1987-06-04 MINUTES FROM MEETING ON JUNE 4, 1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard, Peter Gilmore, George Batchelder Meeting called to order at 7:55 P.M. #5-259 MARATHON ENTERPRISES 453 Essex St. Self Serving Station Positive Limitin~ Battier a protective barri~r. Charles Wear of Carter amd Towers Engineer Co. Peter questioned any PlO!"e tanks going in? Wear: no. There will be no excavation on site. Most drainage runs onto Essex St. (90%) and into catch basin on Grace Street. Curb should be repaired. Tim Gary: would like to come before the Commission at a later time re: the wall. Information sufficien~. HEARING CLOSED CONVENE TO A MEETING NOW QUARUM IS PRESENT (BtLL LIS5 w~s LATE) Renee Mary 274 Hale St. #5-127 One yeai- exterbiol1 r"equest.. ~otion made by Bill Seconded by Peter, ALL IN FAVOR !' ORDER OF CONDITIONS Rear of Netherton Ave Lot #2, #5-254 Robert SmIth Motlon made by George, Seconded by Peter, ALL IN FAVOR ~! City of Salem #5-257 TABLED Due ~o lack of quorum to vote. (George Batchelder must abstain due to a conflict of interest). 453 Essex St. #5-259 Conversion to self-service gas station Motion by Bill Liss, Seconded by Peter, ALL IN FAVOR !! Motion to adjourn at 8:35 P.~. made by Peter, Seconded by Bill, ALL IN FAVOR !! Marie S. Cotreau/Clerk