2006-09-06 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: September 6, 2006 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Buchsbaum (Chairman), Pam Kampersal, David Brewster, Elizabeth Dunne (Vice Chair), Patricia Adams, Suzanne Beaudoin, and Bill Squibb BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: Ellen Flannery, Tony Paluzzi STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Hobbs, Nancy Coffey – members of the public RECORDER: Andrea Bray Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order. Approval of Minutes The Committee reviews the minutes and makes suggested changes. Kampersal moves to approve the minutes from the June 7, 2006 meeting as written. Seconded by Dunne. All members in favor. Motion carries 7-0. Beaudoin moves to approve the minutes from the June 28, 2006 meeting as amended. Seconded by Brewster. All members in favor. Motion carries 7-0. Brewster moves to approve the minutes from the July 12, 2006 meeting as amended. Seconded by Kampersal. All members in favor. Motion carries 7-0. Updates Rights of Way YMCA – Maxner states that she wrote the letter to Tina Cassidy Planning Director, detailing the Committee’s conditions of approval and will follow up with Cassidy as to the Y’s response and report back. Tall Tree - Maxner stated that she inquired with the City Solicitor whose secretary responded that the Solicitor wanted to further survey the property and will get back to her after meeting the homeowner on the site. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee September 6, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 Newspaper Articles Dunne states that she has not yet written the article about the Beverly Commons/Witches Woods area, but still plans to do so. Brewster states he noticed the blurb in the ECGB publication regarding the well-attended nature walks on Earth Day at the Alt Woodland property. Coffey asks which kind of articles the Committee is looking for. Buchsbaum states that they would like to feature open space properties and activities, and natural history topics. He adds that he wrote an article on Sally Milligan Park, and Ron Johnsen wrote one on Norwood Pond. Brewster adds that other organizations also contribute interesting tidbits on open spaces and on the coastal history of Beverly. Maxner and Buchsbaum suggest an article on Rights – of – Ways. Coffey volunteers to write an article about rights-of-way. Buchsbaum said he would write a general article on Open Space Committee activities as a way to interest citizens in becoming members. National Grid Maxner states there is no new information on National Grid property off of Boyles Street except that representatives were looking to set up a site inspection with Buchsbaum. Buchsbaum states that he needs to contact the Company’s attorney to schedule a site walk and will let the Committee know when that is. Membership on Committee Buchsbaum states that the Committee is down on membership. Kampersal states she understands that Nancy Coffey has been appointed to the Committee at the last City Council meeting. Coffey states she did submit a letter of interest to the Mayor. Maxner states that if the appointment was approved for one of the at large seats, Coffey should be receiving a letter to that effect and her next step would be to get sworn in. Maxner states that Tony Paluzzi has stepped down from the Committee and his seat represents the Conservation Commission. Buchsbaum suggests that Bill Squibb take the Conservation Commission seat and a representative from his Ward be sought for his present seat. Bill Squibb asks Maxner if he can speak to her about that sometime later. Patricia Adams advises the group that she will not renew her term, and this will probably be her last meeting. Buchsbaum states that others residents have expressed interest in being on the Committee, and suggests that Maxner contact Tina Cassidy for assistance in finding Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee September 6, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 members. Brewster suggests a press release to seek members. Maxner offers to email the list of people who came on the Earth Day nature walks. Coffey inquires about specific information on the vacancies. Maxner states that there are now 5 openings; 1 at-large, 1 Conservation Commission, 1 Harbor Management, and Ellen Flannery the Planning Board representative term has expired, so another Planning Board member is required and with Patti Adams stepping down the Parks & Recreation Commission representative is vacant. Beaudoin asks if a high-school student could be a member. She states that a town meeting representative from the high school could attend the meetings and report on the activities of various committees to other students. Kampersal asks if the committee could contact the land trusts for possible members. Old Business Open Space Plan Update Buchsbaum reads the list of key parcels. Buchsbaum asks if there are any other suggestions for the list of Key Parcels. No comments. Beaudoin motions to accept the list. Seconded by Kampersal. All members are in favor, motion passes 7-0. Section 3 Maxner and Kampersal worked on updates. The section contains an interesting narrative of the history of Beverly which all agree should be left in. Maxner agrees to send the Committee copies of the amended Section 3, and requests input from the members. Section 4 Buchsbaum states that he has the additional information from Kampersal and will complete the update. Section 5 Parcel Analysis. Buchsbaum states that Dunne did most of the work on that section since many open space parcels of interest are in Ward 6. Maxner asks if that section was going to be reduced to a spreadsheet. Brewster agrees that the plan was to format the inventory of land in a spreadsheet rather than a long narrative. The group discusses the categories (fields) that are required for each parcel in the Open Space workbook. Sections 8 and 9 Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee September 6, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Brewster shares his draft spreadsheet for Section 9 with the group and explains the format. Some suggestions are made for amendments to the Brewster’s spreadsheet. Buchsbaum questions if the correct categories were selected. Brewster states that the categories consist of what was already listed and some new information. Much discussion ensues about other possible categories. Buchsbaum suggests that funding be a separate category, and having CPA as an action under the funding category. The group agrees that Brewster’s spreadsheet is well formatted, and agree to examine the document and make comments at the next meeting. The group discusses the possibility of combining Sections 8 and 9. Buchsbaum suggests using a narrative format for Section 8 and a spreadsheet for Section 9. The group discusses the AMG property and agrees to check with the property owners about obtaining a CR for a portion of that property. Maxner agrees to obtain the ZBA minutes for the meeting where the owners agreed to place the CR on the property. Buchsbaum suggests that a newspaper article about the objectives of the OSRC mention that property as a priority. Section 6 Dunne shares her work on this section and mentions that she added water protection as a goal wherever possible. Dunne notes that she has been working on developing language for the “vision” for Beverly open space. Buchsbaum asks if anyone has any other old business. Grants – Training Session Kampersal mentions that she had requested that the Committee have a training session with instructions on obtaining grants. Buchsbaum recalls the conversation and offers to follow up on it with Essex County Greenbelt New Business Election of Officers Buchsbaum offers to stay on as chair for the next year. He adds that he wishes to complete the plan update project. Dunne states she is happy to stay on as the Vice Chairman, but explains her limited time to dedicate to the Committee. Brewster states he will stay on as secretary if no other member wishes to take the post. Kampersal motions to vote in the current incumbent seated officers for another year. Seconded by Beaudoin. All members are in favor, motion passes 7-0. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee September 6, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Clean up at Norwood Pond – End of Red Rock Maxner states that Steve Archer contacted her regarding the house at the corner of Norge Road and Redrock Lane, at the end of Elnew Avenue. She adds that there has been some illegal dumping on the property and Archer inquired about the proper way to dispose of the debris and that he indicated that he would be happy to do the clean up with a few of his employees. Maxner explained to him that the Committee may want to participate, but if he could arrange a pick of the trash with Mike Collins she would not object to his effort. Members agree to this approach, and if Mr. Archer schedules a time, members would try to participate if they are able. The Committee discusses the ATV damage at some of the open spaces. A solution is sought for the illegal use of ATV’s on open space parcels. Maxner offers to contact Mike Collins about having signs posted for both dumping and ATV use. Next Meeting Agenda Items Buchsbaum notes agenda items and action items for the next meeting which include: Maxner – Section 3 Buchsbaum – Section 4 Buchsbaum and Dunne – Section 5 Dunne – Section 6 Brewster – Sections 8 & 9 Buchsbaum asks the group for some input on future agenda items. The issues suggested include: Maintenance of open space signage and kiosks. A schedule for future nature walks. rdth Trails and Sails, Sep 23 and 24 (Essex County Heritage). th The Committee agrees to meet Sunday, September 17 at 2:00 PM to hang discs at the Norwood Pond parcel. Maxner suggests that the committee have more trail maps printed. Buchsbaum requests that the members review the map for updates at the next meeting. th Buchsbaum states the next meeting is Wednesday, October 4. Beaudoin moves to adjourn. Seconded by Brewster. All members are in favor. Motion carries 7-0. Meeting is adjourned at 9:30 PM