1988-08-04 " ,:;. MINUTES FROM MEETING ON AUGUS1' q. 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT~ Ray Bouchard, Bill Liss. Vinnie Cotreau, Joe Manzi. Pf::!te"i~ C:ii lmof'r,~. Meeting called TO order at 7:45 P.M. Bill motion0d to recess for a PUBLIC HEARING \'!innie f:5ec:on(Jr:?cI fiLl_ J 1'-./ r=-{;VOR Chairman Bouchard stated the 8 in t ey', (:;:'" i::" __ .i.: L'I thE? C Ci Ti !::; E: "r-' \/ Ei. t i CJ TJ ro, . . L CJ ITi rfl 3. ~~..:; ], CJ n (j CJ ITJ e !5 -. 1 Vi ""1 E:t "jr. :::. h IC:j \/ E.:' n U E' ..... ."-. L. Ci t :1* 11~~) :; T' C) y"' ~::'. I'" '-. ("0 c: n ~:::'l. n cJ c! F:":. ::::, k CI. ci c1 i -l:: :i. C) r1 Susan Kinq (daughter of the applicant) representing. Closed I:Jor~ch i~s in tIle 'flood plair), dee~~ also j.l~ -!::I-Ie flc)oeJ ~:)J.aj.Tl~ Sufficient Information --Hearing closed ? .~ '! Amended Order of Conditions-- The Winchester Group- Proposed gazebo for a power lift station #1. / I-\E.'ith BE:l'"'ube? r'E~Pr"E~s.E"~nting? e:,.;plaini;ecj thE: Py"oPosE!I 1n df::!tdiJ~ alf:5D displayed a sketch/plan for viewing. Bill questioned the size. Answer: 500 gallon/pound tank. Sufficient Information-- HEARING CLOSED Sturtevant Street Ext. Lots 1-4-5. for Residential ConitructiDn. AttDrney Boudreau, representing. Stated 2 resource areas ~ould be affe(:tecl t)y i:t)i's; !:)lt~o~.ject:u All e~{istj,r}g t))'c)ol.:: rl!l')~~; 'f)'~[)n'l Ell:iDtt ~::~i._ tc:) ~:3 'j:: u Y'. t 0.::'\,;' <D. n t 23 t .. Pc:' t E' r" '--/\"i~ (;?,,,": ',',. to be ~,:. take d. ,; c'1.~:; C, f ~:I e'::; t fIr' dic\1,.J ~;; t E! kin C,I h i::"i ~,. ";1 C) t hc!c::' 1'1 dOT] E.:" . Drainage line runs through the brook. How can that not dist0rb ~ne b'"" C)D k '7 LinescDuld be Put within the right of way. Sewer line already exists in the brook. I I .,' n n 'l' E" ,.., U C) r.:; -:- l' -'1"1 {:.:; "'1 -I- I" (::;, '\ 'J'('1 '--' n f f' ... <::; L\ j~ f ,: .-. r.:.) (II 7.j +- j.::', Jr. ) V " '. ..'\ \'':.._.. L .... t. _ I '" ,j.. "_' . '\ "p -t.t t.. f.:;. _ I... ".... . ~ Boudreau~ A lot there now -will not increase. Chairman: Submit drainage calculations ele\/8.t iClns;. (Post.and pre-post). Vinnie questiDned drainage flow? Boudreau: All flows now down the hill constructed drain will be enclosed. with 10 year and 100 year flood to E:Jliott St. ThE' riE'wl ~ GENEF~,C;L_ I)UBL 1 C 1'1r s. f\ J. Vl:?S. 3~~~ 1 E~ J J :i. Ci t ~~ t II (C(JY-' n E:' l/~) HE::'~: el! ",':;"1. 1 n E:i,:] r::-:' f- J CiU.J ,. f<ay Ge 1. :i. ne.::!u nep. PE~.l~ent,:; r.:', c,,,". I c:u 1.::\ t ion',;. l <) (10], d:~:.ITr i 1:: h ("1\/&;::' .. ()pa J 1';;,\iE' . E! (~j r' (.~.:.! f'~' ci eLl i. t h r::r c.::' t E.! .(", Gilr1'lc)}~e'-- 11-0 l~L!Yl -off I ::::- "f"~ E:\ iT! i :I. E\ '1"-' :..u :i, "i:: h "i:h.:.;:.:. iou' I. . C) F' E.:' Y" .;:: ~-:..J ') k f", C) Lt.' ~':;~, :i. -1;:",. E:i. t i::", flooe! circ::"~:,. ~3ti:"'.t(7:.'cI thE'--/:: In I::) a. d c,. t C) "Jr. m :-:::. , [~J.JiCjtt ::::;'1- hi:,'. :;,. h(.;~ c Cl mE? ? t i 11H:':' ::; ? ';::'. C)Y"le--:larle s.t:ree.t~ (:!LJP t:C} ~;~.!C:t'i ~52V21'~e flc)o(jingo BeJ.i.evps .the stl"'eaITi UJ3S ITloved t!JI'~eTl si:C))~i';'! (jl~a:ir'j5 (vere r)l.j't in~ J10{A) t:l~,e wa.te)~ fle]ws Jlearer to 5 (-'cp'l Avp~ i::'22],~~ ~"i..rQI'lgls? .tj-iat: tt)2 el1giT)eel/~ ~;t)c:){ll(j I::)p !~l~esent~ ~ I 1 \/~;;, n CJ 1 ~:;:' () p (-":"~ .1 ('~i \,/ E:" n u. c.:' I? E;' ~ b J. ':::!. ~~. t :i, n ~.J '.1 i t U.J :i. 1. J i::-t 'f 'f (:.~ c: t 'I:: "'J (? b !'~ C) c:) k I'~ Ci UJ has flooding in his g2rage and c:ellBr. Chairn1arl sta.te(~ t:110 topo ~Jlar) clcJe0 y'}ot shoUJ tl.1G b)~c)ok" Mr. Prince5 owner, where's the brook? for 30 yeal"~;, t)0 ~)0S ne~el~ seen a b}"ooku l-~le (:ha:il~n)2n <~'~:a'):ecj tl"i2 pngj.neer'ssl'lOtll{j~vp ~~;h(:JtDJ'l (,:,:.: \/ E.:' Y" LI t h i n ==1 " un _. 1'-: .;:.~. ~ Ci .-::,:. 1. :i. n E: IIi c' ti:: :~; t .. ..f)"!"".::.:';.:L n,:'::\q(:::: Ci( .;,:". i ('1 d q 0.~ C CJ ITi E:~ :::~ f Y' ()rn t--.1 E! "1:": t h :i E.:' ~~:. ::.:.t '" 1/\ .I. J _. l::'::' r' 'I.' 'I ?-'~'::::. , C;T"i c....:'..;. nlCln~~. ,:.;-:'tn{] C: CJ fT', ;:::' U. t ::';'{ '( :I. C.i n ;~:' " -,. r3 U Y" 'f ':::-( c t:-::' llJ E:. t (.::..:, 'j" '('. i.) T"r ..... C; f r .- L:: J J. j, C} t t '.-: .j-. -. I~. i t I:) E; 'i:: UJ {:-;! F:':: 'C.! ] C) '( ,;::. " .:':.;.{ (! CJ '::"j;.' ReSOlll"c:e area~~~; ~;.ta~(e(:! and fJ.agged.: /' / I V i:.': (:~ + .:':':t t i C)j"'f ... . i.... \/ [:.....,1..) C';:f' .' . .... . ..... t h t:::l y~ E~ ::::. Cl U Y" C E::' ,':";.Y'.""-::':',:::\ " -!-CJ !l)ake [~rl F)laT)~;.n.. e>~2{:tJ.y whel~E tiMIE br'ool.::~~; B"i"e: Si::reet 'fl(:)uJ o'f UJ3.t:e)^ 2C:Y'05S S'tllrtevant S.t:~ C~lail'r!)2i'l'--Sl!ggestei:1'--T)e}:t n)eetirlO the eI1giJleE~" St)(Jll1c:! I~e p)"esen.t~ CCJ[lt ne>:t n)eetiy')g AlJGUS-r' 251'H carrigg/Hilleken- Fencing at Lot # 8 57 Hathaway A~enue Ext. Tom Carrigg representee! himself do~sn't pl2n on moving 2n~thing. ~oe Ma~zi questioned distance of fence to the hay bales.. (~2)~l'~:l9g _-811 21D2L!u Stlf'Piciey.)t In'foY~ll)at'ioTl HI~/'iF: 11\1(::; CL.OSED Wai:el'\ S'.t:)l\eet I:~ealt~ S.tree'l: ,.!.'t)OITlaS Cal'gilJ. Present: Gus Sh2rry Hancock burvey ll-L~ Water Street. M2rina. R.e!~l~eser'lt'2tives"" 0ilcJv!~I,(y aJ1(::1 Glov~~;~~w Hilde Fauerback, attorneY for Glovsky and Glovsky_ Dredgin_ ana C::C)l'!S:i ty~U c:t:i. ()r!" Final Improvements now can hegin. David Thompson-Haley and Aldrich Environment21 EngIneers. Thomas Cargill-present LeD Panunzio-Health department.. Bill Liss-Disposal of materials D,;:\VE:-! Thompson - Up to DEqE'S <).ndl~r.-3i=;;, thE'Y will in~str'uct the appropriate way <also, ARMT CORPS OF ENGINEERS) Disconvered material to be dredged is quite clean. Chairman suggested to revise the Notice of Intent-Re: the sidecast. ThDmpson: The intent is clearly to dispose of the materials (2900 C.~l") FJropei"ly. 'vJinn:ie: qUE-.'stionE.>c! bl.:'. flood pli':1:ln" t..\I:1.l1 "1' affc:'ct the buildin(;]. Thompson: b4= elevatiDn 13. A transitiDn zone between A zone and B zone. In a 100 year storm, some splash around the building. Foresees no damage by waves. Joe Manzi- Are all 4 steps - to be done together? Thompson- Last item #4 = 4 floats will be done last. 1\1(::)t :i..ntE-:'ndE'c! to b(;:' .dC)"f"lF:.' 1n S.E:'Ci.UE'nC:E~" Joe commented Dn the contamination. T hOlT,p'5on: lJ..I i.ll 1::)\-:::' E';.; C:i::'.Vi,:'. tc'd p"("c::,pE",r'l "::J. ,,:\ numb(:.:-:-"(. of d if f'el:'i:=.'n t opt ion';::; tD do it. ~p tD the EnvirDmental agencIes. Chairman -Re= sheetp1ling- bulkhead Didn't show on Hancock survey plans. Hilde: Will provide plans stamped fron Haley and aldridge. Chairman:- plan depicting federal ch0nnel limit. Leo Panungio - Re: Chemical analysis. What are you planning to (1":-' E.? cI 9 E' . T h orrl p':;;.on ~ F:f.c'ITIOVi::\ 1 tanks. -TO DETERMINE THE SIDL CAST AREAS OF DISPOSAL. -'W~iE~I~E'S l-~~E F:~EDE~F~Ai.._ CI~ANI~EL~? (. DEI_..INEA'-!"1~)'r Pe.te)'~ G:i_J_IT!(:)ll'P--- :[r'l.tc:))"I"!"!~'!:'~Y" St_I-f-~:icj"eJ")i:_ 11-,C:)"j::i_Oi-12{:j of l~etro:telljl'! c:ar'IJ<Jnati(Jh fr'olTI F'Y-' f:::\/ i C)U ~:::.l!.-:-] ~~; 'l:: C)),' f;? ci , .,:: hi::' +. -i~ (-j C":':: h!:-:;,.:::,",r":L nn I"'ii'::' c 1 C;:~~.E' d II Bi.IJ. l_i!~;s ~~;e(::(:JTlc!ec:j" ;;I._L_ I i\! F' (:\\/() F F! E: CO 1'\1 ') E: 1\1 F: REQUEST FOR A DETERMINATlON--MEDlPLEX TABLED a letter has been submitted. CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE *1: ::' -_.- :2 ~::; :3 .. (J T J. (? E: iT! ':':'::' r'" ~ ;" [J Ti C i i"~" C J E' ') ~.... C) r"! (.:i -f E: 1 J D U..l 11(:)-tj.C)TlcrJ 'F[)l'~ a flJ:i.l ce1ni:if:i(:a-l:e I:JY :Sill .I. ""'.C(.::.> seC::C)Jl(Jeej tJ~ V:iY')f):ie 1\1....1.. 11\/ F::/i'v'OF; #5-218 Lot 32 Willow Pond ~~tioned for 2 full- by Joe seconded by Peter AL.L TN I=-AVOR .. #5-159 Greenwood Ave. George Warren Motioned to table by Vinnie seconded by Peter 16, L l... I ,,1 r=- (.;" V 0 n RDbin's Reports- members have cDPies. Communic:atiDns - members have cop1es Orders Df conditions -Gomes 10 Marsh Ave Lot 19 Motioned for standards made by Peter Sec::ondec!tJ~ Bill /:-, :I. 1 in f d\.'or" -Gazebo - The Winchester GrouPI~mendment to new plan. Motioned by Peter ~:::. (-? C C) i"i c:i 0.' c:i tJ~..J ]~.:i. 1 3. i:'ll_L. 11\1 F/\VUR - Carriggl Hilleken- Fence at 57 Hathaway Ave. Ext. Lot # 8 Standards 1"'10 t :i. on f:?' d b~...J ,J c:; E' secc)Jldecl by Vinr'~ie /~,i._l... II\i F 1~1 VO R W~ter Street Mar1na 1"lD t i un t C) t i0. 1::1 1 E? f- .! . (:) f' 1...1. Y" I~ h C-:'.' Y" :i. on f" C) ":--. !Ti ~::'~ t :1. cn-', '} ~;eC~CJI1(j2(:J tJY I:)etey' t:::'1 L.. !.... J: !''''; F' /:) i..) () I~ B:i,J.'; J"oo'I:::ioT1EC::! T(~ ad,.JOtl1"f} ai:' C)~...:'t~ !~"I~n ;,:-~ ('~:' C Cj n ci E' cl b ~J ,J C) e l~i L. 1.... I 1\.1 j=:" /::'j 'v' () F~ Marie ~ Cutreau/ clerk !T; E'. dE' I:::, ~J j 1 J '," ::_~