2000-06-16 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGillvfENT AUTHORITY MINUTES June 16~ 2000 Jubilee Yacht Club PESENT: GUESTS: J. Frates, D. NeutnaIl, A. Bums, J. Murray, C. Raymond. R. C.osta. P. Allen, A. Wheelock T Cassidy, L. Bochynski J. Frates opened the meeting and stated that he~ D. Newnan, and L. Bochynski met with J. Dunn, regarding the budget J. Dunn was very helpful. J. Dwm spoke with E. Comeau regarding the electrical worlc that is needed on the floats. E. Comeau believes that it could be 30 to 40 thousand dollars. L. Bochynski explained that on the Commercial siOe the Pull Boxes get wet and Rome fail. They need to be re-Iocated. The Recreational floats need attention. J. Murray made a motion that the Facilities Manager remain at $38,000.00. R. Costa seconded. After some discussion a vote was taken and there was 1 in favor and the rest not in favor of the Motion. R. Costa made a motion for Facilities Manager to be $39~140.00 or 3%. A. Wheelock seconded. 6 in favor. D. Neuman made a motion to increase the Electrical to 25~OOO.OO. A. Burns seconded. 6 in fitVOT and 2 opposed. D. Neuman says he talked to R. Annstrong, who told him that there may be money available next year. D. Neuman stated that T. Cassidy vohmteered to write a letter 10 J. Bunk. He still has done nothing. T. Cassidy sta1ed that the letter will go out next week. D. Neuman stated there is nothing new with the Kinzie property. They have to settle with Thibodeau before they can settle with the City. D. Neuman will call the State Attorney to make sure nothing gets by. D. Neuman made a motion to adopt the budget as ch.'1nged. A. Bums seconded. 7 voted m favor and 1 abstained. Respectfully submitted, Pil....Pn T~~~