Economic and Community Development Council
January 23, 2008
Beverly Public Library - Barnett Gallery
Patricia Grimes, Frank Killilea, Ed Cahill, Bill
O'Hare and Neil Douglas, Don Fournier, Bill
Howard, Tina Cassidy
Eileen Sacco
Grimes calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and introduces and welcomes Bill Howard
who is the newest member of the ECDC. She thanks him for his willingness to serve and
says she is looking forward to working with him.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Committee's November 28,2007 meeting were presented for
motion to approve the draft minutes of November 28,2007 meeting, seconded
by O'Hare. All members in favor, no one in opposition. The motion carries.
Pat Grimes presented minutes that she drafted from the June 19,2007 meeting. Fournier
moved approval. Douglas seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Discussion on Research by Cassidy and Douglas on Beverly Main Streets and Beverly
Chamber of Commerce Regarding Coordination Between These Organizations and the
Cassidy explains that she posed a number of questions to Gin Wallace, the Executive
Director of Beverly Main Streets. She reviews her findings as follows:
Main Streets
Main Streets is not a membership organization per se, so there is no exact figure with
respect to the number of member businesses. However there are about 280 businesses in
the district covered by the organization (roughly Cabot Street, Rantoul Street, Elliott
Street between the two and the commercial area of Gloucester Crossing). About 75 of
the 280 businesses are "active" in Main Streets through participation in Main Streets'
events and initiatives, donations to the organization etc.
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The annual Main Streets' budget is approximately $90,000 per year.
Beverly Main Streets has four active organizational committees
Economic Restructuring: This committee is responsible for downtown revitalization and
the proper use of our historic and architecturally unique buildings. The committee is
currently working on a strategic plan to recruit and retain downtown businesses, residents
and visitors so that we can be proactive in our marketing approach to bring the right mix
of businesses downtown. This is a core of the organization and all of their goals and
other committee initiatives are aligned with this committee.
Design: This committee is focused on the image or the "look and feel" of downtown - the
face of the city. The members focus on fa<;ade improvement programs, signage, parking
and traffic issues, safety and accessibility and the overall walkability of our downtown
Promotions: This is the committee that designs and offers the Beverly Book, which is
their largest fundraiser. The Book offers more than $2,800 in discounts from 100 local
businesses and is sold for $25.00. In addition, the committee plans and runs promotional
events all through the year such as the Holiday Shoppers Walk and Art Walk, the Clean
Sweep event, Paint the Town Red and the Trick or Treat event, just to name a few.
Organization: The organization committee has three primary focus areas: fundraising,
organizational structure (which includes recruiting and retaining Board Members and
Committee Chairs) and planning for the long term viability of Beverly Main Streets.
In addition there are two other committees which focus on Main Streets signature family
Beverly's New Years: this team works from September through January to plan and carry
out our New Years celebration. They line up the artists and performers, orchestrate the
Grand Procession and blow up the beach balls that fall from the sky when we count down
the new year!
ArtsFest: The ArtsFest committee starts up in January and works through June. The
Committee is responsible for all aspects of planning and bringing to life the most fun arts
festival in New England! They find talented artists, vendors, musicians and performers
and create a schedule that celebrates art in all if its various forms.
Wallace provided the following list of projects and initiatives that are not currently part
of the organization's efforts but which could be in the future:
. Create a business directory on the Main Streets web site categorized by business
type ("mini ads" free to each downtown business in exchange the business
commits to volunteering "x number of hours" of time to Main Streets).
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. Update the permitting process book first published by the City in the 1990's.
Douglas asks if this is necessary. Cassidy notes that the guide is a resource for residents
and business owners alike to find information on what kind of permits are needed and
where to get them.
. Start an incubator program for small businesses with seasoned executives as
mentors (for small business owners who want to open up downtown - it would be
Beverly - specific relative to business climate, assessing traffic, reviewing
business plans, helping with financing etc.
. Organize a weekly fresh market at Veteran's Square on Saturdays in the summer
(with organics, cooking demonstrations, music and children's activities).
. Develop a college partnership strategy (focused on Endicott College and
Montserrat College of Art).
Grimes notes that there are vacancies on the ECDC. Howard asks what kinds of
expertise or representation the Council needs. Fournier recalls that Carla Cox knew so
much about zoning and that was helpful. Douglas suggests Miranda Gooding or John
Thomson from the Planning Board might be good additions.
Grimes says the ECDC has similar goals to Main Streets and the Chamber of Commerce
and she thought it would be a good idea to utilize that. She notes that one result of the
June meeting with Main Streets and the Chamber is that they now attend each others'
Douglas reviews his research on the Chamber of Commerce, resulting from a
conversation he had with Chamber President Mike Harrington:
Chamber of Commerce
Douglas reiterates the Beverly Chamber of Commerce's mission statement: To support
and enhance the business community, by providing an environment that cultivates
business-to-business relationships and educational programs benefiting our members and
to playa leading visible role in our community with a strong voice on business issues
which affect our members.
There are about 400 members of the Chamber (Beverly Businesses). Management
reports representation largely centered in small business sector involving retail/service
industries (Douglas believes that the concentration of membership is primarily located in
the older business districts with a sprinkling of representation in Cummings and North
The Chamber's annual budget is +/- $200,000 and supports three employed staff and the
balance is allocated to occupancy and program support costs.
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The Chamber's organizational structure consists of a 25 member Board of Directors, a 5
member Executive Board, three standing committees (membership, personnel and
finance) and several ad-hoc committees (parking and waterfront).
The Chamber president cited the following priorities: Membership and financial
development (seems to be a focus at Cummings) and membership support through
educational seminars, networking, and other initiatives aimed at enhancing economic
viability of membership.
Douglas states that he did not discern any driving interest in Beverly's or Greater
Beverly's economic health and formation. Although parking issues were underscored
and waterfront development matters were monitored, the Chamber seems to focus on
membership cultivation and visibility. The following issues did not appear to be
embraced by the Chamber's agenda:
(1) Promotion of new business formation with job growth and value added
(2) Advancement of supporting public infrastructure creating opportunity for new
economic and community development (i.e. Cherry Hill, Brimbal Avenue,
Beverly Airport and environs, Rantoul Street development).
(3) Application of new or amended land use policies aimed at achievement of
Beverly's Master Plan goals, (i.e. Rantoul, Park, McPherson Drive rezoning).
(4) Streamlining and simplifying land use policy regulations and controls
involving multiple public jurisdictions.
(5) Application of tax incentives and procurement of federal and state financial
resources to promote planning and economic development (i.e.TIF's, review
of long term impact of dual taxation policies which adversely impact
commercial enterprise).
(6) On-going review of all economic and community development projects and
measures to determine their consistency and impact upon the goals of the
Master Plan (i.e. coordination with ECDC and Planning Department, with
advocacy and support as appropriate at public meetings etc.)
(7) Compilation of pertinent information and business conditions
(a) Preparation of economic/demographic profile of Beverly including full
listing of all current business and industrial enterprise;
(b) Identification of business development plans and complaints;
( c) Compilation of all property development opportunities, i. e. available
land, buildings and leaseholds including terms/conditions;
(d) Development of communication strategies including promotional
material, newsletters, financial development opportunities.
Ed Cahill states that he did not agree with Douglas phrasing regarding the Chamber's
focus and states that they are interested in Beverly's economic health. He states that it
may not be specifically listed in the mission statement for 2008 but the Chamber most
certainly has an interest in Beverly's economic health and future.
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Douglas states that he did not get a response that indicated projects and strategies that
address that and he cannot believe that they would not share those concerns. He says that
he felt that the Chambers' focus is on the growth of their organization and its
Cahill states that any organization should be driven by membership and notes that they
provide networking opportunities and educational programs as well.
Douglas says that they do not have a committee focused on projects. He also notes that
we all share the same concerns for the economic betterment of the community but that
fact did not surface during his discussions with the Chamber president. He adds that the
points weighing on his mind are those reflected in the Mission Statement of the ECDC.
Douglas says he feels that the ECDC needs to look at their schedule of meetings and
suggests quarterly meetings in March, June, September and December rather than
meeting monthly. He suggests that Cassidy could update the members on projects that
are of interest to the ECDC members and that should be a regular part of the meetings.
He explains that the ECDC could provide support and advocacy to certain projects and
members could attend permitting meetings to do that.
Cahill states that last year Cassidy attended a Chamber Board of Directors meeting to
update them on projects and they found that very helpful. He says he would like her to
come to the March meeting and update them again because an annual update would have
value for the Chamber members.
Fournier agrees that the ECDC should be supporting the projects in the city.
Douglas states that he feels that it is fundamentally important that the broadest
constituency be proactive toward development and he would like to see a concerted effort
to support the Mayor on the interchange corridor at Brimbal Avenue as businesses will be
affected. He says that quarterly reports to the ECDC on everything in the pipeline would
enable them to be supportive.
Howard states that it is important to be aware of when hearings and meetings are being
held so that members can be supportive, and that it has been an issue for Main Streets in
the past.
Grimes agrees and states that it would be the best use of time and make the most impact
to give input and promote projects that will be of benefit to Beverly.
Douglas notes that they asked for staff and the city has limited resources. He says if the
City is not prepared to invest in infrastructure to advance this then it is not going to work.
He states that the ECDC needs a budget and he has talked to the Mayor who seems
willing to consider that.
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Howard suggests that maybe Main Street and the Chamber of Commerce would consider
taking on some of those tasks.
Douglas suggests asking the Mayor for $50,000 and perhaps the three groups could work
together to get it done. Howard questions if the money could be used to support the two
organizations that already exist and have them take on the tasks. He also says that
colleges have city planning courses and perhaps they could take on some of the identified
work. He explains that Main Streets uses interns from Endicott College.
Fournier suggests approaching Salem State College or Endicott College and see if there is
any interest in working collaboratively with the ECDC.
Cahill states that it would be ideal if we could have an Office of Economic and
Community Development like Plymouth has, as it would relieve Tina, but that is not
likely to happen in the near future. He notes that an office like this would pay for itself
promoting economic growth in the city.
Douglas says that if we get the resources it would be wise to put together a team to carry
it out and it would be very productive.
Grimes suggests that the next step would be to talk to the Mayor.
Douglas noted that there is a lot of information on the web and a lot of work could be
done there. Cassidy agrees, but reminds him that websites are effective only if they're
kept up to date, and the ECDC must have the resources needed to keep it updated.
Grimes asks if the ECDC should meet with the Mayor and Dick Wylie. Douglas states
that he could develop, by the next meeting, a framework for such a discussion.
ECDC Meeting Schedule
Cassidy says that she likes the idea of quarterly meetings and asks if there is any interest
in starting the meetings at 5:30 p.m. rather than 7:00 p.m., since meeting quarterly may
mean longer meetings. The members concur.
Howard notes that communication is key to meeting quarterly. Cassidy suggests that
email would be helpful and she could notify members of meetings and agendas of city
boards and commissions that contain items of interest to the ECDC, in between the
quarterly meetings.
Douglas suggests that the minutes ofECDC meetings should be shared broadly with the
Executive Board of Main Streets and the Chamber of Commerce.
Grimes states that she will be updating the City Council on the progress ofECDC issues
on a regular basis.
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Fournier says that it would be nice to keep track of projects and have regular status
updates to track their progress.
Status of the Black Cow
Cassidy reports that the Black Cow permitting process is moving slowly but moving,
noting that there are issues relating to parking. She explains that ZBA approval of past
parking scenarios will be needed, as well as Planning Board and Conservation
Commission approval. She notes that the prospective restaurateur is still very interested
in going forward.
Open Space Residential Design
Cassidy reports that the public hearing for changes to the the Open Space Residential
Design Ordinance has been rescheduled for March 3,2008.
Zoning on Rantoul Street
Cassidy reports that she will be interviewing consultants and hopes to hire someone in the
next three to four weeks.
Election of Officers
Grimes states that the ECDC must vote to elect a chairman and vice-chairman.
motion to nominate Patricia Grimes as Chairman of the ECDC, seconded
by Fournier.
motion to close nominations for Chairman, seconded by Fournier. All
members in favor.
Vote on the motion to elect Patricia Grimes Chairman of the ECDC carries unanimous.
motion to nominate Neil Douglas as Vice Chairman, seconded by O'Hare.
motion to close nominations for Vice Chairman, seconded by 0 'Hare.
Vote on the motion to elect Neil Douglas as Vice Chairman of the ECDC carries
Next Meeting
Grimes reminds members that the next meeting of the ECDC will be held on Wednesday,
March 19, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.
The meeting is adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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