2006-05-04 WAR MEMORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 4, 2006 MEMORIAL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Attendees: Jake Petronzio Russ Hadley George Casey Jerry Guilebbe Jake Petronzio called the meeting to order, a moment of silence was given in memory of Doug Henderson a member of our committee. Russ Hadley asked about the new benches at Veterans Memorials at Odell Park, and Jerry Guilebbe informed all present that the money for the new benches was donated by the veterans groups, the total cost was $ 1187.00. A discussion on how the plaques should read and we decided to keep them simple, all will just say Donated By: and the name of the organization. Since there are 5 benches Jake made a motion and was voted on that the th 5 bench be in memory of Doug Henderson. We moved on to old business and the move from the GAR Hall to Memorial was discussed at great length, We went down to the lower level and was given a tour of the room that Chris Rand had offered us in place of the previous one, it is larger and has access to the outside for when the VFW has there clothing drive, it also could have a new lock placed on the door so we can enter the room with out going to the front entrance to the building. It also need to be cleaned out it looks like the building Department has all of there files in there, as soon as we can get this room cleaned out we will move into Memorial. Our plans are to be out of the GAR Hall as soon as possible. George Casey asked about the new plaques for Veterans Memorials at Odell Park, as soon as the budget is set and we have funding for the War Memorial Advisory Committee we will precede with the plaques and other improvements to the park. We will send an e-mail to Mike Collins to thank him for the clean up this past week at the park. Jerry Guilebbe asked to discuss Memorial Day program and to say that there is a Beverly Veterans Council Meeting tonight at 7:00 pm to finalize the Parade and the flagging for all the graves. Under new business, Jake will look into the plaques for the park. Under the good of the order, Jerry thanked all who came forward to assist Barbara Henderson on the funeral for Doug. A motion was made by Russ Hadley to adjourn, seconded by George Casey; meeting was adjured at 10:10am st Next meeting will be June 1 at 9:00am at Memorial Administration Building