1997-02-20BEVERLY COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES MINUTES OF MEETING February 20, 1997 Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room Present: Art Daignault, Norm Ganley, Tim Hoy, Kevin Gallant, and Steve Reynolds Absent: Elise Bernstein, Kevin Gallant, Patti Hoy, and Bob Nelson I. The agenda was reviewed and accepted by the membership. II. No minutes of the last meeting were presented for approval due to the absence of Eiise Bernstein. Steve Reynolds volunteered to take the minutes in Elise's absence. IlL Old Business: A. City Hall Access Update: Phil Hubbard said that the RFPs went out and the architects are to prepare "scope of services," including the feasibility of modifying the existing elevator which the BCOD would reject such a proposal, unless there was a compelling reason to support it. He reported that a Building Committee was to meet on Wednesday, February 271h at the Briscoe School Committee Room. Norm G. agreed to go and to report hack to the Commission. Phil H. said he's copy us on the RFP. B. School Disability Awareness Curriculum Update: Kevin was present to report on this. C. HPP Update: 1. Steve R. distributed copies of his letter to the MOD, regarding the issue of parking in the Access Aisle. 2. Steve R. discussed the letters liom/to Robert Irving, regarding the ticket issued when HP placard was displayed. 3. Completed log sheets were collected. 4. Steve R. dislributed new log sheets to be used and explained the new "photo" column. D. Harbor Authority Building Update: Norm G. reported that he went to the Ward 2 Civic Association Meeting and that they would not be having any more meetings there because it is not accessible. E. Lothrop Street Access Issue Update/Review of the latest letter draft - Norm G./Steve R. - It was agreed to table this until the City Hall elevator issue was resolved, as it was a "bigger fish to fry." F. HP space Survey Update - Art D. reported that he was making progress. G. Beverly Post Office Update/Discussion: Steve R. reported that we got a written commitment that the Post Office should be brought up to snuff by this fall. IV. New Business A. "The Ride" Curb-Cut Issue: Art D. described a complaint about the lack of curb cuts in Beverly from a person who attended a Ride meeting. It was suggested to Art D. that he simply tell the individual that we have been involved and are trying to stay on top of the City's efforts in this area. Or, the individual could certainly file a formal complaint at City Hall or the State. B. NOD: Norm G. will renew his appointment, so that we might be kept duly informed of theft activities through him. C. Hannah Village HP Space Issue: Steve R. described the following complaint call: O February 19, 1997, Isabel McNamara (922-6342) of 17 Conant SWeet (Hannah Vffiage) called to say that each of the three build'rags there have a "so-called" HP space at the front and rear of the build'rags for a total of 6-HP spaces. She's noted many non-HP plate/placard-bearing card parked in them and the police will do nothing because there's no signs on the poles as required by law. What should we do group??? Hannah Vffiage Inc. office at 17 Conant Street is apparen~y run by a Rita Chito whose phone # is 922-5100. Art D. will pursue and report back. D. Mass. Office on Disabilities' phone~: 1-800-322-2020, in case members did not have it. E. Article: Steve R. distributed a "Driving with Disab~ities" brochure as an "FYI" for BCOD members. IV. Near Future Business A. Election for Chairperson at the April or May meeting? B. Budget Request - Buy HP signs NOW? V. Adjournment A. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.