2006-11-01 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: November 1, 2006 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Buchsbaum (Chairperson), Elizabeth Dunne (Vice-Chair), Pam Kampersal, David Brewster, Nancy Coffey, Michael Ralbovsky, Bill Squibb BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: Suzanne Beaudoin STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner OTHERS PRESENT: Rene Mary, Marilyn McCrory RECORDER: Andrea Bray Chairperson Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order. Buchsbaum welcomes the new member Michael Ralbovsky of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Approval of Minutes: September 6 and October 10 Meetings The members review the minutes and suggest some amendments. Dunne: Motion to accept the amended minutes, seconded by Kampersal. Five members are in favor, none in opposition. The two members were not present for those meetings abstain. The motion passes 5-0-2. Updates Rights-of-Way YMCA: Maxner states that Tina Cassidy spoke to the YMCA representatives who advised her that the plan for the right-of-way is too expensive, so they are working on an alternative plan. She adds that Cassidy suggested the OSRC invite the YMCA representatives to the an upcoming meeting to discuss an alternative plan. The committee agrees to provide a direct invitation to them to attend a meeting. Tall Tree: Buchsbaum states that he and Roy Gelineau went to the site with the City rd Engineer. He adds that the parcel was configured specifically to get enough frontage for a 3 rd lot, and the right-of-way would have compromised that frontage, making the 3 lot a non- Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee November 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 conforming lot. Mr. Gelineau has agreed to talk to the homeowners and their attorney about reclaiming the City’s frontage or possibly gaining an easement. Maxner suggests that the homeowner go to the ZBA for a variance, which would be supported by the OSRC and no doubt the Conservation Commission. She states that she is pleased that the city is moving on this, and the attorney for the family will examine the Title Insurance for this property in this regard. Newspaper Artilces Coffey states that she began working on a newspaper article about rights-of-way. She suggests postponing that article so that she may write a different one about the history of the Italian community in Beverly Farms. She explains to the members of the temporary shanty town which once existed on the Greenbelt property in Beverly Farms in the Commons area off of Greenwood Avenue. Vestiges of that development still exist on the property, and she thinks this would make for a fascinating article. Members agree. National Grid: Buchsbaum states that there are no updates on the status of National Grid trail easement and that he needs to contact the company’s attorney to schedule a site inspection. Membership on Committee Buchsbaum states that he is pleased to have a Parks and Recreation member Michael Ralbovsky on the Committee. He adds that the Committee still needs a member from the Conservation Commission, the Planning Board as well as one at-large member. He states that Marilyn McCrory is in attendance tonight a she has expressed possible interest in the at- large seat. AMG: Maxner states that there are no updates on the status for the property owned by AMG. Semi-annual report to the City Council: Buchsbaum states that he will make a presentation of the semi-annual report at the November th 20 City Council meeting at 7:02 p.m.. He invites all Committee members to attend. Airport Sites Clean-up: Kampersal states she has attended a PIP meeting with City officials and it’s consultant to review the status of the soil and groundwater clean-up efforts on the airport properties. She notes that much work has already been completed, but a lot of work still needs to be done. Kampersal states that those sites will be reclassified to GW-1, which stands for Groundwater 1. She explains that Airport Brook and its tributaries have been recently reclassified as Zone Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee November 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 A water bodies because they drain directly into Wenham lake, and Zone A tributaries receive a 200-Foot zone on either side which has restrictive protections by DEP. She explains the City of Salem is interested in helping Beverly protect the water supply and has requested that any immediate development be stalled to give them time to become fully apprised of the issues with the area. Norwood Pond Clean-up: Buchsbaum reminds the group that the fall walk and trial marking outing at Norwood Pond is th still scheduled for November 12 at 1:00 p.m. and he agrees to bring a hammer, nails and a ladder. He adds that there are plans to send the City Councilors invitations with an R.S.V.P. request. Maxner states she will email the Council members to remind them of the walk. Kampersal suggests enticing the Councilors to attend by describing some sights that will be found there during the fall. Buchsbaum states that there will be open vistas there now that the leaves are off of the trees. Old Business Grant Writing and Fund Raising Training Buchsbaum states that David Santomenna with Essex County Greenbelt will come to the rd January 3 meeting to talk about grant writing and the grant process for raising money for open space acquisition. Trail/Open Space Map Maxner states that she spoke to Tony Paluzzi who will search in his house for an electronic copy of the trail map. She adds that the printing company might have it,Which, according to Tony is somewhere in Salem, the Paper Crane did not do the actual printing. Maxner offers to follow up with Tony and get the information on the printing shop.. Buchsbaum states that he does have an electronic copy of the action plan that Dave Gardner provided. Property Maintenance Maxner states that Matt Plum of Essex County VELO could be of service in assisting with maintenance of the Open Space parcels. She explains that he has been in touch with her about the potential trail blazing at the Tall Tree Drive parcel. Open Space Website Coffey states that the Open Space Website hasn’t been working lately, and that she spoke to Anna Langstaff at the library, who has agreed to contact Russ Fisk, the City’s IT technician, Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee November 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 to check the link. She adds that the webpage should be linked to the City Site, not to the Library Site. Maxner states that she has no time to update the site and that time to spend doing this is the real problem, she adds that she and her coworkers need to be re-trained on the City web page. Coffey suggests getting an intern from Endicott College to update the Website. Squibb suggests opening an intern program and fashion it after the town of Danvers’ program. He inquires with Maxner as to how Danvers manages such a program. Maxner explains that this program has been in place for a long time in Danvers and she thinks that it is part of the general operating budget which has been approved year after year.. Kampersal states that many interns want money and getting them for free may not be an option. Squibb asks if this could be funded by the Conservation Commission. Maxner is unsure and thinks it will need to be investigated as the funds that the Conservation Commission collects is very prescribed. Ralbovsky offers to find out who maintains the Recreation Website and ask for some help from that Department. The Open Space and Recreation Plan: Buchsbaum states that he wishes to congratulate the members on their hard work and thinks that a lot has been accomplished so far, and would now like to move on with rest of the sections. Section 4 Discussion ensues regarding the eutrophication of Norwood Pond and whether certain pieces of information in that regard are appropriate for inclusion in this section. Kampersal states that she has been the spokesperson for the Norwood Pond Association for many years and she has a lot of material on the poison going into that body ofwater. She adds that the orange stream flowing from the capped land fill is not naturally occurring, and there are still problems. Buchsbaum states that part of the pond is dammed which causes a build-up of many things, and he isn’t certain that the eutrophication is caused by the orange stream. Section 3 Buchsbaum asks the committee if they are happy with Section 3. Dunne distributes the amended Section 3. Buchsbaum suggests that the homework for the group would be to further review Sections 3 and 4. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee November 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 Section 5 Buchsbaum states that he sent tables to the members and expected the Ward Reps to review the list of parcels over 5 acres. Buchsbaum states that he wishes for the members to review the amendments to the table and provide feedback for the January meeting. Section 6 Dunne states that she will send the Community Vision section to the members for their review. Sections 8 and 9 Brewster states that he would like some help on Sections 8 and 9. Buchsbaum suggests using a special meeting for this. He asks Brewster to clarify the outstanding issues with these sections. Brewster states that he began making the changes that were suggested in the last meeting, but found that the Table did not read as well as before. Buchsbaum offers to work with Brewster on these tables. New Business Earth Day Maxner states that she feels that the Committee should do the nature walks again as they were a great success this past spring. She suggests rescheduling a walk at the Phillips Estate with Erika Saunder. She adds that a coastal theme should also be done. She expresses her desire to get John Dick of Hancock Associates to lead a walk and possibly center it around wetland plants. Kampersal states that she knows a mushroom specialist who might do a walk. The members discuss possible sites for the Earth Day Walks. Buchsbaum states that John Dick, Erica Sauders and Barbara Warren should be contacted to lead walks. Ralbovsky states that he is a licensed herpetologist and he would be happy to lead an educational segment with the possibility of having live animal displays. Maxner states that it would be great to have him lead a site walk at Norwood Pond. Brewster suggests that the Earth Day walks be mentioned in the Parks and Recreation Newsletter. Ralbovsky agrees to help in that regard.. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee November 1, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 Holiday Get-Together Although there is no meeting in December, Buchsbaum asks the group what they would like to do for the holiday get-together. The group agrees to have the party on Wednesday, th December 6 in the evening. Buchsbaum tentatively offers to have the party at his house. The group agrees to have a pot-luck format. Ralbovsky suggests holding it the Ryal Side Civic Association’s meeting building as his wife is president of the Association. Buchsbaum thanks Ralbovsky for that invitation and thinks it would be a great venue to hold the party. Members agree. Acknowledgement for Retired Members Buchsbaum suggests the Committee should think about getting a nice gift for Tony Paluzzi and Patti Adams for their service on the Committee. Open Meeting Law Training Session Maxner states that there will be a training session on open meeting law on Tuesday, November 14, at 7:00 p.m., at Endicott College. Boyles Street Property Maxner explains that a property off of Boyles Street, immediately across the street from the National Grid Substation is in the midst of being placed on the market and the current owner has inquired with Tina Cassidy as to whether the City would like to secure a sewer easement on the property. She states that Buchsbaum has called the owner’s attention to a potential vernal pool on the property, as the entire frontage is encumbered by wetlands.. She states that the property abuts the Hill property and Sally Milligan Park. The Committee agrees that they would like the City to have a trail easement on the property and thinks it is worth asking the question if the owner is open to the idea. Dunne: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Coffey. All members are in favor, none in opposition. The motion passes 7-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:40 p.m.