1988-06-23 . m~c QIit~ of ~cberI~, ctRassady1t5ctts CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS Ivl J f\.IUTFE3 F PUt'l tTiE::J::::r I r\~(~J 01\1 ,JUt,IE 23, 1 '}HH MEMBERS PRESENT:Ray Bouchard, Peter Batchelderry and VInnIe Cotreau Ci i J iTiCi i-' e 'l f Nan ctJ Lodg(."" Ci e Cr (r. ~.I F!! Meeting called to order at 7:50 P.M. F)[:Q'..lF:(:3'1 FOR .DI.~'rLi~lvi 1 rol/e.,r 1 U\! Cont. Mediple~ 265 Esse~ St. Present: John Truslow representative. Gulf of Maine Research--Don to:; e n t" ,.\ (j d i tic) n '::'. 1 1 n 'f 0 ('. rn .~~ t 1 D'n , '.~ ."" Y'. C' .:::'. U. f:" '::. t i~ c! LLt i thE'. P 1 C:'t n , d f'~ t -3 I I :i. n g t h E~ pt', o pc::; c;;:. Et :I.. (p 1 <':".'n c,'n f 11 0:!" Dc) n ''<is:'!''; ,\, (,iu 1 f (::0 f 1"1.,:',. :1. n E:: , (7;:' ::< p 1.3. i 'n G cl h :i. '::: Y" f2 pOir. t . (on f i Ie) John Delano, Engineer fron John W. DeLanD and associ3tes, Inc. of Tau n tCJn, f'l i::t <;;;..;;:, , f?>: p J. a J. ned his y'epo'!" t. (on f i 1 e) In a 2 yec..i" Y",::<inf'all, les;s than ij-(,?iOfl:1 fE'et. Peter questioned area IYlng In a flCJod plain? George questioned flooding, drain-3ge basin comes from Cole st., Where does the w-3ter flow to ? Bill Twooneyry Gulf of Maine, works with Paul McM-3nus on field inspection, W3S 31so present. A site visit is necessary Truslow questioned: Is everythIng satIsfactory? Flagging has been done. Chairman questioned: Is it isolated subject to flooding? Don Kent: It's not borderIng" George: wants more time to make a determination. Don Kent Re:flagging -confident, has flagged all necessary areas. George motioned to table -Nancy seconded ALL IN FA'/OR SITE VISIT TUESDAY 28TH 3:00 P.M. CONTINUED ON JULY 14, 1988 ORDER OF CONDITIONS T~~OMPSON 130 Lothrop St. Duple>: House. A petition submitted to the Commission was discussed. Vinnie motioned for the Ordev of Conditions GeOi'-'ge seconded AI....L I N FA"/Ol~ BVH1.:':E :1*5"-3U'j To place stakes where bound3ries have been marked. George will verify CI(',::'OY' qe ITtOt i OTl('2d \oj i Tln i (:;:, S.EoCOTl ded (;I....L IN F (:\'vJOI~ Northland #5-307 :'::;I:~'ll.!E')" €~! >~ ten s i on Gf2ol"!3e mot i on (.",cI Pe t E'r ~:;e con elf? d "'~I....L It\1 F/\VOI~ 1'lf~',NHOLE:~ CO\)ERf::'; :Bri::iTl ch Lc..ne 'for Stem dalr. d~5 and perpetual maintenance :BOL TED DOl,.IN LONGFELLUW PLACE, THOREAU CIRCLG. LUl ~4 to review wooden guardrail. Will notify accordingly. of the cJt.. .:':\ i 11 . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LOT 11, #5-250 LUNGFELLOW PLACE Motioned to table, by Vinie Seconded by Nancy AL_L. IN Ft\'vUP To noti~y The CommIssion when the debris IS cleaned up. REPORTS FROM ROBIN LEVESQUE None at this time. Not in Attendance. COITilTiUnic3tions --Members have COpIES. OLD,ONGOING/UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BU~~;INESS GEORGE MOTIONED TO ADJOURN AT 9:12 P.M. PETER SECONDED ALL IN FAVOR Marie S. Cotreau/clerk