1996-09-23BCOD Memorandum To{ Elise R. Bemstein, Arthur M. Daignault, Kevin M. Gallant, Norman E. Ganley, Patdcia M. Hoy, Timothy M. Hoy and Robed G. Nelson RE: Revised BCOD HPP Training Outline, Violation Log and Affidavits Please review the attached, revised HPP Training Outline for changes made based upon our convemations at and since our first training session with the Police Traffic Department Personnel on Saturday, September 21, 1996. You are responsible for knowing and following this information. Pdrsary notable added/changed/re-iterated important areas are: · DO NOT take a picture of a vehicle with someone visibly inside of it. JUST LEAVE and fill out an affidavit away from the scene and submit to the Police. · DO NOT complete your aff,:lavit in the nearby vicinity of the violation. GET AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE. · A Xerox copy of a Placard without the presence of a standard, laminated, blue & white placard issued by the registry, is NOT a valid HP vehicle ID. It is a violation. · Use the new log sheet, as it has a space foe license plate information such as "RW~ for 'Right Whale" or"green" for green lettering and numbers; or, "red" forthe same thing, etc. Use the new Affidavit which does not include your home address or requires a witness/notary. You can go to City Hall, ID yourself at the City Clerk's office windew and make copies of the new log and your pomonalized aff,:lavit without charge. Also attached for your information, is a copy of my letter to the City Council about raising the HP violation fine from $25 to $100, a letter to Tina Cassidy about HP signage on Rantoul Street. Pleaso call me with your recommendations for additionally needed locations for HP spaces/signage along City streets, and a revised draft letter for the City Clerk to send to HP violators with their ticket. We've talked about in front of Bell's and the Wild Horse Cafe on Cabot Street. Where else?? FYI, I'll have more Polaroid film delivered to my house on Wednesday, if you're low or out! cc: Sgt. Dennis Tarsook, Officers David LeBlanc and Emest Jalbort 09/23/96 1 City of Beverly Beverly City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 (508) 921-6000 AFFIDAVIT I, , of the Commission on Disabilities, (Print Full Name) Beverly, Massachusetts, make the following statement to the Traffic Department of the City of Beverly Police Department. On , at approximately ( )a.m. ( ) p.m., (Date) (Time) I observed a vehicle illegally parked in a parking space legally reserved for the use of the handicapped at in the City of Beverly. (Location) This vehicle, / / / / (Registration # / State / Make / Model / Color) with (special license plate information), did not display a State-issued HP placard on the dashboard/sun visor, or a handicapped registration (license) plate. ( ) At the time, I took an instant photograph of this vehicle in the exact position I observed it. ( ) I was only able to record the violating vehicle's information as noted above. ( ) Special Comments, if appropriate: I am presenting this affidavit and, if applicable, an instant photograph to the CITY OF BEVERLY POLICE DEPARTMENT Traffic Department for enforcement action. Signed: (Signature of Volunteer) BCOD HPP Violation Log 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Day/Date Time eg: Sat./9-21-96 Llsta.m.lp.m. LocaUon/Address Uc Plate # eg: YKG 146 State & Violatin Lic Plate Info Make eg: MA-"RVV" eg: "Fo Itin Vehicle InformaUon Model Color d" eg: "Taurus" eg: "Lt Blue" 9-23-96 City of Beverly Beverly City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 (508) 921-6000 AFFIDAVIT I, Kevin M. Gallant, of the Commission on Disabilities, Beverly, Massachusetts, make the following statement to the City of Beverly Police - Traffic Department. On , at approximately ( )a.m. ( ) p.m., (Date) (Time) observed a vehicle illegally parked in a parking space legally reserved for the use of the handicapped at in the City of Beverly. (Location) This vehicle, / / / / (Registration # / State / Make / Model / Color) with (special license plate information), did not display a State-issued HP placard on the dashboard/sun visor, or a handicapped registration (license) plate. ( ) At the time, I took an instant photograph of this vehicle in the exact position I observed it. ( ) I was only able to record the violating vehicle's information as noted above. ( ) Special Comments, if appropriate: I am presenting this affidavit and, if applicable, an instant photograph to the CITY OF BEVERLY POLICE DEPARTMENT ~ Traffic Department for enforcement action. Signed: (Signature of Volunteer) City of Beverly Beverly City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 (508) 921-6000 Office of the Parking Clerk Date Vehicle Registration # Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed you will find a City of Beverly Parking Ticket issued to your vehicle as a result of a violation of handicapped parking regulations. While your vehicle was parked in violation, information about the violation was recorded by a person authorized to participate in the Ci~ of Beverly Folunteer Handicapped Parking Enforcement Progrant If an instant photograph was taken as part of the violation documentation process, a copy of the original photograph is enclosed with this letter. If you wish to contest this violation notice, you may request an appeal either in person or by mail as provided on the violation notice. Please note that any such request must reach this office within twenty-one calendar days. Very truly yours, Constance Linscott Parking Clerk City of Beverly enclosures 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Day/Data Time eg: Sat./9-21-96 Llsta.m. lp.m. BCOD HPP Violation Log LocaUon/Address Lic Plata # eg: YKG 146 Sttata & Violafin LIc Plata Info Make eg: MA-"RVV" eg: "Ford" atin Vehicle Information ,* Model Color rd" eg: "Taurus" eg: "Lt Blue" 9-23-96 BEVERLY COMMISSION ON DISABILIT!~S 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 (508) 921-6000 Co~hairpersons Elite R. I~nuteM Stephen C. Re~a~olds Members Arthur IMlgnault KeyIn Callant NormanE~Ganley ~acant Vacant September 23, 1996 Ms. Tina Cassidy Planning Department Beverly City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 RE: Handicapped Parking (HP) Signage Dear Tina: Per your request today of Elise Bernstein, please be advised that The Beverly Conumssion on Disabilities would like to see a HP space added in front of the Main Post Office on Rantout Street, since the construction project for which is appamnfiy due to begin soon. While this Post Office is not yet handicapped accessible to those in wheelchairs, there are many more people with disabilities who can get into the building but cannot park at either of the two somewhat nearby lIP spaces at Borah's and Casa de Luea. Parking in either of these two spaces reqaires crossing the street which can be difficult from a distance standpoint as well as potentially dangerous. We are informing you of this priority location because of the pending start of the Rantoul Street project. We will advise you of other spaces along City Streets in the near future. Thank you for your attention to his matter. ff you have any questions please call me' at 922-3 126. Very truly yours, Stephen C. Reynolds cc: Peter Seamarts - ADA Coordinator, Sgt. Denms Tarsook, BCOD Members BEVERLY COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 (508) 921-6000 HP (HANDICAPPED PARKING) TRAINING PROGRAM (In conjunction with the Beverly Police Traffic Departmen0 L Distribution of Beverly's HP Program Materials ond Overview conducted by Co-Chair, Steve Reynolds (Distribute copies of materials from MOD Training held in Natick, as weld IL Review of lip violations by Beverly police TrafFic Officers A. Proper HP space Requirements 1. HP sign at 5 to 8 feet off the ground on a pole, or on a wall, in front of the HP space B. What Types of Proper HP Vehicle Identification to Look for: 1. ITP License Plate 2. HP Placard on Dashboard, or windshield, or affixed to the driver's side visor and in a "down~' and visible Oosition. XEROX COPIES OF PLACARDS ALONE, ARENOT VALID. 3. Disabled Vcteran's License Plate 4. Watch for ont-of-state "placards" that might hang from the inside rear-view mirror 5. Just displaying a universal handicap sticker or emblem is NOT VALID. IlL Discuss steps for documenting information on the potential violation: 1. Make sure that the sospocted violation is in a legitimate !tP space (see IA above) 2. Try to determine whether there is Proper HP Vehicle Identification, as outlined in IB above, before getting out of your car, ff pessible~ 3. Before getting out of yonr car to take pictures, try to write down the following in a logbook (see logbook prepared and distributed to members expressly for this purpose): a) License Plate # ~ Note color of writing on plate and/or special type of plate, e.g. "RW", or "Right Whale", etc. b) Make/Model/Color of Vehicle c) Specific Location of HP Space in Violation (street name/#, Sture/parking lot and location within lot, ff there are more than one area with HP spaces) d) Date and time of day 4. Park legally before getting out of your car, then ensure whether there is Proper HP Vehicle Identification, as antlined in IB above, before taking picture(s) of the vehicle in violation. If someone is in the vehicle~ lust record the information. DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE. 5. Review Procedures for Taking Polaroid Picture(s) and Operating the Camera a) Review camera operation basics such as film loading, controls, and adjustments, etc. (Camera is property of the City of Beverly/BCOD and is not for personal use unless you but your own film.) b) If possible, try to take one picture which shows the rear license plate, the HP sign in front of the car, the dashboard where a placard should be if there was one in use. c) If one picture cannot be taken to get everything in, take two (one from the rear with the license plate and HP sign; and one with the placard missing from the dashboard.) Ill. Discuss how to interact with violators, IF there is any contact which cannot be otherwise avoided. A. Volunteers must not participate in these activities if under the infiuence of intoxicants. B. The goal is for there to be no confrontations or arguments. Just leave, even without taking the picture, if necessary. lmmediatcly report any problems to the Police, speaking with Sgt. Dennis Tarsook or Officer David LeBlanc, if possible. Remember, a ticket can usually be issued by the Police with the affidavit information alone. C. Show BCOD business card as an ID to violator, if necessary. D. Role-play the handling of verbal responses to anticipated questions/comments from violator's. A preferred reolv to a violator mil~ht be, "I'm lust doinl~ my volunteer duty, deeumentin~, what I ' see. l'm not writinl~ a ticket. It's uP to the Police to decide whether a ticket is auoropriate.' E. If a BCOD member becomes known to have been involved in a confrontation, it will be investigated by the BCOD Co-Chair(s) and the Police Traffic Department personnel, if necessary. During the investigation, the BCOD member's right to participate in the program may be temporarily suspended. Depending upon the outcome of the investigation, such BCOD members could possibly lose their ability to continue participating in this program and have their cameras, etc., taken away. IV. Affidavit A. The affidavit has been revised to exclude your address and the need for the signature of a witness. Further, if you are unable to take a photo, a ticket can be issued with the affidavit information alone. B. Complete afterwards and AWAY FROM THE VIOLATION SCENE, if possible, using the logbook information. C. Initial and date the back of the photo and attach them with a paper clip (don't use staples) to the affidavit or put both in an envelope. D. ASAP, submit to the Police Officer on duty at the Police Department [use front (Cabot Street) entrance next to City Hall[. If unable to access the Police Station, call the police and ask for Sgt. Tarsook or Officer David LeBlanc or Ernest Jalbert, who will arrange to pick them up. E. Bring logbook to monthly BCOD Meetings. Steve Reynolds will maintain a master log for the BCOD. Revised 9-23-96, based upon discussions at and following initial training on9/21/96. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 # Day/Date TIme eg: SAL/9-21-96 Llsta.m.lp, m. BCOD HPP Violation Log Location/Address Mc Plate # eg: YKG 146 State & VlolaU~ LIc Plate Info Make eg: MA -"RVV" eg: "Ford" IU~ ~1 Vehicle Information Model Color d" eg: "Taurus" eg: "Lt Blue" 9-23-96 BEVERLY COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 (508) 921-6000 C~-Chairpersons Stephen ('. Re.v~4dds Members Scpicmbcr 23. 1996 Ms. Tina Cassi~ Planning Deparlmcn! Bcvcrly City Hall 191 Cabot Sireel Bc'vcrl}. MA 01915 RE: Handicapped Parking (HP) SiRnalle Dear Tina Per )our rcxlucsl Ioda) of Elisc Bernstein. please be advised that Thc [leverlx Comudssioa oil Disabilities v,'ould like to see a HP space added in from oflbe Main Post Office on Ranloul SIr'eel. si.ce the construction pfojecl for ~dlich is appatemly duc Io bogin soon. While Ihis Po$1 Office is not yet bandicaplxxl accessible to [bose in wheelchairs_ there are many more people with disabililics who can gel inlo the building but cannol park al elibet of Ibc I,.~o somc',vhal Imarb.V HP spaces al Borah's and Casa de Luca. Pnrking in cilber of tbcse Iwo spaces requires crossing the slreel tvhich can be difficull from a distance slandpaim as well as potentially dangerous. We are reforming )ou of lilts priori y location because of the pending slarl of the Ranloul Sireel proloci. We tvill advise .','oil of other spaces along Ci.ty Streets in the near futurc. Thank you [or your nittattoo to his mailer If yo. have any qncs|ioa$ please ca ipc at 9228126. Vca. Irul.,, }ours. Slcphcn C Re.,, .olds cc: Pctcr S~msans - ADA Coordinalor. Sgl. Dennis Tarsook. BCOD Members BEVERLY COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 (508) 921-6000 Co-Chairpersons Members Arthur I)aipault Kevln Gallant Norman E. Ganley Vacant Vacant September 23, 1996 City Councilors Beverly City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly. MA 01915 RE: Fine for Handicapped Parking (HI') Violations Dear Honorable City Councilors: As you may know, The Beverly Commission on Disabilities officially starled its ~'olunteer HP Enforcement Program, in conjunclion with the Parking Clerk's and Police Traffic Departments. It was "kicked otf' following a training session of BCOD members on Saturday, September 21 't at Sgt. Dennis Tarsook's offices. This program couldn't have started without the wonderful support that we've received from each of you, the Mayor's office, the Police department, Parking Clerk's office, the City Solicitor and probably morn. We truly appreciate the outpouring of support in favor of this important and much-needed initiative. On behalf of our Commission and Beverly's disabled community, thank you all! At an earlier planning session for this program, we talked about the need to raise the current, inadequate $25 fine for HP violations to $100. Chief John Finnegan was prosent and fully supported raising the fine for this particular violation to $100. The fine for this violation is $100 in a number of other communities where movement on disability issues has, perhaps, been more progressive than Beverly has been to date. 'The idea behind raising this fine is not to "line the City's coffers", but to raise awareness and enhance deterfence of the problem of people parking in HP spaces by adding more "bite" to conumttmg this deplorable offense. With more a~vareness of the potential of getting caught because of our new program and the possibility of receiving a hertier, $100 fine, we shotrid be able to substantially mitigate this long-standing problem which is largely as the result of ignorance and apathy. We understand that a movement is underway to review and update obsolete City Ordinances and that Parking Ticket Books will need to be reprinted before or by year-end. By copy of this letter, we respectfully request that all involved t~lnics ~ork Iowards alerating Ihe fine for HP violalions in Beverly Io Ihc $100 level. We x~ould ~ hazy 1o ~ici~l c in any h~mng o I s hailer which mighl ~ d~m~ ncce~ Vc~ tml) ~on~. Stephen C. Reynolds Tina Cassid) Chief John Finncgan Marshall Handly Connie Linscolt Peler Searoans - ADA Coordinator Sgl. Dennis Tarsook BCOD Members