2006-03-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: March 2, 2006 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O’Neil, Patti Adams, Arthur Powell, Gary Lambert, Mike Gaudette Board members absent: None Others present:RecreationDirector Bruce Doig, Asst to the Director Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker, ASO Jim Lindley, Kate Driscoll Minutes from the February 2, 2006 and February 16, 2006 meetings were reviewed and approved unanimously. Joscelyn’s Report: Evening Enrichment: Press releases going out on evening programs, flyers to schools, and cable ads. Brochure Advertising: Sent out solicitation letters in early March for new ads. Hoping to get several new ads for summer brochure. Summer Camp: Camp registration was a success. New process worked well. Adventure Camp and several ACME & ACME Jr. sessions are full. New Science Adventure Camp and several sports camps in the planning. Miscellaneous: Joscelyn will be presenting two sessions at the annual MRPA Conference in September. Bruce and Joscelyn will be attending CORI workshop in Quincy run by MRPA. Summer employee interviews will begin in March. Jack O’Neil asked that the current dog regulations be published in the May brochure. Correspondence: Mark presented several letters for review by the commission. The packet included a thank you letter to the NS Vocational Technical HS regarding the bell tower, letter from Paul Guanci regarding the dog issue, letter from ADA Coordinator regarding park and playground needs for compliance, letter from Chief Cassola regarding dog issue, information from City Solicitor regarding lawsuits and meeting minutes, letter from Health Director regarding dog issue, and a letter from ASO Jim Lindley regarding the dog issue. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: ?? Joan Fairbank is back home again after a series of events with her new knee. ?? Field Summit was held February 21, 2006 at Senior Center with about 17 attendees. ?? Evening Enrichment going well with many people enrolled in dance classes. ?? Cooney Field: Agreement with Landmark School was finalized. It was approved to extend the agreement for use of Cooney Field by Landmark to 14 years from 10 years with flexibility for Beverly teams. ?? GAR Hall: Roy Gelineau is still working on the lease with Trinity Bible Church. There was discussion about the cost of oil to date this winter ($1873). ?? Odell Park: Four veterans’ groups have already expressed interest in purchasing benches. There are 5 benches to replace. ?? Harry Ball: BLL is working with the Building Inspector on plans for additional renovations in 2006. ?? Beverly Youth Collaboration: Still no vote by the State Senate to approve Supplemental Budget. Work is continuing to start fundraising and begin McPherson renovations ASAP. ?? Vitale Site: NEPCO to seed fields ASAP this spring. Reviewed new plans for concession stand. ?? Field Committee: Discussed the possibility of an artificial turf field at BHS with Mayor Scanlon. Field summit went well. ?? Playground Equipment: Dane Street equipment will be installed this spring by the DPW crews. Bruce is working with the vendor to replace the broken slide at Lynch. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes – February 2, 2006 (Continued) ?? Enterprise Fund: The fund is looking good so far this year after camp registrations. ?? Discussed FNX Radio’s request to use beaches this summer for some events. Bruce will inquire about their willingness to pay for these events. Dog Policy Discussions: Reviewed Enforcement portion of Agenda for Dog Park Discussions. Points Confirmed by commission: ??ASO is encouraged to enforce Leash Law. Rec Commission to write letter. ??As part of this program, two additional ASOs (Animal Safety Officers) would be requested. ??Police Department required to enforce Leash Law ??Rec Commission will set up system to communicate issues and complaints. Issues and complaints will be communicated to Barc and the ASO. ASO will handle safety issues. Barc to handle, through their volunteer group, all other issues and complaints. Barc and ASO to maintain data on resolutions. ??Bill Collins will email Barc members to start to build a citizen group. Discussion: ??Reviewed Chief of Police’s response to the Commission’s Letter ??Brookline only has one ASO. ??Brookline only has two categories of dog parks, which makes the understanding easier. ??Consensus of Commission is that the lack of enforcement of city ordinances related to dogs is a significant concern. ??No conclusion to deputize anyone for enforcement (Bruce, others) Meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig Recreation Department