2007-02-27 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: February 27, 2007 Conference Room B, City Hall Wayne Francis, Chris Negrotti, Richard Hutchinson, Tina Cassidy, Sue Mueller, Bob Mead Richard LaFave Tom Alexander, Thad Siemasko, Mike Guiliani and Ken Knowles Tina Cassidy RECORDER: Cassidy opens the meeting at 10:30 a.m. and explains that the owners of the former Ventron property on Congress Street have filed site plan review and special permit applications with the Planning Board to redevelop the site into 72 condominium units. She introduces Tom Alexander, attorney representing the owners. Alexander briefly explains the recent rezoning process for the site and the basics of the project. There will be two buildings with a total of 72 residential units on the four acre parcel. Parking will be provided on the surface and below grade, both under the buildings and underground. There will be a total of 154 parking spaces created, ten more than required by the Zoning Ordinance. The owners' representatives show the locations of the proposed waterfront walkway, driveways, and other site features. Mead asks if there will only be residential use of the site. Alexander confirms that, and clarifies that the project will not include a marina or other boat-related use. The shoreline condition (extensive mud flats) will preclude this. Hutchinson asks for clarification on the buildings. Siemasko and Alexander explain that both buildings will be three stories at the front (nearest Congress Street) and four stories in the back (closest to the water). This arrangement is a response to neighbors' concerns about the visual impact of tall buildings immediately adjacent to the road. Cassidy asks for information relative to the size of parking spaces and traffic aisles. Knowles and Siemasko state that all spaces will be 9' wide by 18' long, and that all of the two-way traffic aisles under the building and underground will be at least 24' wide. Cassidy notes that two of the surface driveways/aisles are less than 24' wide. Knowles states that they plan to revise the configuration of the westernmost driveway to make it at least 24' wide. The easternmost driveway is less than 24' wide. Cassidy asks if they intend to seek a variance for this design element. Alexander states that they do not, and will revise the plan to give the driveway at least 24' of width. She asks the members, and Francis in particular, if they prefer to see three access points into the property instead of two. Francis agrees, and Cassidy points out a provision in the zoning ordinance that limits the maximum number of driveways per lot at two. Parking and Trciffic Commission drift meeting minutes Page 1 of2 February 27, 2007 Cassidy asks the members if they have any additional questions. Francis asks how far back the buildings will be sited from Congress Street. Siemasko answers eight to twelve feet, depending on which building. Cassidy asks if there are any other questions. There are none. She asks the members if the consensus of the committee is to recommend approval of the plans, subject to revising the driveway configurations to make them at least 24' wide and resolution of the issue regarding the maximum number of driveways per lot. They concur. There being no other business, the meeting is adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Parking and Trciffic Commission drift meeting minutes Page 2 of2 February 27, 2007