2000-06-01 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUlHORITY MINUTES June 1, 2000 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: J. Frates, D. Neuman, A. Wheelock, A. Bwns, J. Murray, R. Costa GUESTS: L. Bochynski.. T. Cassidy City Planner, R. Oosthoek from the Chamber of Commerce, and M Vamavas from the Beverly Citizen. C. Raymond came in to say that he couldn't stay. Minutes of the last meeting - no comments There was a discussion of the meeting with Fort Point Associates. 1. Frates stated that it was WIY productive. One gentleman who was against a restaurant changed his mind with the suggestion of a resta.urant on the sec~ floor. D. Neuman stated that the best use was a xestamant. He spoke with R. Armstrong of Seaport. Availability of funds won't be known until the end of June. D. Duscik thought that this was a god idea. A. Bums talked about tours out of Beverly - possibly along the "Gold Coast". J. Mmmy stated that Beverly should be available for cruises. A. Wheelock thought that maybe the Salem Trolley would bring tourists iftbere were a museum here. J. Frates met with T. Cassidy and F. Killilea xegarding the walk around the ODTlmings Pond. T. Cassidy stated that it is slow. She met with T. BrennanJ who is willing to design the segment over the wetlands. Then it will have to go to the Conservation Cnmm1Rsian. The walkway needs to be plotted out. D. Neuman spoke to T..Maguire. OlmmiT needs to remediate, if it has not already been done. J. Frates met with the Chamber of Commerce, saw the new building and spent 2 hours walking around. R. Oosthoek, from the Chamber, stated that their interest is finding out who has a say in what They will be interested in what goes in the Ventron site. They will fly to have one person at each BHMA meeting .. Committee License & Permit - D. Neuman stated that the Marciano property has changed their plans to provide a walkway. T. Cassidy stated that the Insurance Company is not in the plans. D. Neuman stated that Hunley's Car Wash plans have not been carried out The building didn't confOIDl to the original plans. The.xe is no par.king for the walkway, and the walkway was not delineated. T. Cassidy suggests sending a letter with a cc to the B1JjJt1ing Inspector. D. Neuman will look at the property again. A. Bums made a motion to adjown. D. Neuman seconded. All approved. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss