2007-02-07 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee February 7, 2007 Robert Buchsbaum (Chairperson), Pam Kampersal, Suzanne Beaudoin, Nancy Coffey, David Brewster, Bill Squibb Elizabeth Dunne, Michael Ralbovsky Amy Maxner Rene Mary Andrea Bray Chairperson Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order. U odates Ri2hts-of-wav YMCA: Buchsbaum states that representatives from the YMCA are present tonight to provide an overview of the revised plan for pedestrian access on the City's 50-Foot Right of Way. Tom Alexander, attorney for the YMCA introduces Jack Meaney, and Ken Knolls, representing the YMCA, and distributes the plans for the right-of-way access. Alexander explains that the cost estimates for the first proposal that involved a pathway over the berm were too expensive so they moved it to the bottom of the berm within the parking lot and included a gravel connection. The parking spaces will be modified to accommodate parallel parking. There would be a wooden guardrail with each post constructed of pressure treated wood. The Committee members examined the new plans. Kampersal asks if the parking spaces will be marked for trail walkers. Alexander says that they will not be marked but that these are only overflow parking spaces, which are used only in the event of a large crowd at the facility. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee February 7,2007 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of6 Kampersal asks if the pathway will be wheelchair accessible. Knolls states that because of the gravel in the pathway, it will not be wheelchair accessible. Maxner asks about plowing. Knolls states that the snow will be plowed away from the berm within the parking area but that the path will not be shoveled. Maxner asks if the pathway will be shoveled. Rene Mary asks if water collects at the base of the berm. Knolls states that they have not seen any water collect there. Alexander adds that the large white pine trees have established on the berm and are doing very well. Knolls states that the pathway will be completed as soon as the weather clears. Maxner states that once the Committee renders an opinion on this issue the YMCA will need to go back to the Conservation Commission for these modifications as some work will occur within the 100-Foot Buffer Zone. Buchsbaum asks how long construction of the path will take. Knolls states it may take a few weeks from start to finish. Buchsbaum and Maxner thank Alexander, Meaney, and Knolls for their time. Alexander states if the Committee has any questions to please contact him, or Maxner can contact him or Ken Knowles. Aooroval of Minutes The members review the minutes from the January 10,2007 meeting and make suggestions for amendments. Coffey makes a motion to accept the minutes with the amendments, seconded by Kampersal. All members are in favor. The motion passes 6-0. YMCA Buchsbaum asks members for comments regarding the new plan for the YMCA pathway. Kampersal states that she is disappointed about the lack of handicapped access into the property. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee February 7,2007 Meeting Minutes Page 30f6 Buchsbaum says that their comment letter should be drafted stating that the Committee is in favor of this plan and ask for signage, and remind the YMCA that trail users will be allowed park in the adjacent parking lot. Maxner states that the previous comment letter can be used as a template. Buchsbaum agrees to review and revise the letter and distribute it to the members for comments before sending it out. Tall Tree Drive Maxner states that there is nothing new to report on this issue, but will follow up with Roy Gelineau as to the status of this. Natural History N ewsDaDer Articles Coffey distributes the article that she has written for the members to review. She asks the members to submit any recommendations for changes to her by Friday. Coffey says that she had originally promised that she would write an article on rights-of-way and that she would be willing to begin that next, but it may take some time to complete. Buchsbaum offers to work with Coffey on that article. National Grid Maxner states that she has not heard back from National Grid representatives relative to the proposed trial on the Boyles Street Substation property. Trail/ODen SDace MaD Maxner states that she and Kampersal went out with Roland Adams who GPS'd most of the Norwood Pond trails. Kampersal says that they need to go back out because there were a couple of trails that weren't obvious in the field and didn't line up with the existing Norwood Pond map. Buchsbaum asks if access is available from the North Beverly School. Kampersal states that there is access available from there but the trail may need to be widened at that point. She points out that there is some illegal dumping on one area of the trail. Kampersal says that the maps need to be amended with some points of interest and she offers to revise the language for trail and vista descriptions. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee February 7,2007 Meeting Minutes Page 40f6 Maxner lists the other properties that need to be GPS'd which include Sally Milligan, and Beverly Commons. Brewster asks how to distribute this map to the public. Beaudoin suggests using a web site and offers to speak to her husband about it designing the display for the maps. Brewster asks if the maps could be sent out with the tax bills. Buchsbaum states that maps could be made available at the library and City Hall. Beaudoin suggests that the maps be distributed to the schools. Regarding the electronic copy of the trail map, Maxner states that she might try to trace it down but that this might be a non-issue considering the accuracy and real time data that Roland can gather for these. Old Business Earth Dav Coffey states that Greenbelt offered to cosponsor a geology themed walk. She has been in contact with a geologist that is a consultant for Peabody Essex Museum who is willing to conduct a geology walk but he will charge $100 as a donation to the PEM. Members discuss the inability to pay for guides. Coffey offers to impart that to the consultant. Maxner confirms the date for actual Earth Day as Friday April 20, 2007. She provides the draft nature walk schedule for members to review. She adds that Mike Ralbovsky, OSRC member, will conduct his walk on Saturday April 22nd in the mid morning hours and it will involve reptiles from near and far. She explains she has yet to confirm with Erika Sonder but that she has indicated she will do one day on a weekend in late May. Brewster offers to conduct a bird walk on the weekend of May 1ih and 13th. He expresses a desire to do the walk at Pole Swamp Lane. Discussion ensues regarding parking for this area and the possibility of doing an early morning walk. Brewster states that early morning is a very good time for birding and would be willing to start out at 7:00 a.m. The members discuss a tide pool walk. Buchsbaum offers to run this walk if another person cannot be contacted. Coffey suggests a walk at West Beach. Buchsbaum states that this would be an excellent area to investigate and thinks the tide pools at West Beach are supenor. Maxner asks Buchsbaum to pick a date for his walk and agrees to further tweak the draft a schedule. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee February 7,2007 Meeting Minutes Page 50f6 ODen SDace Committee Web Pa2e on City Website Maxner states that she spoke to Russ Fisk, the director ofIT, and he is not open to allowing access to too many people because it is a security issue. She adds that he suggested setting up a link to a separate site which could be accessed on the City web site. Maxner suggests that Beaudoin's husband speak directly to Russ in order to improve the communication on this issue. Buchsbaum states that he would like to have trail maps and the Open Space Plan on the site, as well as the meeting minutes and agendas. Beaudoin agrees to speak to her husband about assisting with this website. Maintenance/Si2ns/Kiosks Buchsbaum reminds the members that the most effective way to accomplish improvements is to speak with their City Councilors. Maxner states that she will inquire with Mike Collins to see ifDPW personnel can assist in installing the kiosks. The ODen SDace and Recreation Plan UDdate Buchsbaum shows the members the Town ofIpswich Open Space Plan approved by the state and notes that Sections 8 & 9 are much shorter than Beverly's plan and does not go into as much detail. Sections 3 and 4 Buchsbaum states that he and Kampersal have finished this section together. He distributes the completed text on water resources. Buchsbaum states he thinks that sections 3 and 4 are now complete. Section 5 Buchsbaum states this section needs Liz Dunne's input but it is very close to completion. Section 6 Buchsbaum states that Dunne completed a community goals section, and he distributes the text to the members. He asks the members to look at this section and offer any comments. Sections 8 and 9 Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee February 7,2007 Meeting Minutes Page 60f6 Brewster states that the tables are formatted in a couple of different ways and hopes to get feedback from members on the most preferable approach. Kampersal states that one of the goals should be to protect the open space land around the water supply and that it should be made much more of a priority. She cites an example of the property near the airport. She adds that this should be a stand-alone objective. Brewster says that he can show the water supply as a separate objective, and agrees to finish this table and email the completed version to the members for their review. Section 7 Buchsbaum states that this is the section where the priority parcels are listed in the prior plan. He distributes the text for members to review. He states that the plan needs to provide reasons why each priority parcel has been selected. He asks the Ward representatives to look at this format and to get back to him with comment as to whether this is the right approach to the topic. Other Business Conservation Restriction For AMG ProDerty Buchsbaum states that he has had conversations with Ed Becker at Greenbelt and they are happy to assist in approaching AMG regarding the potential for placing a Conservation Restriction on the property. He will keep the Committee informed of any developments in this regard. Next Meeting Maxner states that the next meeting will be Wednesday, March 7. Adjournment Beaudoin: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Kampersal. All members are in favor. The motion passes 6-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:30 p.m.