2006-10-04 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: October 4, 2006 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Buchsbaum (Chairperson), Elizabeth Dunne (Vice-Chair), Pam Kampersal, David Brewster, Suzanne Beaudoin BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: Nancy Coffey, Bill Squibb STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner OTHERS PRESENT: Renee Mary, Mary Rodrick RECORDER: Andrea Bray Robert Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order. City Ordinance – Open Space Plan Kampersal calls the group’s attention to the City Ordinance which states that the Conservation Commission is responsible for the development and updating of the Open Space Plan. Kampersal mentions that the Conservation Commission was also originally responsible for maintaining the Open Space when Commission’s were first formed. Beaudion adds that she has noticed ATV damage at some of the sites. The members discuss the responsibilities of both the Conservation Commission and the Open Space and Recreation Committee and the overlaps in duties. Buchsbaum suggests that the Commission be apprised of this language in the Ordinance and for the Committee to request their assistance in the update effort. Approval of Minutes The group reviews the minutes and makes suggested changes. Brewster motions to approve of the minutes with amendments. Seconded by Dunne. All members are in favor. The motion passes 4-0. Updates Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee October 4, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 Rights-of-Way Tall Tree Drive: Maxner states that she provided the City Solicitor with the information on the right-of-way for Tall Tree Drive. He is moving forward in resolving this issue and refers the members to the letter from Solicitor Gelineau in their packets in that regard. Brewster states that the fence cuts across the right-of-way between the two houses. He adds that there is not much dry land in that 50’ path. Maxner states there will be a site inspection, and will be sure to inform Buchsbaum of it so that he can attend. YMCA: Maxner states that Tina Cassidy is working on the issue and trying to get a response from the YMCA. Maxner notes that the easement must provide easy access and a safe transition off the berm and into the public space as required by the Committee in its comment letter. Newspaper Articles: Buchsbaum states that there is nothing new, except that Nancy Coffey has offered to write an article on rights-of-way. Brewster states that he wishes to write about some of the unusual wildlife that he spots around Beverly. National Grid: Buchsbaum states that he has no update, and he will be in contact with National Grid to schedule a site inspection to discuss the potential trail route. Membership on Committee: Maxner asks Buchsbaum if Ellen Flannery is officially off of the Committee. Buchsbaum notes that he spoke to her and that she will not be back and she offered to seek other members from the Planning Board. Kampersal asks if the Committee can invite Mary Reilly from the Conservation Commission to join. Maxner states that is an idea but was wondering if it would be easier for Bill Squibb to step in as the Conservation Commission representative and look for a Ward 3 resident to fill Bill’s seat. Buchsbaum and Brewster both state that they invited someone to sit in on the meeting, but they could not make it tonight. Norwood Pond Clean Up and Signage: Buchsbaum states that he would like to reschedule that task, as he and other committee members were unable to attend the previously scheduled one. The committee discusses possible dates for the event. Maxner suggests Sunday, November 5,at 1:00 p.m. The committee agrees to meet on that day. Brewster suggests that the Committee invite the City Councilors to attend. The members agree with Brewster’s suggestion. Maxner offers to draft an invitation to the City Council. Dunne advises the group that a step ladder will be necessary to hang the disks. Buchsbaum offers to bring the ladder and hammer and nails. AMG Property Buchsbaum notes that he spoke to Scott Houseman regarding the ZBA decision letters on AMG variance. He adds that Houseman advised him that there was a verbal agreement to Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee October 4, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 offer some of AMG’s land into Conservation Restriction. There is nothing in writing however which was most likely designed by the applicant to be outside the formal variance language. Dunne states that a verbal promise was made by the applicant on more than one occasion. The group discusses possible ways to approach the AMG and Sean Healey and begin the proceedings to get that land under Conservation Restriction. Old Business Open Space and Recreation Plan Section 3 and 4: Buchsbaum asks the members if anyone has any major issues on Sections 3 and 4. Kampersal states that she has some questions. She points out many discrepancies and makes suggestions for changes. Buchsbaum states that these 2 Sections should be considered finished after Kampersal’s changes are completed. Buchsbaum notes that he has some questions on Section 4, regarding extent of the sewer in the Cove neighborhood, and the statement about the impaired water bodies. Kampersal states that she has worked with Frank Killilea in this regard and will double check with him on the sewer issue. She states that the DEP has the authority to declare impaired water bodies and that is where her information came from. Section 5: Buchsbaum states that Section 5 is finished. Sections 8 and 9: Buchsbaum states that he wishes to review Sections 8 and 9. He adds that he made some amendments to these sections. Brewster asks if the two tables can be combined into one table and refered to it as “Sections 8 and 9”. Buchsbaum states that we need to follow the format that is specified in the guidance documents from the Department of Conservation and Recreation. Kampersal states that she is happy to see the two tables combined. Brewster adds that the first columns can be in Section 8 and the latter columns could be included in Section 9. Section 8 Action Plan: Buchsbaum states that he wishes to decide which set of goals the members would like to use. Brewster states that the old list of goals is obsolete and the new set should be developed. The group reviews the goals. Buchsbaum suggests using two over- arching goals; (1) to protect critical and scenic resource areas, and (2) to enhance public opportunity for outdoor recreation. Suzanne Beaudoin arrives at 9:00 p.m. Maxner and Buchsbaum provide her with an update on the meeting’s progress. The group discusses the format for the tables in Sections 8 and 9. Discussion ensues and a third over-arching goal is considered to address public education. Buchsbaum adds all of the objectives and action items will fall under these three goals. The group decides to add the third over-arching goal as education. Beaudoin suggests having grid lines on the tables. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee October 4, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Brewster suggests color coding the columns of the tables. The members review each objective and action item as it pertains to the three over-arching goals, and make some amendments. Grants: Buchsbaum notes that he has a call in to Ed Becker of the Essex County Greenbelt Association, and he will follow up on a training session for applying for grants. New Business Trail/Open Space Map: Maxner notes that the supply of trail maps has reached a critical low point. She adds that she would like to have new maps printed once the Committee has made amendments. Buchsbaum suggests that the new maps not divide the Sally Milligan Park into estates but simply show it as one unit. Buchsbaum asks if a new map can be created easily. Maxner asks if a digital format of the trail map is available. Buchsbaum offers to check with the original printing company to ascertain whether the map is in digital format. Beaudoin suggest that the committee check with Montserrat College of Art as a printing resource. She notes that the college has some type set machines in their print making shop. Semi-Annual Report to City Council: Maxner states that once she makes a few adjustments the report will be ready for Buchsbaum to present. She suggests that Buchsbaum comment on the section on the Committee’s dwindling membership noting that it creates some difficulty in forming a quorum. Maxner adds that she will amend the report for the City Council meeting and arrange a time and date on an upcoming Council agenda for presentation. Property Maintenance: Kampersal states that Eddie Winslow, who attended some of the Earth Day walks, offered to help clip back some trails on Open Space parcels. It was there that he offered to help. Buchsbaum states that property maintenance should be a priority on the Open Space Plan. Kampersal adds that the Essex County VELO people have also offered to help. Buchsbaum advises the group to make property maintenance a priority for the group. He urges the members to call their City Councilors anytime they wish to call attention to required maintenance in their Ward. Future Earth Day Walks: The members agree to discuss this at the next meeting. Former Members Gift: Buchsbaum notes that he would like to do something nice for Tony Paluzzi and Patricia Adams to thank them for their commitment to the Committee. The members discuss possible gifts for them as well as inviting them to the holiday dinner Airport Site PIP Meeting: Kampersal advises the members that a public involvement th meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 10 at 7:00 p.m. regarding the clean up activities on the Airport sites within the watershed.. The meeting will be held at the Second Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee October 4, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Congregational Church on Conant Street. She stresses the importance of this issue and urges the group to attend. Next Meeting Agenda Items and Date: Buchsbaum states that the next meeting is st November 1. He then reviews the action items and issues for the next meeting. Brewster motions to adjourn. Seconded by Kampersal. All members are in favor. The motion passes 5-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:45 p.m.