2003-07-10 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: July 10, 2003 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Kevin Hobin, Patti Adams, Lauren Young, Jack O’Neil, Bill Collins, David Gardner, Arthur Powell, Gary Lambert Board members absent: Others present: Bruce Doig Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. th Met with Jason Tockey regarding his use of the common on Sept 5 for a small arts festival from 6-8 pm. Bruce has approved the festival but asked him to attend the meeting since they would like to add some music. A DJ with small system and some live performers are planned. Motion was made and seconded to approve the music from 6-8 pm. Motion carried with all in favor. Scott Brodsky of the Salem Evening News was present asking permission to set up a booth at the beaches to hand out free papers as a way to solicit new subscriptions. Lauren expressed her concern over the additional litter this would create. Motion was made and seconded to deny this request. Motion was carried with all in favor. OPEN MEETING TRAINING SESSION Mark gave a brief review of the highlights. He will distribute copies at the next meeting. PARK DEPT Bruce reported that DPW has been doing a great job at all the parks including Lynch. Dave suggested the Commission write a letter to Mike Collins thanking him and his crews. DIRECTOR’S REPORTS ??Parking fee: Bruce recommends raising the weekend fee from $12 to $15. No action taken at this time. This will be discussed in the fall. ??Homecoming: Discussed request for Re-Max balloon to raise money for Homecoming and Recreation Department. Request denied. Approved the selling of the Game of Beverly to raise money for YMCA Sterling Center Gymnastics equipment. ??Bartlett Gardens: Discussed meeting with City Electrician. Tree blocking one light has been trimmed back allowing more light into the park. Bruce will speak with Fisher & George to see when the timers can be installed and the cost. ??Youth Collaboration: Going ahead with plans to build a new teen center at the Sterling Center. McPherson will remain open as a drop in center. ??Beverly Golf & Tennis Pool: Have had some issues with people arriving without notice for birthday parties, etc. Arrangements need to be made in advance so that adequate staffing can be arranged. Maintenance issues continue to be a problem, especially the leak. The Club has agreed to purchase some pool furniture and have paid some of the maintenance bills. 203 pool memberships have been sold for a total of $15,910 in revenues. Pool revenues and expenses will be reviewed in detail in September. The Commission will need to decide if they want to continue managing the BG&T pool by the fall. ??Park supervisors have suggested that donations be accepted to help keep the park program running. Ideas included: seeking corporate sponsors, passing the hat at Lip Sync, etc. ??The Perrott family that donated the large pine tree to Lynch Park is requesting a “donated by” plaque be placed on or near the tree. It was suggested that a leaf be engraved and placed on the Memorial Tree. Motion was made and seconded to deny a plaque on or near the new tree that was planted. Motion carried with all in favor. Bruce will notify Ron Costa of this decision. ??Budget: City side lower than expected, Assistant Director salary eliminated. Enterprise Fund will contribute $184,000 to the General Fund, up from $34,000 last year. ??Bench Plans: Discussed the need to develop bench plans for parks other than Lynch, Independence, and Dane Street. Lauren volunteered to begin meeting with Bruce to develop plans for other parks including Obear and many playgrounds. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted Gail Carmody Recreation Department