2007-09-05 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee September 5,2007 Robert Buchsbaum (Chairperson), Suzanne Beaudoin, David Brewster, Nancy Coffey, Elizabeth Dunne, Michael Ralbovsky Pam Kampersal, Bill Squib Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Associate Planner Kate Newhall Marilyn McCrory, Renee Mary Andrea Bray Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Acceptance of Previous Minutes: Julv 11 Meetin2 The members review the minutes and make suggested minor changes. Coffey motions to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Beaudoin. Motion passes 6-0. Open Space and Recreation Plan Newhall states that she has incorporated all the suggested items and edits and submitted a draft to the Mayor. She adds that the Conservation Commission and the City Council now have their executive summary packets. She states that she and Maxner introduced the Plan to the Council last evening. Maxner states the Conservation Commission has asked that the Committee provide a presentation at their October 2 meeting. Buchsbaum asks if the Conservation Commission had any substantive comments. Maxner explains that the Commission recognized that it has many properties with little or no time to manage them properly. The Commission suggested that while on their monthly site visits for project applications, the Commission could visit selected open properties along the way. She says that she will notify the Committee of any site visits that the Commission schedules. Open Space Meeting September 5, 2007 Page 2 of 4 Newhall states that the Planning Board will get their packets at their September 19th meeting. She adds that the MAPC will get a copy, and the whole draft Plan is on the web site. Buchsbaum reviews the "To Do" list, which includes: (1) Dunne agrees to present the Open Space plan to the Conservation Commission on October 2nd to be accompanied by Newhall; Maxner will place them at the beginning of the agenda. (2) (2) The Committee will hold another public hearing if the suggested revisions are substantive. (3) (3) Members will review Chapter 4 for language and content on some of the changes. A brief discussion ensues regarding the properties up near the airport and along Sam Fonzo Drive. Members agree to schedule a field trip to the Vitale Site and surrounding properties on Thursday, September 20, at 5:00 PM. They will meet along the road in front of the Vitale Site (now Birch Plains Park). Updates Rights of Way 1. Tall Tree Drive - Maxner states that City Solicitor Roy Gelineau advised her that the abutter's attorney is moving slowly, and Gelineau indicated that he will contact the attorney within the next couple of days. 2. YMCA - Maxner states that Tina Cassidy wishes to submit an informative letter to the Council, which advises them of the situation at an upcoming meeting. 3. Bonad Street - Sally Milligan Park: Maxner states that she forwarded to Mike Collins photos of the kiosks so that Mike will have an idea as to what is involved installing them. Buchsbaum suggests putting the kiosk equipment in the DPW yard as a way to get them to respond. Ralbovsky expresses concern about this stating that the equipment will disappear or get wrecked, and that he doubts that the DPW has any time for this type of project and suggests the Eagle Scouts. Discussion ensues regarding kiosk installation and Maxner agrees to contact Essex County Velo, members of which have expressed willingness to help with such projects. 4. Brackenbury Lane - There is no update on this. Coffey agrees to investigate this. Newspaper Articles Coffey agrees to write something for the Salem News and the Citizen to pique interest for the draft Plan. Ralbovsky states that he has an article on bullfrogs that he had written a while ago and is willing to edit for the newspaper in the next couple months. Open Space Meeting September 5, 2007 Page 3 of 4 Web Site Newhall states that the webpage is live on the City's home site under Boards & Commissions, and documents and photos can be posted there. She adds that the Recreation Commission's website still contains a link to the Open Space webpage. The members discuss the content of the website at length. Ralbovsky suggests that a subcommittee be formed for updating the website. Buchsbaum asks the members to look at the web site and brainstorm changes that they would like to see. McCrory, Brewster and Beaudoin agree to work on the web site subcommittee, and correspond through email. National Grid Maxner states that she needs to get an answer about the liability insurance for her contact. She agrees to speak to Gelineau about whether the Committee holds any liability Insurance. CR for AMG Property Buchsbaum states that he has no updates. New Business Election of Chair. Vice-Chair. and Secretary Coffey nominates Buchsbaum for Chair, Dunne for Vice-Chair, and Brewster for Secretary, seconded by Beaudoin. The motion passes, with Buchsbaum, Dunne and Brewster abstaining on their own individual nominations. Committee Membership Buchsbaum states the Committee is in need of representatives from the Conservation Commission, Planning Board and Harbor Management. Maxner states that Marilyn McCrory should be affirmed shortly as an At-Large representative. Coffey suggests Tony Wilbur as a possible member. Open Space Meeting September 5, 2007 Page 4 of 4 Agenda for the Year Buchsbaum asks for suggested items for this year's agenda. Coffey suggests organizing and hosting a roundtable forum with experts in the field of drinking water resource protection. Beaudoin suggests raising awareness for green development. Coffey suggests holding a public forum in that regard. Dunne suggests adding information to the web site. Buchsbaum suggests gaining information about writing grants, possibly for green education. Maxner states the Committee should be careful not to overload the "to do" list and reminds members of the action plan laid out in the Open Space Plan. She suggests doing a landowners forum as this is a priority action for Year 1. Next Meetin2 Buchsbaum states that the next meeting is on October 3,2007 at 7:30 p.m. Dunne motions to adjourn, seconded by Coffey. Motion passes 6-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:20 PM.