2007-06-21 LP AC Minutes Meeting of May 17 Present: Nancy Clark, Tom Clark, Bruce Doig, Ginny Currier, Gin Wallace, Joan Fairbank, Denise Deschamps. Welcomed Denise Deschamps as an enthusiastic new member with special interests in historical research and fundraising. Previewed Bruce's CD for pointers in developing a program for our participation in Essex National Heritage Commission's Trails & Sails Sept. 30. Received a report from Joan Fairbank on her visit to Piedmont Park and materials she brought back to share with the committee. Discussed a simple flyer to be handed out at sticker check-point to let people know about David S. Lynch Day July 15. Agenda for LP AC 6/21/07 1. Lack ofRSVPS from the several members; time to take their names off and tell them with those current members still listed we never have a true quorum. 2. Nick's illness and what it means for us. 3. Commitment to Trails & Sails? We have no historical provenance and are unlikely to get one since the city doesn't want the entanglements that plague Golf & Tennis Club. Discussion of Tom's phone conversation with Bill Steelman about our grant application. 4. Pizza & ice cream for Lynch Day. 5. Ifwe're going to spend time down there, let's do more than collect a dollar or two and hide behind the boards. Time to restart grass-roots effort to at least complete the Guild Room. How can we sell something to get money for that room? 6. Can we do Calling All Brides down there with our own graphics, get a sign-up, spread word of mouth, to get donations? Do a renewal of vows on Lynch Day 2008? Drawing for a donated second honeymoon trip? Other grass roots fundraising ideas. 7. Thermometer-type boards for display at public events to show percentages of money raised for new roof, floor, lights, architectural drawings, etc. 8. Fundraising event hosted by Mayor Scanlon and work to be done at the building for that.