2005-06-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Date: June 2, 2005 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Jack O’Neil, Dave Gardner, Mike Gaudette, Arthur Powell, Patti Adams, Bill Collins Board members absent: Gary Lambert Others present:Director Bruce Doig DIRECTOR’S REPORT Recent events: Touch A Truck was very successful Bruce reported he recently passed the test from National Alliance of Youth Sports Upcoming events: Budget Hearing: Scheduled for Thursday, June 16 Lynch Advisory Committee: Next meeting on June 16 Vitale Site: At a recent meeting the Conservation Commission’s request for a land swap for passive recreation was discussed. Approval was received for a building for a concession stand, restrooms, etc. Discussed 3-tier proposal that is being suggested. Lighting does not look likely due to the estimated cost of $250,000. It was suggested that the sports groups that will be using the fields be approached for funds for the lighting. Also suggested: set up a meeting right away with the youth groups to further discuss this issue. Lynch Park: DPW reports repointing of seawall to cost about $9,000. Carriage House Roof: bids were opened today Beverly Golf & Tennis Commission: looking for board members. Pool group was given to April to raise their funds to save the pool, after which time the Commission will carry through with their decision to close the pool. Harry Ball: Parking lot being paved. Drug Testing: HR has agreed to let us do the oral fluid testing through Lab One. We will schedule and perform the tests. HR will pay the bill. Park signs: only 15 of our 41 parks have the required signs regarding pet waste removal. Other signs must be updated. Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. DOG PARK COMMITTEE A meeting is scheduled with Bob Lynch, Recreation Director in Brookline to review their Green Dog Program. Full committee will meet after that and make their recommendations. Mr. Collins corrected some information from the last meeting regarding the size of Brookline’s parks. It was reported that all the parks are 8 acres or more when in fact some are as small as 1.68 acres with basketball court, tennis court, sand box, swings and off leash hrs. Mr. Collins believes that if the Green Dog Program works there it can also work in Beverly. Ideally, he would like to see off leash hrs in each ward. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted Gail Carmody Recreation Department