2003-02-06 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: February 6, 2003 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, Kevin Hobin, Patti Adams, Lauren Young, Lisa McFadden, Elizabeth Caputo, David Gardner, Arthur Powell Board members absent: Others present Artie Sullivan and Tom Scully Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. SIGNS ?? Discussed the need to update signs with regards to dog policy. A new sign in a different color was suggested for Lynch Park. ?? Mike Collins is looking into “No Guard On Duty” signs ACTING DIRECTOR’S REPORT ?? Mr. McCarthy of Cherry Road whose property abuts Holly Rd parcel is asking for a fence along property line. It was noted that the Holly Rd property is not ours nor is it under our jurisdication. ?? The owner of the fence next to Longfellow is asking the City to fix a broken rail. Request was discussed and denied noting that the fence is not City property. ?? Veterans Council is asking the City Council to approve the relocation of the Civil War Monument at Monument Sq. to Odell Park. Matter was referred to Property & Finance. Motion was made to a letter be written to the City Council stating the Commission’s opposition to moving the monument to Odell Park with a reminder that the Parks and Recreation Commission has jurisdiction over Odell Park and needs to be consulted before any changes are made to that or any city park. ?? th Camp registration began Wed, Feb 5 and was very crowded! About 620 registrations were taken. Some sessions are full. Our new on line registration is becoming very popular. About 90 have been received in the lst 10 days. ?? th Swim-Golf & Tennis Camp now being advertised. Registration will begin Feb 26. ?? Ron Costa spoke about his opposition to moving the statue from Monument Square. ?? th Field Summit is scheduled for Mon, Feb 24 at either BHS or the Library. ?? Cory Checks and Field Permits: Peter Gilmore advises that the following wording be added to the permit applicaton: By signing this form and accepting the field permit the named league agrees to 1) indemnify and hold harmless the City of Beverly, the Parks and Recreation Commission, The Beverly Recreation Department or its agents or employees from any claims of any kind arising directly or indirectly out of the use by the league of any facilities of the City of Beverly. 2) to furnish a certificate of insurance naming the City of Beverly as an additionally insured and 3) to certify to the City of Beverly that it has obtained, reviewed and approved Cory data for all persons who have direct and indirect contact with children Motion was made and seconded that the wording be added. Motion was carried with all in favor. ?? ME O’Brien will provide the equipment for Holcroft Park. Holcroft installation slated for Apr thst 26 and Centerville (Cahill) May 31. Spoke to Mike Collins about prepping the sites for installation. ?? Dave Gardner letter regarding community use of school buildings was discussed. Dave recommended the commission go on record about needing input on school designs to provide better community access. BUDGET Tom explained the city is working on different options to save money. Things are changing daily. th Original deadline for budgets was Feb 28 but we may now have more time. It was decided to focus on the budget at the next meeting. Respectfully submitted Gail Carmody