2007-06-23 CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: Planning Board Site Visit and Special Meeting MEMBERS PRESENT: June 23,2007 Foster Lane Subdivision (site visit); Beverly Public Library, 323 Essex Street (special meeting) Chairperson Richard Dinkin, Vice Chairperson John Thomson, Ellen Flannery, Eve Geller-Duffy, Charlie Harris, Stephanie Williams (special meeting only) Joanne Dunn, David Mack, Donald Walter Assistant Planning Director Leah Zambernardi Leah Zambernardi MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Site Visit Chairperson Dinkin calls the meeting to order. He states the purpose of this meeting is to conduct a site visit at the Foster Lane Subdivision on Foster Street. He states that the public hearing on this matter has been closed. He states this meeting is not a public hearing, therefore members of the public are not allowed to speak, but may listen. Members of the Board view the proposed plans and ask questions of the applicant pertaining to the site, the plans, and the traffic study submitted by the applicant. They also view the site and conditions on Foster Street. Members then adjourn the site visit. Soecial Meetin2 1. Foster Lane Cluster and Definitive Subdivision Plans, 30 Foster Street - Hub Realty Trust, Robert Hubbard, Trustee Chairperson Dinkin calls the special meeting to order. He states the purpose of the meeting was originally to discuss and generate a decision on the subdivision filings for the Foster Lane Definitive and Cluster subdivision plans. He states that 5 members are needed to vote on this petition. He states that only 4 eligible voting members are present. Members decide to continue the public meeting to a future date and time when the 5th eligible voting member, Donald Walter, can attend. Flannery: Motion to continue the meeting on the Foster Lane subdivision plans to a future date and time to be determined. Zambernardi will contact members and notify the applicant and neighbors of a time and place. Seconded by Thomson. All members are in favor and the motion carries unanimously. Geller-Duffy: Motion to adjourn. Seconded by Williams. All members are in favor and the motion carries unanimously.