2006-06-05 joint meeting
BOARD OR COMMISSION: Planning Board and the Beverly City Council - Joint
Public Hearing and Special Meeting of the Beverly
Planning Board held immediately afterward
DATE: June 5, 2006
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall – City Council Chambers
MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Dinkin, John Thomson, Joanne Dunn,
Charles Harris, Peter Thomas, David Mack, Ellen
Flannery (Planning Board); Paul Guanci, Timothy
Flaherty, William Coughlin, Miranda Gooding,
John Burke, Kevin Hobin, Donald Martin, Patricia
Grimes, Maureen Troubetaris (City Councilors)
MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Walter, Eve Geller-Duffy
OTHERS PRESENT: Planning Director Tina Cassidy, Assistant Planning
Director Leah Zambernardi
RECORDER: Eileen Sacco
Joint Public Hearing
Gaunci calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
A joint public hearing of the Beverly City Council and the Beverly Planning Board was
held on Monday, June 5, 2006 at Beverly City Hall in the City Council Chambers for the
purpose of discussing the recommendations on the proposed amendment to the zoning
ordinance to create a new WDR Zoning District and to re-zone the parcel at 10-12
Congress Street from its current IG zone to WDR..
Council President Gaunci called on Atty. Thomas Alexander to address the Council and
the Planning Board on the proposed amendment.
Atty. Alexander of 1 School Street, Beverly, Massachusetts addressed the
Council/Planning Board and reviewed the history of the Ventron property and noted that
it is a former manufacturing site which has been cleaned up by the Department of Energy.
He noted that the site is 3.78 acres on the Danvers River.
Atty. Alexander explained that his client purchased the site two years ago and has done
studies on the potential uses for the site. He also noted that his client met with the
neighbors in November of 2004. He also noted that the property was marketed for office
space and due to the economic times that did not bode well.
Public Meeting Minutes - Beverly Planning Board
June 5, 2006
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Atty. Alexander explains that they are now looking at a residential use and notes that if
the site had never been used as an industrial site it would have been residential.
Atty. Alexander reviewed the Master Plan and notes that this proposal satisfactorily
meets the goals and objectives of it including goals for residential uses and open space.
He also reviewed the goals for economic development and noted that older industrial
sites should be rezoned and reused.
Atty. Alexander estimated that the fees that would be generated from this project would
be close to $500,000.00 and he estimated that the tax revenue generated would be about
Atty. Alexander stated that they did a market study which shows that 40% - 50% of those
who purchase units would be Beverly residents over the age of 55. He noted that they
would be one and two bedroom units and would not be conducive to children so there
would not be an additional burden on the schools.
Atty. Alexander noted that the current zoning may not maximize the use of the property.
He noted that a residential use with recreational space would be a good use of the site.
Atty. Alexander reviewed the proposed density for the site and explained that the 3.78
acres would come to about 22.2 units per acrea.
Atty. Alexander stated that they are not subject to Chapter 91 and therefore do not have
to provide public access. He noted that they are including walkways and have planned
for significant view corridors from Congress Street. He noted that it is an aesthetically
pleasing design.
Atty. Alexander introduced Craig Sassay to review the environmental condition of the
Mr. Sassay reviewed the history of the property and explained that there was a clean up
of uranium on the site and explained that the soil was removed as well as contaminated
mud from the tidal flat. He stated that there is no risk to human health. He further noted
that the Department of Energy certified that the site was clean in 2003. He also noted
that DEP issued a response action on the site as well.
Mr. Dinkin asked if there is a use restriction on the property. Mr. Sassay stated that there
was an activities and use limitation on the site but that has since been lifted by DEP.
Michael Abend of Abend Associates addressed the Council/Planning Board and
explained the traffic study that was done on the area. He explained that they did a
comparative study on the previously proposed office use and the proposed residential use
and explained the process that they used to do the study.
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June 5, 2006
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Mr. Abend explained peak commuter hours and noted that there would be about 1800
vehicle trips in the off peak hours and 550 residential trips. He noted that Saturday trips
would increase to 600 for residents and Sunday he estimates 360.
Mr. Abend reviewed journey to work data and explained their findings. He also
compared that data to the previously proposed office use data.
Mr. Abend reviewed proposed improvements that could be implemented to improve
traffic flow. He suggested turn restrictions that may control traffic and more stop signs.
He also noted that they do not want to exacerbate the Goat Hill traffic problems and hope
to enhance the access to route 1.
Mr. Dinkin noted that he is concerned about cut through traffic on Wellman Street for
vehicles headed to Salem or the bridge area. Mr. Abend stated that their calculations
show that no more than 20% of the traffic will end up on Wellman Street. He also noted
that the traffic estimation is based on the maximum build out as the zoning change is
Atty. Alexander noted that there would be an agreement prior to rezoning to site this
specific project. He also noted that they are not intending to build out to the maximum.
Mr. Dinkin asked if the property was built out to the maximum allowed by zoning, how
many units would there be. Atty. Alexander stated that there is no direct answer to that
as it is determined by calculations. He stated that they could provide that information for
the next meeting.
Councillor Coughlin questioned if the traffic study shows that people over 55 use cars
less. Mr. Abend stated that they did not factor that in at all and explained how the
numbers would change if they did take that into consideration.
Councillor Martin noted that 84 units maximum are proposed for the site and asked if the
proposal is to restrict the number to 84 units.
Ken Knowles addressed the Council/Planning Board and explained the engineering for
the site. He explained the existing condition of the site and noted that they have applied
to DEP but have no final determination.
He also noted that the project does not infringe on the filled tidal land.
Mr. Knowles explained that two buildings will be defined as access points and explained
them on the plans.
Mr. Knowles also noted that there is a public landing at the end of Congress Street and
that will be a subject of discussion with the Beverly Conservation Commission.
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June 5, 2006
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Councillor Burke asked if there was any lighting planned for the walkway. Mr. Knowles
stated that there is some lighting planned. Atty. Alexander noted that there is a provision
in the site plan review process that calls for the review of lighting on the site and it can be
further addressed at that time.
Councillor Gooding questioned why a residential development would not be subject to a
Chapter 91 License.
Councillor Grimes stated that she does not want to lose sight of the fact that we are here
for a zoning change from IG to WDR.
Thad Simasko, architect, addressed the Council/Planning Board and explained the design
of the project. He noted that they have designed the project to fit with the Master Plan
and their intent is to have as little affect on the neighborhood as possible.
He explained the plans and stated that they will be nice quality units and explained the
parking proposal for the site. He explained that they are providing 2 per unit for a total of
182 spaces and 19 additional spaces for visitors. He reviewed the plans and noted the
locations of the buildings in relation to the neighborhood.
Mr. Simasko explained that 20% of the site is planned to be open space and they will
work with the Conservation Commission on natural mitigation and planting plans noting
that they propose native plantings for the site.
Mr. Thomson referred to the parking area and noted that the grade of the site drops off.
Mr. Simasko explained the parking plans for the site and noted the locations on the plans.
Councillor Gooding asked why the zoning change asks that the requirement for height be
changed. Mr. Simasko explained that the IG allows for a maximum of 35 feet and they
are proposing 40 feet heights for the buildings. Councillor Gooding asked why the
additional height was necessary. Atty. Alexander explained that they have done more
detailed research and they propose to build up a little to create a little more open space.
Atty. Alexander stated that the new district will have no impact on existing zoning.
Mr. Thomson noted that R6 only allows 35 feet and expressed concern about the impact
of the new buildings on the view of the neighbors.
Mr. Simasko stated that they studied six houses in the neighborhood and explained the
locations and showed aerial photos and the areas where there might be an impact.
President Gaunci addressed those present and suggested that the Public Hearing be
continued to September 5, 2006 at 7:05 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
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June 5, 2006
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Planning Board Special Meeting
Mr. Dinkin calls the special meeting of the Planning Board to order. Members take a roll
call vote to enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation and
state they will reconvene for regular business at the conclusion of the Executive Session.
(Minutes recorded in a separate document)
Mr. Dinkin calls the special meeting back to order.
Sargent Avenue Extension – Preliminary Subdivision Plan – Michael and Suzanne Fiore
Atty. Thomas Alexander addressed the Board and explained that they would address
questions from the last meeting. He notes that one question was if the property could be
completed without waivers. He explained that it could be but the proposal with waivers
will have 18 feet of pavement.
Atty. Alexander reviewed the history of the property. He also noted that it would not
make sense to build out the road going from 13 feet to 38 feet.
Robert Griffin of Griffin Engineering reviewed the plans for the existing house and
explained that they are widening the street to provide 18 feet of pavement from beginning
to end. He also explained the drainage on the site and reviewed the locations on the
Mr. Griffin also noted that the fire department has requested an additional fire hydrant
and noted that in the original filing they had requested a waiver for this.
Ms. Zambernardi explained the northern lot line of the site and the location of the new
house lot. She also noted that the plan calls for a full radius cul-de-sac. Mr. Griffin
explained the lot lines and how he measured and arrived at the lot lines.
Mr. Dinkin questioned whether the proposed road would be public or private. Atty.
Alexander stated it would be private. Ms. Zambernardi reviewed the regulations and
noted that they meet the frontage requirements by definition.
It was noted that a letter has been submitted regarding proposed project improvements for
Sargent Avenue.
Atty. Alexander reported that five residents of Sargent Avenue have signed a petition in
support of the improvements to the road.
Mr. Thomson states that he is concerned about the 18 foot roadway and would prefer it to
be 24 feet wide. He also questioned the definition of a front yard.
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June 5, 2006
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Mr. Thomson questioned the drainage calculations. Mr. Griffin explained the location of
the catch basins and explained the drainage plans. He noted that they are increasing the
amount of impervious surface on the site.
Mr. Dinkin noted that there are existing water problems up there and questioned if this
would impact that. Mr. Griffin explained the plans and explained the location of the
catch basins and the discharge points on the plans. He also reviewed the location of
house lot #2 and explained the direction of the drainage for that lot as well.
Atty. Alexander noted that a letter has been submitted from City Engineer Frank Killilea
recommending approval of the project.
Chairman Dinkin explained that the Planning Board can vote to approve the preliminary
plan or not to approve the plan or take no action.
Mr. Thomas moved to take no action on the plan. Ms. Dunn seconds the motion. The
motion carries (5-2)
There being no further business to come before the Planning Board this evening a motion
was made by Mr. Thomas to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Dunn seconds the motion. The
motion carries.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.