2005-11-17 LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING: NOVEMBER 17, 2005 Present: Tom Clark, Nancy Clark, Joan Fairbank, Stacy McHugh, and Nick Zarkades. David Gardner was also present. Stacy suggested that either Johanna Gurland, Stacy’s instructor at Tufts, or Rick Alpern, a financial advisor, come to an LPAC meeting to give us fund-raising advice, since they’re both professionals. We agreed that either or both should come whenever it’s convenient for them. Gary Moffie, who had contacted Bruce Doig about assisting with the carriage house restoration, may join us as a committee member. He owns The Remodeling Company in Beverly. Nick met with two Beverly architects, David Jaquith and Thaddeus Siemasko, about construction drawings for the envelope for the building. They’ll get back to us in January. Dave Gardner suggested that overall cost estimates be re-examined by whatever architectural firm takes on the envelope of the carriage house; Tappe’s are now three years old. Since specs cost ten percent of the construction costs, we again are looking at fund-raising on a scale that should include matching grants from places like The Getty Museum. In order to apply for that type of grant, we have to be on the National Register and to get to that point we have to start locally with the Historic Commission. Tom and Nancy brought in the state form so that people can see the amount of detail needed. Nick is going to contact a PR firm in Manchester to see if they’d take on doing some national publicity on a project basis. Joan wants to get younger Rec. Dept. alumni involved in fund- raising and suggested that Susan Egan might host a party since her son is in that group. Preferred dates for the donated Symphony by the Sea concert are thth the first Sunday of Homecoming, July 30, or Saturday, July 15, which would be part of David S. Lynch Appreciation Weekend. Next meeting is Thursday, December 15, 7 p.m., at the library. Respectfully submitted by Nancy Brewka Clark Recording Secretary