1988-09-22 '" MINUTES FROM MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENf: Ray Bouchard, George Batchelder, Nancy Lodge, Bill Liss, Joe ManZI, Peter Gilmore and Vincent Lo~reau. Meeting called to order at 7:50 P.M. M~~.t:i(~n .to reces~; "for _. Pllbli(:: 1."lea)~j.l1g !l~0(::!e 1:)0 V:ir"lIl1P Seconded by Peter AL..L.. 11\.1 F?,VOR The chairman announced aloud the interests of the ConservatIon Commission. Also, the procedures of the meeting regardIng guestioris,answers and comments from the general public. #5-288 Continued WINTHROPS GRANT SUBDIVISION Attorney Robert Cornetta, representing. Stated all items requested by this Commission from September 15, 1988, meeting. All has been complied with. Information sufficient, motion to close made by Joe Manzi Seconded by Peter ALI_ IN F A'vOf~ #5-317 JACK FRENCH JR. Single family dwelling on Boyden St Lots L~3 an d 4=:, Mr. French represented hImself. Wetlands have been flagged.. Explained the project. George stated hay bales should be set since work has begun already, Bill: To stabilize the bank (in rear)] George : questioned the degree of the ~lope7 Mr. French: two foot. Information sufficient Motion to close b~ George Seconded b~ Bill ALL IN FAVOR ____4l~~:316 WESTON AND SAMPSQN Salem and Beverl~ Water Board ~D1"il1in9 and installing monitoring' wells.'. Airport to Wenham Lake, re= groundwater flow. Chris Horan representing. Vinnie questioned depth of wells- e(=\uipment procedure of geti:ing in and out. Peter: Authorization from owner? Horan: It's on its way. FE.,:' t (7:.')'.: qu E~S t :i on \:.oc! t i mt? t a I::i 1 E' clf Pi'.. oj E:.:'(: t . Horan: One or two days - Well will stand one - two weeks then will t<.::\k~? s;.amplE's. BilI:Askec! for results. Horan: No problem Nancy: If oil and gas is found what then? I."!oi'..i::\n: Dc::.n.'t E';.~PF.:.'ct thE!t, but tLI:i.l1 ~::;hut down. Sufficient Information motion to close made by Joe ~)(;::'cCJndE::'c1 by B:i.ll flL.L IN r.i"iVOR #5-258 COVE CROSSING SUBDIVISION C.P. BFRRV Representing : Attorney Barry Plunkett. ::::l rn :r. Y-'j u. t E.:' Y" (.::~ c {.:.:~ ~:~. ~::; ti: ~j ... L.E'.U. l~ (7;: :1. I~ 1 d\~ ;::;' :3ki[J.) H,::o.1 E' h t " j :1. '}(,j un :i. t ,.. E' t i )" E'/Tlf"! n t cornmu n :1. t~.J .J Nancyodge refrained due to conflict of interest from advice fl.om the City SoIic:j.tC'I". Robert Fanning ChIef executive from Beverly Hospital,spokesman. Explained reasons for choosing the site. Steve LBmard representing applicants Giles VanderBogeri::, Architect. He explained the design of the project. Jules Diogenes, Engineer, explained location of the buffer zone, wetlands,walkwa~s in the buffer zone but do not encrouch 6n the bordering vegetated wetlands. The sanitary sewage and the water will be connected to the city system, no septic s~stem on site. Witch Lane and wetlands nearby, will not be disturbed. Structured storm drains will have sumps. Oil and gas will have separaters. Area #1 A Weir installed 650 sq. ft. to be replaced. Immediately, A l"e~;ou .",. CE! ai'..{?c\. Area #2 Roadway abutting Witch Lane to be widened from 18 ft to 24 ft. Ar-.(,:,a #3 To be used as a stC)l~1Ti dE!tention ar-.ea. PQ=.s:i.hly wi 11 E'.~:tE!nd the wetland, but not hinder it. Brian Dorwart-Blasting Concerns. Rock- high absorbent t~pe- does not sh~tter, therefore, no impact on the wetlands. Joe Manzi: Yards of ledge to be blasted? Goudeau: 1&,500 cubic ~ds. Peter: Blasting areas-plans? Joe: Rock hauled out? Goudeau: to be used for fill. George: Coring? Fracturing? Groundwater. ~~Dorwart: Yes, has excavated close to the site. Has had no problem. Has encountered water 6ntop of bedrock. ,George: Closest sampling to the wetlands. Dorwart: Sta~ed close to the highlands where the test pits will be. Rf9Ports (on fi Ie) . do not access bedrock. The above will be made available to the Commission Bedrock can always be made into a sources of water. Peter: Blasting 8' above the wetlands? Dorwart: Correct Horizontal ten feet. Vertically _ feet Vinnie: Wetlands on bedrock Dorwart: Shallow soil srurface ledges all around. George: How close laterally are the blasting holes? Depth? Need more data regarding blasting, ReTl ee t1c~t-.y :;;::74 Hi::i I E! ~J t " : D~'!F,I: h 0 f Bu:i J eji ngs? Dorwart: Finished floor 89-102 (13 feet) H~drologist Kim Montella Engineer~ Sit approximately 40 acres. These are 4 bordering vegetated wetlands on site. Area #1 Weir structure= 445 feet long. Area #2 Two acres in size. Hour-like sh~pe. To replace existing cUl\./c~r.t 1~:)" .i.r"! ~-:~:i.~~E:-l: c71. <;:r!1 I..tJE,:'i,'" te! lJc,:,:' f.:';':i.::;:."i::(2TlE.d 1:: f) fTIEl.ini::.:'::'I.:i.r'! thE-: LU\;;tt(,,::'~r" 1 e \:' e 1 the Y" E;' ~ i Ii C ~'::l. ::::. f~" Cl T" {'J c! Y" ~j ~:; F~' i::..:~ .i. J A F~ E:: ~:':\ ;ft:~) 1 f3 11 b c; }: eLl. 1 \.: {';:'. Y" 1 ; yni i--l f:::: ...... (','J:L t ,..' ;, L...: '. T"; E,:,:'!, . 1" Cl Y" f::';' j::; :1. E:1. C E':~ I..u:i. t h .;;;, :2 ''::1_ II cul\/E,"i....t Ei.ncJ l ~:::: !I '-UF!::' i Jr. " wi th:: f.:.i ro. Ei ci. :f:lr ij_ i\~{) lU C::; Y" !.:' t h E::l I.!.l E~ +: J .:;';'1, f'r c.; C) r"; "I:: h (~~, dr" i::.i. :i. n i:':\ {J 1,::'::; .:=\. 'r'" f2,:;'1 " The ~.- ;,:..::.' UJ i 1 1. b f.::') F' {~-:::\ k d i '=-~. c: h .::~ Y" {~i (:.::.' .~::. T! ...... i:: i-. ~.:;: ~...' a Y" F!! a (.:::. C3 f tt1 C}-"(' k.: 1\1 (] :i. iT, F' .:'::t c: .J:: i 'n Patch Beact~ and M:ingc) Bea(::!'~n Peter: How has the site changed from the previous plan? Kim Montella: Smaller buildings totally different site, gradings nave ctlarlged,. j::)01"kirlg lo.ts are elirnirlatedu George: Agrees with Peter Montella: Previously more water went into the basins. Pavement sur faces have Chan(3ed, more al'.f?aS nOliJ are not d i rectF.?d the bas ins... Peter: More calculations are derived from this program? Kim: Yes, variables have been put into the computer. Peter: Questioned Area #1 on the plan.. G~orge: questioned shape of the basin Area #1 depth of the storm lLta tel^ /llJet 1 an d" Renee Mary 274 Hale St.: What time of year was this determined? Bill Lee: 2'+5 Hi::d.e St. :How mu ch is. Tlew i mpei'V i ou :~:; su y' f i'.1. ee? 1'~nSl!!E;)"f,!d lJ. , -~ acres. Charles Peabody 275 Hale 8t" = TotaL wetland acreage? No answer. ~\im: {..Jill look it uP. GeOl^ge: AC:l^eiage? Buildings - 3 acres Roadways = Lt. acres Parking = 7 aCres- impervious. Steve Leonard: Service bUilding- elevation depth = 80. (approximately) Vinnie: gravel area Montella: not gravel- paved area. ~teve Leonard: If vernal pools did exist -in area #1 (onl~), cc:ms:tl"l,lction would not affect them in their habitat. If so, the weir c.J"~'M.ftd,J~euin the buffer zone. '!o1iJl>,..;,; Tannenbaum: Commented on the findings and statistics of vernal PoQl_, the~ do fluctuate ~earl~. Rene.e.Mary: What other species were found? . An$~.r~ green frogs. ,--George; Water. flow? 3ft. of water will not affect the egrrrases? Tannenbaum: Will not affect them. George: What if a complete less of water? Answer: Area #2 -Well endowed with water. Dewart: 4 Hill St. Roads close to aread 1-2-3 (wetlands). What effect wi 11 ~;.:::\ I t hEi\lf?7 Tannenbaum: No effect on Salamanders. If enough circulation, flushing a slight rise will occur. Will ultimatel~ end up in Mingo Beach.' StevE';!: In noticE' Df Intent, it ~,;ti:"tE,!S;., sand and plow..... no s<:;\lt. Developers to maintain the private roads. Will monitOr and oversee- no salting Brian Dorwart: explaIned detail of the. construction- will ensure to protect the wetlands all catch basins will contain sumps to collect debris, flared ends on drain pipes, 3' sod area in place of curbs during construction. Dick Goudreau- contractor. Peter: Wetland #3 what feeds it? [) C) Y" loti ~:?i. ir. t:~ l" 'r"' r~' n c j",1 cl"( . ':;;"1. i. n .:;:-i. 1:: t h c.::' 1. C) E:l. c:! :i. r:-i (.] cI Cl c k t: C) {,:;! f.:~f t LlJ E;'I, t F!.! Y" (] u t C) f"' {"::"l. 1. D LU 2\ Y' fEI-::i,,, 1, Manzi: Project in phases? Do(..wi:.'Irt: To con.l::ini.J.e along not phE;,,;;(7?d. Vinnie: Replication area done? First? Answer: yes done First. George: Run-off water creating a storage area' Wetland dr~0 1 1/2 ac)^ea DO)"l!.ldi"t:' 1,),::; abu\/E' thE' llJE.i j'" <3.j....E?Er :J:l:1.. Vinnie: Wetlands east side up Wi~ch Lane. Steve: 30' awa~ from edge is "BVW. Peter: Emergenc~ energy area? Diesel fuel, is tank on plans? Dorwart: Inside the buildings. Peter: Wants it shown on plans. For the record-authorization from oWnel^s. George~ Water sources private Ben Eisenstadt 345 Hale st. . Rossi West side 282 Hale St.: Borge well close to area #1. RE.'nee l'1i::<.ry: (s;.peakin<.:! fOl") BOl"9E' 332 Hc:lle st. :feE.~ls this l!.I("dl l1Jl11 be polluted from the blasting (will submit for the files). Chairman: A revision re: .well survey. Steve: Will do 50. Renee Mary: To notify MEPA. Vinnie~ Wants a site visit. To Provide: -test pit reports -volume of water behind Weir in area #1 -locate missing 8 acres. -Ident.if~GCA Samples witt'1 core samples ~Emergencw generat.ion. ._..:.Wtt_ct,_Lane owned by Endi cott College, To revi se page 1 of Not i ce Re: ""I tem 3. John Glovsky attorney- Witch Lane is a private wa~- never a public wa~ by Cit~ Engineering Department. JOEit Man;;:i: Length of time? Answerf: .. 24 mon t he; wells in the area? two wells, 1 well borge artisian well. 1 well l50k' awa~ from nearest building. Renee Mary~ Read aloud her feelings to the commission at this time. To submit in writing. Ben Eisenstadt~ Represents the neighbors. Mrs Dewart: traffic concerns. Rev. Dewart: concurs Conrad Felton 407 Hale St.: Water run-off on Mingo Beach and traffic Francis Amor~ Prince St: 2 acre pond on his propert~: fears pond overflowing! running dry. Mrs. Amor~: Traffic concerns Charlie Peabody: When on tourl water volume would Increase, would have an ,3 dve).' S;;E" i"l cr. E'{;;I. ',;C" on t h C" cu 1 \/Frr t --0 f f. 27~} Hi::\ 1 E.' ~:; t " Cindi Shapiro: Wild life concerns? Michdel Marcos New England Environmentalists: Feels the Notice of Intent lacks propC"r information, vC"ry unclear. Commented on, contamin.:::'!tE'd i.1.1:,:\1::''':.:'Y' f:.~ntey'ing thF~ bi::\sinr..;:.,l its E~ffF!ct on L\J:i.ldl:i.fE~" Us.;;:, :i.f sto~m water for detention is a hazard. He: vernal pools~guidelines on site indicate they do exist. ~~~l_ ~rp~ :I:!:::::: .1.". .::' \/('"Y..i'c'.. PC:CI}. l.):itc:h Li::,nE:: outlE~t 2 cJnd ;.3 cu.l\iE'F,ts:;. hF:'.Lfl'J re!::'lacecj~ (~r'} ~l(::li:]_ce, i'l(] j.f1dicatic:JT')" of bar)t~:Ll')9 )"er)].3cell~eilt: l'I')i~:;~ F: j:-' c! j (.:.:~ c t c:i ;:-:) (-:.?:~. n [) -!:: H! f::':' E' "i:: LiJ ]. + h thE'! FJ c:.! Y" f C) 'r~' rri c;~ 1"') C.' L' '::_ t ~':.:I. n d .~:. ..... F';!'~ Cj.j F.:' ct.::;:. h c! I.J J d L) l:;' c! E: 'n :i. E.:' d " I.....) ... "j ~ L) (.:.:~; ';:;:. u biT! 1 -i:: t E:' d 'f' D r'o () U ).-- i n f' CJ '(. rn i:.,7t. t i Cl n :: Steve Leonard: stated his rebuttal comments. F;;CJ ~;~;=. :i. c: C"TI!I, ("-"Ii t F~ dun t:.J i .1 d 1 .:J. n cJ . l....J :i. :1.:1. E:1 ;', .::::. cu (.:.:.:, 'j'" :!. r) tJJ r". :i. 'r 1 '1'., q " Rer18e Mar'y: Re: Pt.!lnFJ:i.ng (Dateln~ Hearing'COJ1"t'iY'lueeJ ()ctobe)'~ 20 4 wee-~::s 5 ~1I NUTE !~ECE::S~; Nancy Lodge returns for next hearing #5-258J COVE CROSSING SUBDIVISION Charles Corkin II Attorney representing Displayed plan and explained in detail. Vinnie: Form Band C has land been sold? Cork i 11:: No George: Calculations? Vinnie: Waterflow to A-B-C? Answer: Will normally flow not piped in. Lynn and Suzanne:'? ~:;;t('?ln 251 Ea~:jt Lothr'op 8t= COlliITJE'n!:~:; ag,::\in.':;.ti::hE~ proj ect. George: Re: Hutt's property water back up behind the bern. O~ilvi~ 5" berm could pipe it. Alan Taubert: suggests hearing continue. Lero~ Hutt: concurs with Alan Taubert -would piping help on Linden Hutt? -maintenance of Basin? Cit~/homeowner -12" drain pipe or an angle downstream not straight out. Suzanne Stein: To calculate how much flood storage is on site. ~Corkin: To choose which plan is preferred. Bill Liss: We"re not here to select ~lans. Motion to table 2 weeks b~ George Seconded b~ Joe Manzi ALL IN FAVOR Cont. to October 6th RECONVENE D1Scussion WILLOW POND All correspondence submitted and members have copies. Re: Certificate of compliance Motion to table b~ Joe George seconded ALL IN FAVOR MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 12=45 P.M. MADE BY JOE SECONDED BY PETER ALL IN FAVOr Marie S. ::Jtl"eal.l .~ , ~