2008-03-05 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee March 5,2008 Robert Buchsbaum (Chairperson), Suzanne Beaudoin, David Brewster, Nancy Coffey, Pam Kampersal, Marilyn McCrory, Elizabeth Dunne, Michael Ralbovsky, Bill Squibb None Amy Maxner - Environmental Planner & Kate Newhall - Associate Planner Amy Maxner Chairperson Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order. Approval of Minutes - February 6. 2008 Meetin2 The members review the minutes and make suggestion for amendments. Cofffey motions to approve the minutes as amended for the February 6,2008 meeting, seconded by Brewster. Motion passes 6-0-3 with Dunne, Ralbovsky and Squibb abstaining. Old Business Draft Open Space and Recreation Plan Newhall states that the Mayor is in receipt of the draft and she has provided a letter of support for him to sign. She has sent a copy to MAPC and she plans on emailing her contact at the State to inquire as to whether or not all the letters of support should be attached to the copy DCR will be receiving. Coffey asks if the draft plan is on the website yet. Newhall states that it is. Members agree to look over the electronic copy on line and provide any additional comments to Kate by this coming Friday March ih. She states that she plans on sending the State its copy early next week. Buchsbaum states that one of the first items that should be discussed from the action plan is the landowner forum. He recently met with staff from Essex County Greenbelt who said that their recent landowner forums were not well attended. Robert said that he will Open Space & Recreation Committee March 5, 2008 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 continue to work with Greenbelt staff to advance this. He states that Greenbelt has an inventory of all parcels 5 acres and above from Beverly as part of their own acquisition planning. Maxner states she provided Greenbelt the parcel data compiled for the Plan. Earth Dav Plannin2: Maxner states that the final draft of the Earth Day Walk flyer was included in the members' packets and asks for any comments or changes they would like to make. Members are happy with the flyer's layout and design. Rabolvsky asks that Maxner forward the flyer by email so that he can post it on his web site. Members ask that the flyer be posted on the City web page and the Committee's web page. Maxner agrees to work on those requests. OSRD Amendments and Beaver Pond Application Maxner states that the Planning Board and the City Council have conducted their first joint public hearing on the proposed amendments to the OSRD Ordinance and suggests that the Committee formulate a response if it sees fit. Maxner, McCory and Buchsbaum provide a brief overview as to the purpose and intent of the OSRD. Buchsbaum opens for general discussion on the amendments. Members agree that the buffer areas around primary conservation resources should remain at 100 feet but that perimeter buffers could be relaxed without impacting valuable open space or integrity of sensitive resources. Members discuss the rationale behind the existing applicability thresholds and agree that relaxing the thresholds within the larger zoning districts would leave large tracts of land vulnerable to further development in the old, sprawl pattern and would not be in keeping with what we believe OSRD is trying to achieve in Beverly.. Further discussion ensues regarding the specific proposed amendments and Dunne agrees to distil these points of discussion into a comment letter and provide a draft for members to review and approve by email. McCrory states that she, Coffey, Kampersal and Buchsbaum attended the Planning Board hearing for the Beaver Pond OSRD application. She states that this application is regulated under the existing OSRD ordinance not the amendments just discussed. She explains that the applicant is requesting several waivers from the requirements of the Ordinance, including bypassing the ANRAD application process with the Conservation Commission, not hiring a Landscape Architect and reducing the amount of dedicated open space. She provides a draft comment letter she has prepared and asks for the Committee's feedback. Kampersal states that she has drafted a series of comments on this application and provides copies for members to review. Open Space & Recreation Committee March 5, 2008 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Discussion ensues regarding these waivers and the prepared comments provided by McCrory and Kampersal. McCrory agrees to incorporate points of this discussion into a final draft and asks that the Committee email her any other recommendations by this coming Monday. Members agree. Maxner reminds the Committee that the Planning Board will be discussing both of these items at its next meeting scheduled for Monday, March 24th and comments should be in by or before Monday the 24th if not earlier. Updates Website Newhall states that she will canvas the subcommittee members to schedule a time to meet and develop a plan of approach to the web site updating process. Ri2:hts ofWav and CR's . Tall Tree Drive- Maxner states she spoke with Roy Gelineau who sent a letter to the homeowner's attorney requesting a response and will follow up again with Gelineau on this. . Brackenbury Lane - Coffey states that Maxner has the map and this can be discussed at another time. It is her understanding that the state would need to be involved if the city is to assert its right of access through this right of way. . CR for AMG property - Buchsbaum distributes his draft of a letter for AMG requesting a dialogue about some of that land under CR, he asks that the Committee review and provide comments by email and he will get this out in the mail as soon as he can. . YMCA - Maxner states that Tina Cassidy sent an email to the attorney for the Y, and has requested that they respond by the end of the month. Kiosk Installation Newhall states that she just submitted a grant application to the Essex National Heritage Commission - Partnership Grant Program for the construction and installation of kiosks at several locations in Beverly and explains the proposed locations for the kiosks. She explains the grant award and completion schedule and partnerships from Greenbelt and Beverly Conservation Land Trust. She states the Committee will be involved in designing the kiosk information following the guidelines of the Essex National Heritage program. The Committee thanks Newhall for her work on this. Brief discussion ensues regarding opportunities for Eagle Scout projects including kiosk installation, vernal pool certification and possibly GPS'ing the trails with Roland Adams. Places where we think the next set of kiosks should be installed are at Sally Milligan Park Open Space & Recreation Committee March 5, 2008 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 (one at each entrance), Centerville School, Beverly Commons (Stoneridge Rd end of Greenwood Avenue), Branch Lane, and Tall Tree Drive. Newspaper Articles Coffey states that Kate and Amy provided minor revisions to her article about the Open Space and Recreation Plan and she has submitted it to the Citizen and expects it to be published within the next couple of weeks. She states that maybe the next article should focus on the Alt Woodland as most people have no idea that it exists. Other Business Buchsbaum suggests that the Committee make an effort to visit parcels of open space interest and offers to send out potential dates for field trips. No other business comes before the Committee. Beaudoin motions to adjourn, seconded by Brewster. Motion passes 9-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:30 PM.