2001-12-17 LICENSE BOARD RICHARD S. KELLEY, Esq., Chairman GEORGE HELLER RONALD RANTA, Esq. CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES - BEVERLY LICENSE BOARD - DECEMBER 17. 2001 Meeting called to order at 2: 15 p.m. All members present. Board introduced by Chairman Kelley. 1. Attorney Philip Moran present representing The Pickled Onion for a pledge of license to the Atlantic Bank of New York. Mr. Moran explained they would be closing on the Monday and that the Bank requested the pledge. Motion made by Mr. Ranta to approve the pledge on the condition that all paper work and required documents be submitted to the Clerk. 2. One day licenses - Two licenses from Endicott College - January 11, December 19 Motion made and seconded to approve the licenses. Motion carried 3-0. 3. Distribution of 2002 licenses. Next meeting will be January 10 at 6:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Respectfully, j/ ~ 0t--UJ -~ ~ C}{rk -4