1997-01-16BEVERLY COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES MINUTES OF MEETING January 16, 1997 Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room Present: Ehse Bernstein, Art Daignault, Kevin Gallant, Nonn Ganley, Tim Hoy, Bob Nelson and Steve Reynolds Absent: "Pre-meeting" with Sgt. Dennis Tarsook and Conhie Linscott, Parking Clerk, re: Handicap Parking issues. 1. Both of them cautioned the members of the Commission to carefully document the license plate number plainly. 2. According to Sgt. Tarsook, we are not to tag anyone at the Washington Street parking lot because the HP sign has been misplaced. 3. There have been to date 243 tickets issued out of 300 affidavits written. 4. Parking in Access Aisles a. It was suggested that a letter be created to give such violators notice of difficulty in parking by the BCOD, rather then a ticket. 5. Letter from Norm Ganley, re: the need to have HP spaces on Cabot and Rantoul Streets re-painted. a. Private contractor to re-paint? b. Bracket HP spaces in yellow? c. Notice of $100.00 fine on HP sign - Sgt. Dennis Tarsook to address? 6. $100.00 fine to be by March 1st. 7. BCOD will increase publicity regarding $100.00 fine. I. The minutes of the 11/21/96 meeting were reviewed and accepted. If. The Agenda for this meeting were reviewed and accepted. IIL Old Business A. lip Surveys 1. Art D. has re-surveyed HP lots and spaces 2. Art D. will re-assess 143 surveys. 3. We are plam~ing to send the letters to the Property/Business Owners by late April. B. Beverly Hospital HP issues 1. Steve R. &Nonn G. met with Bill Charrette, Plant Director of Beverly Hospital. 2. An agreement made to add 2-HP spaces above the clinic for a total of 7=HP spaces and 1-HP space near the tunnel. C. City Hall Access Update 1. Bob N. met with the elevator people. 2. Went over plans for I-]P bathrooms on the first floor. 3. Phil Hubbard of Community Development recommended an outside elevator shaft and 2-HP bathrooms. 4. Ramp in front of City Hall must be extended a foot. 5. Add 1-HP space on the street end of the parking lot. 6. There is the issues of high counters, thresholds and inner doors. D. Distribution/Discussion of BCOD Correspondence: Steve Reynolds 1. Letter to Karen Glickman 2. Letter to Marshall Handly, re: public meetings at Beverly Harbor Authority build'rag. 3. Letter to Peter Searoans, re: access to public meetings at City Hall. 4. Letters to Derek Cavanaugh, re: HP sign at Photographics. 5. Also, the need to train City Hall employees to respond to requests for assistance and to have a large phone or b,zzer to the 3rd floor for after hours for meetings. E. Site visit to Chestnut Park renovations. F. School Curriculum 1. Information from Danvers will be discussed at the next meeting. G. ADA Coordinator's Job Description 1. Art D. to call MOD to see ff they have a job description for this position.