2007-09-06 Design Review Board September 6, 2007 Design Review Board Meeting Minutes September 6, 2007 Meeting: Date: Present: Design Review Board September 6, 2007 Colleen Bruce, Larry Jaquith Dai Shi, Scott Houseman, Kate Newhall William Finch Diane Presutti Absent: Recorder: The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm. 1. A Little Pizazz - Janice Lebow/271 Rantou. Street/Si2n Ms. Lebow presented a sign design to the Board measuring 22" x 30" to be displayed on a 36" existing bracket. The sign will be not be illuminated and the bracket will hang at the height according to the City Ordinance. Mr. Jaquith motioned to accept the sign as presented contingent upon the bracket height is according to the City Ordinance, seconded by Ms. Bruce. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Houseman arrives. 2. Tedeschi Food Shoos - Peter Shinnev/52 Cabot Street/Si2n & Awnin2s Mr. Shinney from Tedeschi Food Shops and Eric Stevens from Sign Design presented one freestanding sign design and five awning designs to the Board. Ms. Newhall stated that the freestanding sign is an existing nonconforming sign. She also stated that the awnings are not grandfathered because the awning text height and quantity has changed. She indicated that the Board can review the freestanding sign, but they would have to apply for a variance with the ZBA for the awnings. The freestanding sign face will be replaced with a white background having green lettering with a red and white logo. Ms. Bruce motioned to accept the existing nonconforming freestanding face replacement as presented, seconded by Mr. Jaquith. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Shinney presented the awning designs indicating that the awnings have already been purchased and displayed. He stated that he thought they were grandfathered. The awnings consist of excessive verbiage and three different variations than the ordinance allows. The awnings measure 2 @ 4' x 13', 4' x 12', 4' x 28',4' x 8.6'. The Board unanimously agreed by removing the words "Beer, Wine, Coffee' Lottery" that would be a start in reducing the excessive verbiage. They also stated that by removing this verbiage he might not need to apply for a variance with the ZBA. Mr. Shinney stated that he would refer all suggestions to his superiors and contact Ms. Newhall regarding their decision. Ms. Newhall stated that she would write a letter to the ZBA with their suggestions and recommendations ifMr. Shinney decides to keep his existing awnings and apply for a vanance. 3. 480-486 Rantoul Street - Dinart Seroa/480 Rantoul Street/Site Plan Review Mr. Ogren from Hayes Engineering presented some modifications to the Site Plan of 480- 486 Rantoul Street. He stated that there was a land swap with the business behind the property that modified the site plan. He started by explaining that they would eliminate some sidewalks and run them underneath the building overhang. They also have allowed some space for plantings and an outside seating area with an iron fence if a restaurant leases some property. There will also be 6' shrubs along the brick wall. He also indicated that due to the land swap, there is a new configuration to the parking, one less space but a better configuration. The Parking & Traffic Commission approved of the configuration and it also eliminates some pavement. The Fire Department also asked them to remove the island at the entrance; therefore the sign will be placed to the left of the entrance (sign to be reviewed at a later meeting). Mr. Finn approached the Board with material samples to be used on the buildings. They will use asphalt shingles with pre-finished metal, clap and wood boards with cultured stone on all of the buildings. He also indicated that they are aiming for residential flavor using earth tone colors. He also indicated that the lighting will be down lighting and the canopies will have recessed lighting. Ms. Bruce indicated that the planned trees will not grow as tall as the rendering indicates. She suggests planting taller trees. She suggests red maples or taller trees at the entrance of the plaza. Ms. Newhall stated that the letter to the Planning Board will include the DRB approval of the design and colors of the building, approval of the lot configuration due to the land swap, suggests confirmation on lighting plan and suggests taller trees as indicated on plan. She also indicated that she would write the letter prior to the next Planning Board meeting. 4. 138 Conant Street - Stephen Connollv IV /138 Conant Street/Site Plan Modif. Mr. Connolly approached the Board with some modifications made to his site plan. He indicated that he has added one parking space to the plan and has also added directional arrows in the parking lot. The parking islands will measure 21'; therefore the parking lot traffic will be directed by arrows. The parking spaces will be 9' x 18'. The entrance has also been moved 20' from the Flatley Property on the opposite side of the street for easier traffic flow. There will be one primary entrance and exit. The tenants will be employees in the building who will know the parking flow and come on a daily basis. The square footage of the building has changed from 64,296 to 65,056 square feet. The lower level will also be for parking. He also indicated that 40% of the site is green/open space. Mr. Connolly also indicated that the abutter has seen and approved the plan. The lighting will consist of 14' poles that have worked well on his neighboring lot. He also indicated that if his abutter objects to the lighting near his property, he would provide shields. He also indicated that his abutter has high hedging, which acts as a shield. The existing trees will remain on the property. There will also be 6 lighted bollards, 4' high near the entrance to the building. Ms. Newhall stated that the landscaping plan was reviewed by Phil Klimowitz and he suggests that substituting Honey Locusts for White Ash Trees. She stated that she will submit a letter to the Planning Board along with Mr. Klimowitz suggestions indicating approval from the DRB that the plan promotes species diversity, and will include the lighting issues as discussed. 5. Phone Depot - Jim Farrell/34 Cabot Street/Si2n Ms. Newhall addressed the Board regarding the history of Phone Depot. She stated that Mr. Farrell was invited tonight so that he and the Board can try to reach a decision regarding the sign that was displayed without approval or a permit from the City. She also indicated that his location is at the gateway to the city and the aesthetics of the sign matters greatly to the DRB. She also stated that they can not approve a sign this evening without a submitted application. Mr. Farrell stated that the corporate office at no cost to him installed the current sign. He also stated that he was assured by the corporate office that the sign was approved and permits were obtained by the City. He indicated that replacing the sign would be at his cost and that corporate would not finance it. He also stated that he is a Tenant At Will and may be at risk of having to move his location. He also provided samples of the white background that was recommended. He indicated that he would go with a white background with black lettering. The Board showed concern regarding the white backgrounds he wished to use. They showed concern over the illuminated effect in the evening and the brightness. Ms. Bruce suggested researching the sign panel material for its brightness. She also suggested researching an internally illuminated sign versus an externally illuminated one, as well as research channel lettering. Mr. Houseman indicated that the cost of signage is the cost of business. He suggested returning to the DRB next month with three different designs for the DRB to review. He also suggested researching the cost of various types of signs and possibly choose one within his budget. Mr. Farrell agreed to return next month with various cost efficient signage designs. 6. Approval of Minutes Mr. Jaquith motioned to approve the minutes of July 12, 2007 as presented, seconded by Ms. Newhall. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Houseman abstains. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.