1987-03-05 t - Wq~ QIitll of ~~b~rIll' #lassttrqlts~tts CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS rlINUTES FROfl'I MEETING OF MARCH 5, :9'87 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard, Paula ~ichards. Joe Manzi, and Bill Liss ~eeting called to order at 7:50 P.:i. PUBLIC HEARfNG 5-242 cont. BROOKWOOD SCHOOL To widen road, resurface and replace culvert5.DP~ CommIssion sa~i5fied with drainage calculations. A~l inform2tion is satisfactory. HEARING CLOSED 5-245 CITY OF BEVERLY, PIER FACILITY adjacent to the Salem and Beverly Bridge Klaus A. SchoeIlner. made the presentation. Revision submitted. GENERAL PUBLIC'S CONCER~ Jim Torgler 7 Bertram St. Re: permanent fixed pier, questioned fill? answer: No fill, pilIngs-will be driven in. Joe Greni.er -of HaleSt, Prides Cross:ing Re: Recreation matters. Sufficient I r< format-ion HEARING CLOSED , RECONVENE REQUEST .FOR A DETERMINATION William D. Stantial, R 63 Corning House Addition Addition to an existing house. . Brian Watson, architect, made the presentation. ... ( 2) Ray: To make an attewpt to place ~he brook on the plan. Also, the lirf'lts of the Drook t.o he defined on t.he plan. Joe: To snow what areas flood. Motion to t~ble the ~atter ~ade be Joe. Seconded by Bill ALL Ii~ F ~ V 0 R I , CERTIFICATE Of CO~PLIANCE Kohn 8 Upland Road Motion to table by Joe Seconded by Bill ALL IN FAVOR !, ORDER Of CONDITIO~S Reynolds 1.0 t 16 5-243 Longfellow Place Motion to issue made by Joe Seconded by Paula ALL IN FAVOR !! Lot 13 5-237 ( WillottJ Pend to sign) Chandler 350 Old Essex St 5-241 Standards, plus 2 additional conditions (on file) Motion to issue by Joe Seconded by Paula ALL IN F!~VOR ~! Baldini Paine Avenue 5-244 standards and one additional condi~ion Motion maUG by Joe Seconded by Paula ALL IN FAVOR !! COr1~UNICATIONS Grenier 8 East St. Extension denied Motion to re-file mape by Joe. Seconded by Bill ALL IN FAVOR !! Flett co. Thaxton Heights Re: concrete pipe. Vote to motion to delete it from the plan, ~ade by Bill seconded by Paula ALL IN FAVOR !! LETTER TO FOLLOW ... (3 ) ~otlon to adJour~ at 8:30 P M made by Joe Seconded by Paula ALL IN FAVOR '! Ivfarie S. Cotreaul clerk **~**.*.*M.***Y***~***..***.********~****.**.***************