2007-04-07 Lynch Park Advisory Committee Minutes: March 15,2007 Attending were: Nancy Clark, Tom Clark, Bruce Doig, Joan Fairbank and Nick Zarkades. The group welcomed new member Gin Wallace, who had spoken to Bruce about getting involved. Having moved to Beverly from Atlanta, she found Lynch Park comparable in many ways to Piedmont Park, the focal feature of which is a restored building now used as a community center. She offered to get in touch with park officials so that we could see their wedding and events fees and policies. Tom and Nancy submitted the Essex National Heritage Commission grant application on March 1st for a total of$37,000 based on Siemasko & Burbridge's estimate of architectural drawings and Raffa Construction's estimate of restoring the Guild Room. Bruce was invited to do his comprehensive PowerPoint presentation at the Cove Community Center on April 12. To flesh out our working staff, we may post sign-up sheets at the Senior Center for David S. Lynch Day to get help with serving the pizza and running other events. Plans for David S. Lynch Day on Sunday, July 15 took a creative twist when Gin suggested a Harry Potter/Hogwarts look-alike contest since the last book and the new movie are due out around that time. Another suggestion was to have a family karaoke contest along with Joe Boccia's games. Bruce said he'd try to book a Harry Potter movie. Our traditional Pizza Tasting will not include judging this year. Hours will be 12- 2, with our Dick & June ice cream social from 2-3. On Lynch Day and at the Lobster Festival we'll publicize via a Nick hand-out our Essex National Heritage's Trails & Sails event, set for Sunday only, noon to 5, September 30. Tentative plans include calling the event Gold Coast Revisited with tours of the Italianate rose garden. We'll also show the entry hall and Guild Room of the carriage house, with at least the historic portion of Bruce's PowerPoint presentation running in there. Shawn Hayes has agreed to appear as President Taft. We hope to find an antique car for him. Nick also volunteered to make & sell chowder. Final format is due in Salem on Tuesday, May 1. Respectfully submitted by Nancy Clark, Recording Secretary