: Patty Adams, Bill Lowd, Arthur Powell, Gary Lambert, Deborah Ploszay Others present: Recreation Director Bruce Doig, Mike Ralbovsky, Chase Clements, John DiPaulo, Hank O'Meara, City Councilor Patricia Grimes Since there was not a quorum present for this meeting, Mark stated that no votes could be taken at this meeting. Minutes from the June 1, 2006 meeting were not yet reviewed or approved. Correspondence: Mark distributed two letters he sent. One letter was sent to David Lang, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, regarding the Con Com's property on Standley Street. The other was a thank you letter sent to Charlie Benevento thanking him for his generous donations of paving the parking lot and interior areas of Harry Ball Field, saving Beverly Little League and the city approximately $50,000. Wentworth Drive Tot Lot: Ward 6 Councilor Patricia Grimes attended the meeting to discuss the proposed work for the Wentworth Drive tot lot. She explained that the neighbors would like to replace the front portion of fencing and get some new wood fiber added. There are three estimates for the work to replace the fencing. These estimates range from $1100 to $1600. Bruce and Mark will look into possible funds for this project and the neighbors are looking for ways to raise funds. Dane Street Beach Gazebo: Chase Clements presented his ideas for the proposed gazebo. He discussed a list of benefits and some of the concerns about the project, including impact to the view, vandalism, and property values. Chase discussed the history of the park and his work in planting gardens along Lothrop Street. John DiPaulo and Hank O'Meara were present to state their concerns about the project, including the noise from kids staying in the park after the 10:00PM curfew, the potential decease in property values for the neighbors who are currently paying a 20% premium on real estate taxes because of their proximity to the ocean, security and graffiti. After some discussions, it was suggested that Mr. Clements look for other projects in the Lothrop Street area to do some community service. Mr. DiPaulo suggested either raising funds for new playground equipment at Dane Street or for new ornate street lights along Lothrop Street for the new street construction project. Mr. Clements agreed to look into these other projects and work with DPW to find another project in the area DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Assistant to Director Report - Bruce discussed a report from Joscelyn regarding projects in progress. These projects included the summer camps and parks, evening enrichment programs, work with the MRPA State Conference Committee and brochure updates. RECENT EVENTS: City Council Meeting - 6/26 Bruce, Mark and other commission members this meeting and discussed the proposed Dog Park Proposals with the City Council. Parks & Camps - started on 6/26 as scheduled. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes - May 11, 2006 (Continued) UPCOMING EVENTS: 2nd Annual David S. Lynch Appreciation Day - Scheduled for 7/16 with Pizza, Ice Cream, Concerts and more. FY 2007 BUDGET: City Budget - Approved as submitted - $231,560 including small increases for Part Time Salaries, Maintenance and Electricity. Enterprise Fund - FY 2006 was a good year. The department is starting FY 2007 with at least $157,000 in this fund, up from $93,507 on July 1, 2005. Bruce distributed a report on this fund. COONEY FIELD: The new dugouts and brickwork have been completed. One roof has been completed. The second roof should be completed in a few days if the weather cooperates. LYNCH PARK: LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Still meeting to discuss possible grants and a business plan. Meeting today with Mayor Scanlon. Next meeting 7/20. 2nd Annual David Lynch Day on July 16th. BLL/HARRY BALL FIELD: Bruce reported no change in the project status. The new stands will be installed when DPW can put in the concrete pad. BEVERLY YOUTH COLLABORATION: Bruce received great news from Mary Grant that the $300,000 funding for the McPherson Center was approved by the House and Senate and was not vetoed by Governor Romney. The collaboration will still be doing some private fundraising to supplement this money but we should be able to accomplish our main goals (skate park, basketball court, hockey court, volleyball court, computer lab, outdoor lights for courts, etc.) with this $300,000. VITALE SITE: Bruce reported no change in the project status. The grass is growing. The plans for the concession stand are on hold pending Conservation Commission decisions about property. ADA accessibility does not appear to be an issue with the grading of the fields. Still no new word on the Conservation Commission's decision to swap the Vitale site for other city-owned properties. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT UPDATES/ADA ISSUES: ALL PARKS: 270 yards (3 full trucks) of wood fiber ($4500) was delivered to Lynch Park overflow lot last month. DPW folks will begin moving it to the necessary locations as soon as resources are available. Lynch Park: Trying to repair slide with staff. Manufacturer wanted $1300 to come and install the one piece. DPW will come to help with slide on Friday, 7/7. I spoke with Mike Bouchard today about our desire to install the new swings near Woodbury Beach. This will be on the list of projects to be completed, including all of the ADA and safety issues that need to be resolved. Wentworth Drive Tot Lot: Request for new fence and more wood fiber. New black chain link fence with locking gate is estimated between $1100 and $1600. Wood fiber will be added when DPW folks are available. Bruce spoke to DPW again today about getting a barrel put at the park. List of ADA/Safety Issues: Bruce distributed and reviewed an updated list of playground safety and ADA issues. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig Beverly Recreation Department