2006-01-19 LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES: JANUARY 19, 2006 Attending were Rich Benevento, Tom Clark, Nancy Clark, Ginny Currier, Susan Egan, Joan Fairbank, Amy Maxner, Stacy McHugh and Gary Moffie. The committee welcomed Gary Moffie as its newest member. Gary has lived in Beverly for seventeen years; his business, The Remodeling Co., is located at the Cummings Center but specializes in remodeling Boston homes built from the turn of the century to the 1940s. His own home was featured on HGTV and his firm was named one of the top fifty remodeling companies in the country by Remodel Magazine. Since the roof work on the carriage house has yet to be completed, the committee discussed ways to move that project along. Amy said that she would ask Rodney Maxner, her father-in-law and a member of the Building Commission, what could be done to expedite work. The committee discussed the next phase of the rehabilitation, concluding that a market analysis of the building’s potential to bring in money as the work goes on was the essential component for all future activities. Bruce, Susan and Tom were slated to meet with Jack Good and John Putney, executive vice presidents of The Beverly rd National Bank, at 3 p.m. on Friday, February 3 to get their input on a viable business plan. Tom and Nancy were slated to attend a grant application workshop sponsored by Mass Preservation and The Massachusetts Historical st Commission at North Shore Community College on Wednesday, February 1. Making the March 1 deadline for the Essex National Heritage grant was discussed as well as choosing a specific project that could be done with matching funds from LPAC. It was agreed that the grant amount request be no greater than $5,000, which, if the request is successful, would give us $10,000 to pay for a project. The committee will next meet at the Beverly Public Library at 7 p.m. th on February 16. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Brewka Clark, Recording Secretary