2006-02-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: February 2, 2006 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O’Neil, Patti Adams, Mike Gaudette, Arthur Powell, Gary Lambert Board members absent: Mike Gaudette Others present:RecreationDirector Bruce Doig, Asst to the Director Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker and several members of BARC. Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written with the following amendments: Bruce added the information about the Cooney Field discussions and extending the agreement with Landmark School to 14 years from 10 years. Bill Collins requested that the five items listed under Enforcement in Bruce’s 1/5/06 document be added to the paragraph regarding this discussion. Joscelyn reported: Evening Enrichment: Press releases going out on evening programs. Ron from Comcast recently trained us so we can now put our own cable notices up on their web site. Some direct mailing is planned to previous participants. Postcards are being sent out for ads for the summer brochure. th Summer: Camp registration is rolling in. Registration will be processed on February 10. Employee contracts going out, finalizing plans with Science Adventures to offer four weeks of their programs in Beverly this summer, also working with Master Kim of the US Taekwondo Center to offer a summer camp program. GED/ESL Survey: plans continue DIRECTOR’S REPORT ?? Middle School Strength & Conditioning class going well with 33 kids enrolled. ?? Joan Fairbank is home after having knee replacement surgery. Joan’s address is 11 Liberty St. ?? Field Summit to be held February 21, 2006 at Senior Center ?? Cooney Field: Agreement with Landmark School is being discussed. It was approved to extend the agreement for use of Cooney Field by Landmark to 14 years from 10 years with flexibility for Beverly teams. Beverly Babe Ruth is the primary user of this field and is very supportive of this agreement. ?? GAR Hall: Roy Gelineau is still working on the lease with Trinity Bible Church. There was discussion about the possible sale of the building by the city. ?? Odell Park: Bench information was given to Mark. 3 veterans’ groups have already expressed interest in purchasing benches. There are 5 benches to replace. ?? Harry Ball: BLL is working with the Building Inspector on plans for additional renovations in 2006. ?? Beverly Youth Collaboration: Still no vote by the State Senate to approve Supplemental Budget. Work is continuing to start fundraising and begin McPherson renovations ASAP. ?? Vitale Site: Mayor Scanlon and Tina Cassidy addressed the Conservation Commission on 1/31/06 to discuss a possible land swap in exchange for turning the Vitale Site over to the Parks & Recreation Commission. The Conservation Commission members seemed favorable but they are planning a site visit of the properties on Boulder Lane and Pole Swamp Lane on 2/25/06. The Conservation Commission will continue discussions about the land swap after the site visits. ?? Field Committee: There was an issue with a shortage of long fields because of some work done at BHS. There was a meeting of Boys Youth Lacrosse, Girls Youth Lacrosse, Beverly Youth Soccer, John Longley (BHS AD), Mark Casey and Bruce on 1/17/06. The field shortage issue was resolved satisfactorily pending the result of discussions with Mike Collins over use of Hurd Stadium by Boys Youth Lacrosse. Hurd Stadium is not permitted by the Recreation Department. ?? Playground Equipment: Dane Street equipment will be installed ASAP by the DPW crews. Bruce is working with the vendor to replace the broken slide at Lynch and move ahead with plans to install the new swings at Lynch this spring. Bruce reported that we still need to move forward with removing Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes – February 2, 2006 (Continued) outdated playground equipment and replacing wood fiber in many areas. It is not clear where the money for new wood fiber will come from at this point. ?? Enterprise Fund: We started FY2006 with approximately $93,500 instead of $82,200. The current balance is approximately $36,400. Bill Collins read a prepared statement (see attached). Bruce responded by saying that his discussion with the Chief of Police was a phone conversation that covered several different issues involving dogs and enforcement. He also clarified that the document he created after the November meeting was only intended as a summary of everything that needed to be discussed. He further objected to Mr. Collins writing to the Chairman insinuating that the problem with last month’s minutes were not as Gail had reported to him. th Mr. Casey assured Mr. Collins that the document from the November 12 meeting is just a working document and not considered final in any way. Bill distributed the Pet Waste flyer that is given to all owners registering dogs. He had concerns that the document was not well written and should be updated. After a discussion a motion was made by Arthur Powell to distribute the flyer as written this year and have someone work on editing the flyer for distribution next year. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Jack O’Neil made a motion that the commission should receive a monthly report of any dog-related incidents. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. DOG POLICY The commission began with discussing the parks in Ward One and agreed to the following: Femino Park (Lindsay) will be a category 3, Green’s Hill: category 3, Herlihy (Livingstone): category 5 and Obear Park: category 4. Special Meeting scheduled for February 16, 2006 @ 7:00PM at the GAR Hall. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Bruce Doig Recreation Department