1987-04-09 mq~ <1Iif~ of ~~uerl~, ~a55atq1t5etts CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS MI~UTES FROM MEETI~G APRIL 9. 1987 ME~BERS PRESENT: Ray eouchard, Bill Liss, Joe Manzi, Peter FIlmore, George Batchelder, and Paula Bartlett. ~eeting called to order at 7:50 P.M. ~otion to recess made by Peter, Seconded by Bill. ALL IN F,\VOR !' Beverly Airport-Site Improvement #5-24G fcont.) Luc CalTiere, Ent;inee.r-Dufresne-Henry , Inc. made the presentatIon, explaining the two areas of irprovement. All improvements will be done from the road in order to pull things out. Runway #34 an area will be filled at that runway. Greg Chapman, Airport manager- read a letter from Jim Lopez-Faa, June 1986-Re: trees. COMM I 58 IO,vERS I George: Re: visibility-location? Bill: Land where cleared, what then? Carriere: A natural ground cover will take place. Joe: amount of tre~s to be cut down? Carriere: 4 Acres. Joe: in disa~reement . some other form should be taken. Enough study hus not been given to this. George: Major growth on hill? What will prevent erosIon? Carriere: Some vegetation will grow, also will use some conservation mix. Brook Munrow: By leasing tne stunps, there ~ill be a stable form of erosion control. Joe: To put the towe~ up 20 feet' George: FAi\ put the tOI.;er t.here. and the trees have been there, leave as it is. Plan #2 Debbie Jacobsen, Biologist of GHR Associ~tion defined organics, growth in wetlands. April 9 , 19tiJ George: Should be flagged, re: isolated land Subject to flooding, Gabions how long does it act ~s a filter before b~coming a !ilter? ,Carriere: It. is a fil":.er itself. It is a previous material. Water flow8 through it. Joe: Re: Leeching fields. malfunction? Carriere: The contractor wil~ be no where near the leeching fields. George: Heavy equipment? Brook Munroe:GHR will be out there instructing the heavy equipment. Carriere: A siltation system and 3 hay bale system will be set up before any equipmeni enters the construction area. GENERAL PUBLIC etc.? Darn Manzoli: 775A Cabot St.. CNBEAC Member) Gabion wall, depth. Julie ann Weaver 11 Lakeview Ave. Re: ared b~lng filled in for safetyr) Carriere: It will double the safety O\lerr"un. Alan Taubert: DPW Co~missioner: Re: Accumulation of silt? How will it be removed? Carriere: Hay bales w:ill remain, fence ,will be removed. The contracter is responsible. -ccnstruction cost specifications to be sent to the COffimisiun, -Consensus to continue/ 2 weeks April 23.To be submitted and determined. Isolated land subject to flooding. How p;any 'trees? .L\ge uf trees? Spec ies therer) Revegetat ion? On plan, the limit of Juristiction. 5 MINUTE RECESS NOTICE OF INTENT I Cha r-les kaYP.'ond 54 South Terrace, Add it ions to an ex is tioD dwe 11 log. George: Yaw close will deck be to bulk he~d 3' sUppor-:ed by piles. I-jEARINC CLOSED Eaton 5 Curtis Point Lot # 36 #5-247 Engineer Peter Gabboi made the presentation. Proposed tc remove structure c3nd porch and t.O construct new foundation, new structure and garage as shown on plan. Entrance will be changed to enter in~irely on the property. George: Questioned hay bales location? En~r. Too ~f the bank,(6' f~om). (\ April 9,1987 \ (3 ) Ray; Subnitted informatIon re: elevation, top of the bank on a revised plan. HEARING CLOSED WHITMAN REALTY TRUST LONGFELLOW PLACE lot #5 Representatives- Beals and Thomas Rich Kosian Engineer, Margaret Prevot, Associate. No work will be done in the wetlands. Joe: Closeness to the buffer zone? Kosian: One hundred plus ten or fifteen feet. Bob Inlach, Construction Supervisor George:Questions Pilings? All piles will be kept out of the buffer zone. HE/\RING CLOSED Lot # 23, Longfellow Ploce No work proposed for the wet 1 ands. l'lore imperv ious area in this lot. Has been addressed in the drainage. George: It's very close to the bank. To propose curving the !)<:lck C.r the dr'iveway, also, dry wells information to be submi~ted. Revised plan accordingly. HEAR I r..;c CLOSED RECO:'JVENE REQUEST FOR DETERMINATIO~ Longfellow Place lot # 18 Rosemarie. Clen. Bill motioned a negative, George seconded. ALL IN FAVOR '! OF APPLICABILIIY EJ:1erson eil-cIe CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Charles Rayrond #5-128 54 Soutn Terrace Motion to issue a Ful; c1ade by Bill Joe seconded 1\ L 1.. I N F /\ \i 0 R .' CO"LYlUN I CATT ONS Brian Kelly 420 Cabot St. Proposed changes for par~ing lot. To submit copies of Plan C-2 and an outlined properly revised plan. Two weeks April 23. Motion to adjourn at 10.20 P.M. made ~y Bill ALL IN FAVOR.