2006-09-07 COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES Beverly City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 MINUTES OF MEETING September 7, 2006 Members Present: Elise Bernstein, Karen Bloodgood, Kevin Gallant co-chair, Michele Gordon, Candace Pike co-chair, Jack Vickery Members Absent: Bob Nelson Ex Officio Member: Arthur Daignault Guest(s): Richard McCarthy Old business: ?? Minutes for last meeting to be approved next meeting th ?? The Regional Commission Meeting is September 13 in the program room of the library from 12- 3pm. There will be 9 to 20 people in attendance. Karen Bloodgood and Candace Pike will arrange for refreshments. ?? Kevin Gallant will contact the City’s IT person and request that they purchase a digital camera for use by Art Daignault Report from ADA Coordinator: ?? Norman Ganley’s daughter has designed two plaques and is working on a third for us to choose from for the walkway at Cummings Center to be dedicated in his memory. ?? Arthur Daignault is working with John Jennings, building inspector. Art is going on all commercial building inspections with him. ?? Panther City Pub has been made aware of several violations and is working on fixing them. ?? Beverly Hospital - Arthur Daignault received an email from the Hospital saying the remedial work is complete on the first floor. A check on the height will be done soon. ?? North Beverly Plaza - the curb cut in front of Blockbusters was being cut today. ?? Dunkin Donuts on Elliott St - The Mayor asked the owner to redo the parking lot as the traffic backup for the drive thru is a hazard. Arthur Daignault has rejected the two proposals submitted thus far as the handicapped space will be too far from the entrance. ?? Redbrick, 95 Rantoul St.- The building is four story building. They are working on an elevator, accessible restroom and making the Rantoul street entrance accessible. ?? Dunkin Donuts, 15 West St. – The only thing is they need signage for the restrooms. The convenience store is not yet open to the public, but it was inspected. ?? Health and Education Serviced (HES), 156 Cabot St.- HES lease is up 9/15/06. Because HES runs state programs, they must be accessible or run the risk of losing funding from the State. The issues are an accessible front entrance and changes to the unisex bathroom to make it fully accessible. ?? Beverly National Bank at the North Beverly Plaza is still under construction. ?? A new bank at the former Mariner Restaurant site, 57 Enon Street. No permit has been pulled yet. ?? Art received a complaint about the assistive listening systems in the council chambers. They are not working. Art is going to have the company that installed the system to come and look at it. New business: ?? No new business Next meeting – Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 7:00 pm, 3rd floor of City Hall. NOTE: All minutes of the Beverly Commission on Disabilities’ meetings are available in alternative format upon request from the American With Disability (ADA) Coordinator at Beverly City Hall.