2007-10-03 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order. Open Space and Recreation Committee October 3,2001' Robert Buchsbaum (Chairperson), Suzanne Beaudoin, David Brewster, Nancy Coffey, Elizabeth Dunne, Marilyn McCrory Pam Kampersal, Bill Squib, Michael Ralbovsky Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Associate Planner Kate Newhall Renee Mary Andrea Bray Acceptance of Previous Minutes: September 5. Meetin2 The members review the minutes and make suggested changes. Dunne motions to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Coffey. Motion passes 6-0-1 (one abstention). Old Business Membership Buchsbaum states that Marilyn McCrory is now an official member and will besworn in shortly. He adds that the committee still has a few openings that include the Conservation Commission, Planning Board and Harbor Management. McCrory suggests asking Mary Reilly, member of the Conservation Commission, to join. Maxner states that she will ask Bill Squibb as to whether he would like to represent the Conservation Commission, which would free up his Ward 3 seat and it may be easier to fill aWard seat rather than an existing board seat. Open Space & Recreation Committee October 3, 2007 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Draft Open Space and Recreation Plan Dunne states that her presentation to the Conservation Commission was well received. She adds that some members of the Commission were eager to help in accomplishing the goals set forth. Newhall distributes a projected timeline of comments from various City bodies that she has prepared. She explains the Mayor, the City Council, and the Conservation Commission have all been provided a copy of the Plan or executive summary and have been asked to submit comments. She states that the Planning Board has requested a presentation at their November 20th meeting, and a volunteer will be needed to present to the Planning Board that night. Buchsbaum states that can be decided at the next meeting. Newhall states that she will be preparing draft letters of support for each board for their signature. Buchsbaum states that he spoke with Kevin Hobin, Ward 4 Councilor, and Hobin was pleased with the Plan. Robert suggests that Maxner and Newhall offer to meet with the Mayor to discuss any comments he may have. He will make himself available for that meeting if the Mayor chooses to meet. Buchsbaum suggests that the Ward representatives contact their Ward councilor to solicit comments and for members to review language in Chapter 4. Follow-up Discussion on Site Visit to Vitale Site and Airport Vicinity Buchsbaum asks if members have any comments offer regarding the site visit. He states that he was impressed with the obvious divide between the watershed to the Bass River and Wenham Lake. Brewster states that it is a confused watershed area because of the Bass River on one side of Henderson Road and Wenham Lake on the other side. He adds that the municipal property would probably support a rink if built with sensitivity to the environment and watershed issues. The members study the map of the Vitale Property open space and discuss the properties in the vicinity. General discussion ensues regarding the watershed, development and drinking water protection methods. Brewster suggests inquiring with Tom Knowlton as to the water board's opinion as to the Watershed Overlay District delineation and what studies were done to support it. Buchsbaum says that it may not be necessary to have him here but they could get his opinion on the watershed in that area. He adds that they can organize a forum with Richard Baker on this topic after the Open Space Plan is completed and submitted. Open Space & Recreation Committee October 3, 2007 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 McCrory offers to inquire with her colleagues at the State level with expertise on these issues as well as a contact at the Trust for Public Land. Web Site Buchsbaum says that the web page is hard to find on the City website. Maxner states that it is listed under "Boards and Commissions". Buchsbaum states that he couldn't open the maps or the plan. He adds that it may be the fault of his server. Discussion ensues as to ideas for content on the Open Space webpage. The Website Subcommittee agrees to work on this and offer suggestions at the next meeting. Updates Ri2hts-of-wav Brackenbury Lane: Coffey states that the "official" public access is the right of way for the public landing at the end of Brackenbury Lane. A strip of land along the shore known as "The Ancient Way" does have public access as well She explains that the Ancient Way ran along the shoreline in that area and it was interrupted in 1956 with the development of the house at the end of Lawnbank Road. She adds that the Way would have run right across the deck of this house and the homeowner worked to block this. Coffey states that this is deeded as a public way and she will continue to work on this to locate the deed. YMCA: Maxner states that she has a letter drafted for Tina Cassidy to give to the City Council. Tall Tree Drive: Maxner states that she has no new information and she will follow-up with City Solicitor Roy Gelineau. Kiosks: Maxner states that she emailed Matt Plum with the Essex County VELO and he hasn't responded yet. Newspaper Articles Coffey offers to write about the draft Plan to try to garner public awareness and participation. Beaudoin states that she would like to write about "Cat Swamp" behind Hannah School. National Grid Trail Easement Open Space & Recreation Committee October 3, 2007 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Maxner states that the City does have insurance liability coverage and the City Solicitor suggested that she contact National Grid to find out the coverage they require. She says that this has to go through a Risk Management Committee at National Grid to determine where there are gaps in coverage. New Business Landowner Forum: Buchsbaum states that he has not yet contacted Ed Becker with Greenbelt on this. Maxner reminds the Committee that this forum is scheduled for Year 1 in the goals of the Plan and this should remain on the list of things to do. Mass Bicycle Plan Maxner states that the draft Mass Bike Plan will be available on the Web October 5 and the state would like feedback by October 19. (www.massbikeplan.org) Buchsbaum suggests that the members look at this and determine if it seems like it is worthy of this Committee's involvement. Newhall states that the bike racks will be installed at four train stations and two libraries. Next Meetin2: November 7. 2007 Buchsbaum states that the next meeting should be used for the members to schedule all items for year one of the actions plan. Beaudoin motions to adjourn, seconded by Coffey. Motion passes 6-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:30 PM.