2003-04-17COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES 191 CABOT STREET BEVERLY, MA 01915 MINUTES OF MEETING April 17, 2003 Members Present: Kevin Gallant, Elise Bernstein, Eileen Twiss, and Norm Ganley. Guest: Art Daignault, ADA Coordinator st 1. Update on parking fines for the 1 quarter of 2003 was 74 tickets paid. 2. Accessible Trail: received specifications for surface material from the Dept. of Environmental Management. Elise and Norm to meet with the Conservation Commission on April 22, 2003 to discuss plans. 3. Parking Lots: a. Fleet Bank: Parking lot found to be in violation, Norm has contacted owner. b. Banknorth: Signage problem with parking lot on Cabot Street. c. Commodore Plaza: Parking lot has been stripped, 162 spaces, 3 handicapped parking (HP) spaces, and requires 6 HP spaces with 1 HP space being “van accessible.” Accessible spaces not painted in contrasting color. Inspection Department notified and they will speak to the general contractor. d. Cabot Plaza: Received letter from the Architectural Access Board (AAB) regarding parking lot complaint. Hearing may be scheduled by the AAB for non-compliance. 4. Routes 62 and 1A complaint: The AAB has schedule a hearing for June 2, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. 5. ADA Coordinator reported on the site visit to Fraser Field in Lynn with Mass. Office on Disability regarding complaint. Many violations were found. Complaint regarding the cafeteria table in the elementary schools was investigated and were found to be in compliance. 6. Lynch Park: New walkway at seawall may not be in compliance. Referred matter to ADA Coordinator for investigation. 7. Discussed possibility of resurveying of all parking lots for compliance. Respectfully submitted, Norm Ganley, BCOD