1987-04-23 """ Wqe QHt~ of ~elJfrI~, cffia5S&C~lt5ett$ CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS 'nNL7TES SF "JEETING O!\ 4PRIL 23.1987 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard, George Batchelder, Paula Richar"ds, Peter Gjlmo:'e. ~eeting called to order at 7:45 P.M. Motion to recess to a Public Hearing made by Peter, Paula R -i \~hdrd seconded_ I-\LL IN FAVOR !! Beverly Airport #5-246 continued SITE IMPROVEMENT Luc Carriere Engineer, made the presentation. Intent to clear area of all trees, Te~porary seeding, etc, will be used for erosion con~rol. Additional information~ubmitted at Lhis time, r,e : cIa cui at ion s . George: Questionea a letter froru the Board of Health re: the septic system. Peter: Pc: Runway 34 what is the incidence of the visibility re: loss 3f aircraft? HOI-'l ofte:-, does this occur? Landing Aircraft and appro~ching the field? Greg chapman: 2 in 10 that go below that visibility factor. Peter: If no trees are allowed to be takeh down. what happens. ~~hen? greg: Will appeal to the fAA, there's a Grant Involved. Joe: What other alternatives a~e there Re: the clearing of trees. Greg: Went to FAA; -to raise tower 225,000 -to move tower 1,000,000 -to remove trees 8,000 Peter: 13 years ago the trees were there, alsothe tower was there. Why wasn't ~his brought up before now? Greg:Disagrees, the trees have grown much more, Poplar Trees GENERAL PUBLIC ,Judy WeF! :er 11 Lakeview Ave. Wood ch~ps WIll be left after trees have been cut down. Feels chips would prevent re-vegetation. All information s~bmitted found to be satisfactorily. HEARI~G CLOSEO t:> .., I ~ot # it Longfellow Subdivision Wadsworth place Representatives Beals ahd Thomas Engineers, made the presentation. Environmentalist, ~argaret Prevot. No work proposed in the buffer zone to the lot. Kosian: 90 feet (approximately) Peter: Grade of road, higher than grade of lot Re: drainage. George: re; A large gully, large bank of silt, the,water runs over a strip of the rip rap, then dlsperses. Up above, it should be filled in (Robin will look at it.). [nforMation is sufficient, therefore,. t.f/~ HEARING CLOSED John W. War'ner of Standley St. Lot B Single Family HomE: #5-252 Paul Summer Core Envirunmental Engineer Co. made the Presentation. A brook does run through the lot. Joe: Distance from edge of structure to wetlands? Summer : 15 feet. Joe: .4fte:r- hole is dug, only 8' vJil1 be left, what about Hay Bales? George: Questioned concerns re:water (ground) Summer: Yes, ground water is high in the ares. Engineer Peter Gabboi stated no cellar, will be a wall Copen wall ). Paul SUffiffier: Will flag the trees as a barrier, so the wetlands will be protected from construction. Ray said to Paul Summer: To sUDmit a letter statin~ that no ce_llar ,,;ill f:xist, also fir.ished floor elevation plan. Peter: CJuestioned the driveway re: runoff. " HEARING CLOSED RECO!'iVENE ORDERS OF CONDITI0~S: I #5-249 Longfellow Place Lot ~5 Motion made by Joe, Peter seconded, To add to Standards-Hay bales and a siltation barrier to be included on all future Order~ of Conditions, ALL IN F!\VOR ,~ - (3 ) 'f/A- J #5-251 Longfellow Place Lot # 23 Motion made by Joe, Paula seconded. ALL IN FA,VOR !! #5-248 Charles Raymond 54 South Terrace Standards Plus (on file) additionals, Motion made by PeLer, doe seconded. ALL In FAVOR #5-247 Wesley H. Eaton 5 Curtis Point Stan(lar"cs plus additinnaJs. Motion made by Peter, Paula seconded. ALL Ii-J FAVOR !' :1:5-121 1 Year Motjon George. ALL ! i'J connolly 152 Conant perwit extension. made by Peter. secoi1ded. Ft\VOR .. St. #5-250 Longfellow Place Lot ~11 Wadsworth Place Motion to approve made by Joe, Paula Se(~:ooded. ALL Pi Fl\VOR .' Discussi0n of Leonhard's Greenhouse. MoLion Dade by George, Joe seconded. To continu0 driv~way main~enance. will stabiiize the existil'g drive\>ia~/ to make it pas5ab}t~. 4LL I\] F l\ VOR " Motion to adjourn at 9:20 P.M. made by Peter, Paula seconded. ALL Pi PAVOR '1'1' Mar~e S. Cotreau/clerk