2007-10-24 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: Wednesday, October 24,20077:00 P.M. Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Roseann Benson, Alyse Gause, John Kelley, Anthony Kline, Kathleen McMahon, Kevin O'Reilly, and Joanne Panunzio Board members absent: Todd Balf, Neil Olson Others present: Patricia Cirone, Anna Langstaff Recorder: Anna Langstaff Joanne Panunzio presided. John Kelley made the motion, seconded by Roseann Benson, to accept the minutes of September 25,2007 as read. Motion passed. Public Presentation None Committee Reports Personnel: No report. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Plan: No report. Report of the Library Director 1) Action Plan: Patricia Cirone distributed copies of the FY2008 action plan. She asked trustees to review the action plan. Next year's action plan will be discussed at the November meeting. 2) Bookmobile Fundraising: Hollywood Librarian potluck dinner was a success. Pancake breakfast is October 28. Read-a-thon and penny jar fundraisers will be held at several local public and private schools. Waiting to hear back about two grants. There will be a silent auction fundraiser in the spring. 3) Bookmobile Press: Patricia Cirone and several other people were misquoted in the Boston Globe article about the bookmobile. The Hallmark Channel might be interested in doing a piece on the bookmobile. 4) Main Library Repairs: Work is continuing on the HV AC. Roof has been sealed. 5) Farms Library: Molding and chair rails have been installed. Outside sign has been commissioned. Fan window has been removed and is being worked on. 6) Farms Sidewalk: A woman tripped and fell on the library sidewalk. The sidewalk is uneven because of work done by N extel. Copies of the incident report were sent to the Mayor, the City Solicitor and the Director of Public Services. 7) Internet PCs: A patron complained about seeing other patrons viewing pornography on the internet PCs. 8) Police: Police are doing regular walkthroughs. 9) Upcoming Programs: Book Sale November 17-November 25; Poetry Reading November 13; Children's Author Visit November 10; Mayor's Legislative Breakfast November 30; Wreath Decorating Workshop December 1; Farms Nutcracker Tea December 2. Communications None Unfinished Business 1) Todd Balf: Todd Balfwill be leaving the Board. Trustees discussed how to fill the vacancy. New Business 1) Acceptable Use Policy: Trustees reviewed the Acceptable Use Policy. Kevin O'Reilly made the motion, seconded by Anthony Kline, to: accept the Acceptable Use Policy as presented. Motion passed. 2) Public Internet Policy: Trustees reviewed the Public Internet Policy. Joanne Panunzio suggested a wording change. Kevin O'Reilly made the motion, seconded by Roseann Benson, to: accept the Public Internet Policy as amended. Motion passed. The next regular meeting of the Board will be Wednesday, November 28,2007 at 7:00 P.M. at the Main Library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8: 10 P.M.