2006-09-07 Design Review Board Meeting Minutes of September 7, 2006 Date: September 7, 2006 Commisson: Design Review Board Members Present: Leah Zambernardi, Colleen Bruce, William Finch, Larry Jaquith Members Absent: None Others Present: None Recording Secretary: Leah Zambernardi Ms. Zambernardi called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 1. Phone Depot – James Farrell/34 Cabot Street/Sign Mr. James Farrell presents two options for a sign to replace the existing roof sign on his business. Option 1 would involve changing the background color of the lexon sign from yellow to white. The letter would be black, reading "SPRINT" and the symbol would by yellow. Mr. Finch asks about the height of the letters and notes the sign would be internally illuminated. Mr. Farrell states that the height of the letters is about 18-inches. Mr. Farrell states that Option 2 would be freestanding channel letters mounted on a metal raceway. The letters would be white and the symbol would be yellow. He states the sign would measure 18-inches in height and 90-inches in length. Ms. Bruce asks about the existing signage for Nextel and asks about whether it is being replaced. Mr. Farrell states it would not be replaced at this point but would probably be replaced in the future. Ms. Bruce cautions Mr. Farrell that changes to signage need to come back to the DRB for review. Mr. Jaquith states his opinion that window signage seems excessive and he asks Mr. Farrell to consider removing some of it. He also states that the business is located at a gateway entrance to Beverly and that cleaning up the window signage could go a long way. Mr. Farrell states he has spent much effort trying to give the window signage a pleasant appearance. Ms. Zambernardi states that the signage needs to conform to the Zoning regulations. Mr. Farrell states that he believes it does. Ms. Bruce asks Ms. Zambernardi if the City Arborist could prune the trees in front of the business to frame the business better and to help it with its visibility issues. Ms. Zambernardi agrees to draft a letter to the City Arborist with Ms. Bruce's assistance. Mr. Finch states he prefers Option 2. The other members concur. Design Review Board September 7, 2006 Page 2 Mr. Jaquith makes a motion to approve sign Option 2. The zoning regulations for window signage shall be transmitted to Mr. Farrell along with the sign approval letter and he should determine whether his signage complies. Mr. Finch seconds the motion. All members are in favor and the motion carries unanimously. Mr. Farrell states that he will contact Ms. Zambernardi early the following week to give the Board a sense of when the new sign can be installed. 2. Cielito Lindo Mexican Grill/150 Cabot Street/Sign Ms. Regina Mastrangelo presents an awning sign for Cielito Lindo Mexican Grill. She states the sign has already been installed. She states that the sign measures 6-inches in height by 8-feet in length and reads "Cielito Lindo Mexican Grill". The red and black letters are placed on a white background. Mr. Finch and Ms. Bruce concur that the sign is pleasing. Ms. Bruce motions to approve the sign as presented. Mr. Finch seconds the motion and it carries unanimously. 3. Beverly Gas & Tire/383 Cabot Street/Sign No representative is present to present this sign proposal. Members review the application. Mr. Finch notes that the letters are very large. He states that the proposal for lettering reading "Brakes, Alignment, Front End" seems excessive and not with the intent of the Sign Ordinance. Ms. Zambernardi states that only 20 s.f. is allowed for wall signs in the CN Zone, however there is a notation on the sign application from Building Commissioner Robert Nelson that "the signage asked for is the exact same sign as existed prior to the new owner". She states that this appears to be the replacement of nonconforming signs. Ms. Zambernardi displays photographs she took earlier that day showing the business from the north end of Cabot Street and showing the front of the building as viewed from Rantoul Street. Mr. Jaquith notes that the proposed signs seem appropriate at the proposed locations. Ms. Bruce makes a motion to approve the signs as presented. The motion is seconded by Mr. Jaquith. Discussion on the motion: Ms. Zambernardi states that a notation should be added to the Board's approval letter indicating that this is a replacement of nonconforming signs. The motion carries unanimously. 4. Approval of Minutes Design Review Board September 7, 2006 Page 3 Mr. Jaquith makes a motion to approve the minutes of July 6, 2006 and August 3, 2006. Ms. Bruce seconds the motion. The motion carries unanimously. 5. Other Discussion: Ms. Bruce states that Mandrake Restaurant has installed an awning sign that does not comply with the August DRB approval of the sign. Ms. Zambernardi states she is playing phone tag with the owner. She will ask them what their intentions are with the sign that was put up. If they want to keep that sign, Ms. Zambernardi will have them come back to the Board for review. 6. Adjournment Mr. Jaquith makes a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Finch seconds the motion and it carries unanimously.