2006-06-28-subcommitte Open Space Plan . CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: Open Space Plan Update Working Group DATE: June 28, 2006 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Buchsbaum (Chairman), Suzanne Beaudoin, Pam Kampersal, David Brewster, Elizabeth Dunne BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: Ellen Flannery, Patricia Adams, Bill Squibb, Tony Paluzzi STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner RECORDER: Andrea Bray Chairman Robert Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order. Buchsbaum states that the purpose of this meeting is to focus only on the Open Space Plan, primarily the tables in the plan. He begins with the Conservation Commission Property Table, which lists all of the parcels that are under the Commission’s care and custody. The Sub-Committee examines the Conservation Commission Table, sorting the parcels by Ward. Buchsbaum states that most of the property is in Wards 4, 5, and 6. Parcels identified as NGO lands are owned by non-profit groups, such as Greenbelt. Buchsbaum moves on to review the Parks and Playgrounds list. He states that the City owns many of these properties. He asks if Greens Hill is under the Parks and Recreation Commission’s jurisdiction. . Brewster states he believes it is. Buchsbaum states that he would like to see Greens Hill under a CR. Dunne requests updated assessor’s maps for the Ward reps. Maxner states that she will look into getting some maps that are more current information. The committee members review other parcels to determine if they can be put under CR including Burnt Hill, near the NSMT, consisting of 14 acres. Maxner questions the column in the Table that lists the “existing conditions” citing the example of “recreation potential”, and states she is unclear as to what this means. Buchsbaum states that he has listed the status of many properties as having no potential for public active recreational use. He adds that others may have some potential, and have been indicated as such. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee June 28, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 Buchsbaum states that he would like to see the City build a handicapped nature trail on at least one or two properties. Kampersal states that she has wanted to see that for a while and that the Cummings Park has paved walkways, which allows for some handicapped access. Discussion ensues regarding potential properties that could accommodate some handicapped access. Greenwood Avenue at Stone Ridge Road side is labeled as a possibility as are Norwood Pond, J.C. Phillips Estate. Buchsbaum states that he would like the Open Space Plan to recommend that the Hill Property, Norwood Pond, Green’s Hill, Tanzella Avenue and other large properties be taken under CR. Kampersal asks about property owned by Holley Lockwood at 21 Brimbal Hill and 23 Brimbal Hill. She would like to see those parcels under the control of the Conservation Commission. Dunne questions whether a property in Beverly Farms off of Branch Lane is Greenbelt owned. She adds that the parcels off of Standley Street near 128 beyond Sweeny’s Greenhouse, connects to Branch Lane. Buchsbaum studies the map and ascertains that it is under Conservation Commission care and custody. Dunne inquires about the Girl Scout Camp off of Cole Street. Buchsbaum states that the land is privately owned and non-profits are less eager to put CR’s on their property, he would like to focus on working with the parcels that the City owns, as they may be the easiest to convert to CR. Buchbaum states that he wishes to add all of the City-owned lots on Pole Swamp Lane and the Beverly Commons as properties targeted for CR’s. After much discussion Buchsbaum asks if it is possible to finish these Tables as soon as possible and if the Ward Reps could work on them further. Much discussion ensues regarding the remaining work needed for this project. Maxner presents the list of CR’s that are held by Greenbelt and states she has gotten confirmation from David Santomenna that this list is accurate. She provides a copy to Buchsbaum. Kampersal questions the Livermore property near Beaver Pond. Maxner states that some of the area is under CR, which is held by the Conservation Commission, but the CR limits have an odd shape. Maxner displays the map of the CR land around Beaver Pond. Buchsbaum states that he would like to look at the next few chapters after the Tables are finished. Kampersal notes that Chapter 9 needs work. Brewster states that a Table could be used in Chapter 9 and agrees to try to draft a table that clearly presents the goals and objectives. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee June 28, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 Kampersal mentions that there is orange water on the runoff from the land fill area across from the NSMT. She expresses concern about the water quality at that stream which runs under 128 and the culvert comes out adjacent to the NSMT. She states that watershed protection should be a priority within the plan. Maxner inquires about the short list of priority lands. Buchsbaum states that the Priority Parcel List will be in Section 7, and reviews the list with the sub-committee members, Ward by Ward. The group discusses the Beverly Gulf and Tennis site, which is zoned as R22, contains160 acres and is City owned. Brewster states that this land is an extremely valuable piece of property and he would like to see that parcel protected under CR. Brewster inquires about the Bomack property (the old Varian property). Kampersal states that there is contamination on that property. Kampersal states that the plan should include potential risks and hazards to the open space. She adds that she has already written about this in her revisions for Section 4 of the plan. Maxner states that Chapter 3 is a challenge because of all of the old information that it contains and she is having a hard time synthesizing the information required by the workbook, as they are very philosophical in looking for predictions. Buchsbaum suggests that she not spend too much energy on this section, as much of it does not need updating. Kampersal offers her help with the section. Maxner will forward this by email. Brewster outlines a format for a five-year action plan. He agrees to write a plan in table form. Dunne suggests that he organize the plan by Ward. Brewster says that he will play with possible formats, but thinks that maybe organizing by Map and Lot would be more efficient. Buchsbaum states that he will work on chapters 4 and 5 by incorporating Kampersal’s comments. Dunne states that she has completed chapter 6 and some text for Chapter 7. Buchsbaum states that he will complete Chapter 7 and incorporate Kampersal’s and Dunne’s comments into his revision. Brewster states that he will put together a Table for Chapter 9 containing acquisitions, conservation lists, handicapped accessible properties, and other pertinent facts. Kampersal agrees to send Buchsbaum her work on chapter 8. Buchsbaum recommends that all of the Ward Reps review all of the Tables for accuracy and make corrections if necessary. th Buchsbaum advises the members that the next meeting is on July 12. Maxner states she will work with Roland Adams to generate current assessor map and lot information by Ward and forward to Ward Reps. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee June 28, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Kampersal inquires about the need to include water quality information. Maxner agrees to check with the BOH for water quality readings. The meeting is adjourned at 9:25 pm.