2006-04-19 City of Beverly Planning and Construction Committee Minutes April 19, 2006 A Meeting of the Planning and Construction Committee was held on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 7:00 P.M. at the Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex Street, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Chairman Ray Bouchard, Dan Skokski, Cheryl Sydorko, Maureen Hobin, Rod Maxner and Tim Brennan Others Present: Peter Seamans and Cheryl Lamont. The Meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Ray Bouchard. Mr. Maxner made a motion to approve the minutes of March 22, 2006 as presented. Mr. Brennan seconded. All in favor. Motion passes. Mr. Seamans presented his report to the Commission on the status of the school building projects. Mr. Seamans stated that the City has received Final Payment from MTC, in the amount of $43,030.00 for the Centerville School, and that he has located the check and it has been restored back into the project. Mr. Seamans stated that the configuration inside the kitchen air unit in the Centerville School is inverted and needs to be corrected and that will cost $4,000.00. The coil cost, plus labor, will amount to $1,500.00. Mr. Seamans stated that Millis Plumbing installed this unit and that they will be put on notice at the end of the week. This coil had frozen previously and Mr. Seamans thinks that this will become an issue with Millis’ lawyer and the City Solicitor. Chairman Bouchard stated that this should have been picked up and if not then, it should have been picked up on final inspection. Chairman Bouchard stated Planning and Construction Minutes – April 19, 2006 Page 2. that the contractor should be held responsible for insufficient/unacceptable work and this committee should make sure they make this right. Mr. Seamans stated that the windows causing the leaks at the Beverly Farms Branch Library are new windows in the new reading room and he is not sure when the first leaks were reported. Mr. Seamans stated that Peterson Associates performed a test on them and stated that water was getting in around the glazing. Chairman Bouchard stated that Tappe Associates needs to check on this and Mr. Seamans stated that he has placed a call to them. Chairman Bouchard stated the he received an e-mail from Mike Lawler, Chairman of the Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission, regarding a vote taken at th their April 12 meeting, and a consensus of that commission was that the club house was not worth putting four million dollars into and the City should get the building off the National Historical Register, tear it down and build another club house. The e-mail stated that this commission would like to get the process started in fixing the items that are considered safety issues. Chairman Bouchard stated that a letter had been sent to John Dunn asking him to take the lead in getting the clubhouse off the National Historical Register. Mr. Seamans presented the following invoices for approval: 1. Tappe and Associates 85551 $ 75.00 2. Massey Construction 4,417.00* * This is the final payment for the architect. The check will be processed but the payment will be held. Mr. Maxner made a motion to approve the invoices as presented. Mr. Brennan seconded. All in favor. Motion passes. Chairman Bouchard referred to the article in the newspaper about the project manager process that had received fourteen submittals. Three of these fourteen applicants will be selected with interviews and contract negotiations due in early May. The fee has yet to be negotiated but this cost roughly runs 2% of the total cost of the project based on what the project manager is required to provide. Mr. Maxner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brennan and carried unanimously.