1988-06-16 MINUTES FROM MEETING ON JUNE 16. 1088 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard, George Batchelder, Peter Gilmore, 1\!2r}c:~ L...c:)clge, aT')(:i Vinnie Cotl~ea{.! MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT R:n7 p.m. F)ptell. ITI(~tione(j 'fc))'~ a l~u1:):Li{:: ~le0)'~:iT'lg SeC(:JIlded by l~aY1(:Y ALL IN FAVOR F)~e(j T~'IOIT!!~S(::)Tl 130 L..cJ'I:I"I)^(:)I~ S'l:" l)l.!!:~lex !-!ouse~ Repr~eseAting I_.i~~~a Wi].lwey'i:tl~ ali(::! ~I Ey')g:i.r"leeriY'lg C;C)" Explained with plan displayed, in detail, the notice c~ intent. Peter questioned 100 year flood elevation? Lisa :contour 11 on the plan- WIll be 3" above the floor plan (100yr flood= elevation 11) Chairman clarified this is for Lots A & B7 Thompson : yes GENERAL PUBLIC Carl Pfalsgraph 128 Lothrop St Expressed water concerns, at one time 1 1/2 feet of water with ducks SWImming there Ice skating can be done in the rear there. ( and has been) Peter questioned the retaining wall in the back Lisa: will taper down to meet the street George questioned the contours. Parking area will be paved. Crushed stone, under the paving will act_as a drain. Retaining wall will bring the water down the driveway to avoid going to 123 Lothrop . Tina Pfalsg~aph- 128 Lothrop st. Concerned with large trees and bushes in her area; protecting them, etc (from flooding) Peter: will the driveway be above the elevation of the house? Crushed stone and PVC will be meat to the foundation for the driveway. Chairman: With the elevation at 11- and the ocean at 14, then it's not ocean water. Where's the water coming from? (No building space below the 11' elevation). Could be flooding from the back? ~ ". .. Vinnie questioned calculations? George: not enough water to do calculations. Peter would like to see a topo for the other lots. (;;f2ClY"'::Ji::,? cl j, f f(-:'::"l"""::::. OJ f'F.~F21~::., n()t'n(~:':c:(e''..:..-:;!~~.E~,'r'~-d" T h c<m p~:::.[)r'l :: I n i:~. :I. lZ!(lI (j r" f J Dei cj '.' thE' p,':, i'" kin C) J. 0 t :.lJDU I dn '} +: ITI,::' k F::':' ;::, d iff f:.~ '(" Ei n c C:.! II 'f h (:7::' ~'::~ '1'" (.:.~, EI, f' J C) C) cl ~::; 1 1"j t h f.:.f Y" c.:.: ~:i .(. 'r~' E.\ q ,~':i. rh. c:l J t:.' ~::; ,:: ~ Peter yields to the consenses of the CommIssion Carl Pfalsgraph Re: the retaining wall? Thompson: Will flow from wall on 128 Lothrop Bide- to 130 Lothrop S 1 CJ i:::~ II SUFFICIENT INFORMATION 1"'II:,L',RIj\j(:i CL.Of:JED Y" (.:::., c: C) n \,/ E.:' 'n (-:.:~ reauest for a determInation of ApplIcabIlity 1"/(':::; c:j i F' :I. [~ .: ::? tJ ~:::I F: ;:::' ::; (':.' ::.;' ~:'3 t" (: Ci n (.] '1'-, (.~,: '~:.:j ~':';';. t (,:,:.:, (.::: J d (::;"1'" 1 ~J I'-! C) U ~~, (.? ( ,::,:" (/) CJ rJ .~':i. ( : {" c.?, ) -.T C) 1"1 '{"j 'f '(. u. ':::; 1 C) l.U P ~.:.:~, r, '(" (.:.:,:, '::::, E:' nt i n (.~J " r::: ::-~ Fj 1 '.:::1, i. n E,:' d tcrh .;':':'t t h F:,' p 'r ' U 1::,; C) '::::, C' ~:;:. t D Cl U " C; E? D Y" {J i:.:?! ~ d i cJ (J CJ Cj U t: ') d-i ci F;.i n C Ci U n t t-:7:' jr. o:~:. (~:,i n El l!J ~~, t 1. .::'~ n c:! \/ E~ ::.:] E~ t ,':;'t -i:: 1. C::i n ( f:~! ~ ':':1 :: ~::, c:;:' cJ::;1 (,:-:,:, ;~:' )" l~ ], D t CJ 'f' c:l Y' ,:'::'~ 'i n i::,'J FE' 1 nth F:! 2, Y" (-:::..' ~::'~ a L. c;i, y (.:,:,1 i:.:~' (."::,:, n C:;!J <,:j (-! .;':':1, yo, (.:.:,:, ~;o\ o~.. r"l Ci r::, L{"!') Ci i::-:? (0 laT1d sut:)~jec'l: 'f'{"l 'fJ.O(:)cJ.irlg., V:i,nTlie Clues.t:i(:){1eci tj-jP c:alc:~Jlai:'lOJl Li i liJ,~;\ -!::ey-' ";.: 'r-t)e del:JreS~5:icJr'l (.t~le e~{cava.tic:)rO} l(;:~ tl"IE :I,SSUeu A(:::Ce~5S ~J:i:I,l be fl:'CJG'! C;(J:Le ~3.t:l~eetn c; h '::.~, i Y" rn ~::{ n 'j'" ,?.~I q.ll F::' ';:::. t f:':'~' d ITi c;; r-' E~ :L T) 'f U t., lTi .::.."-'i. J: i un'} c:1 :i .~;:. t Li. r-": C E' ~; f (': C) rn '!= n C.:-: ,-h. : (J (.:-:' c;; 'f t h (':.:.? I..ue:, t J ,:';;'. n cl<:::." . Should get expert adVIce Peter motioned to Table. G E? 0 Y'. ';,,1 E~ S E? c: D n d (.:.:.: d /'11.:. L. I hi F ,':\ 1.../ 0 H ,~~ Request for a DeterminatiDn of applicability Test Excavations 619 Cabot St. John Dick, representing. Hancock Survey To do excavations 15 feet down Flooding concerns, can a house be put on the lot, will it stay there? Will have to work around the trees, no evidence of any viaWle vegetation there. George ~otioned for a negative, Peter seconded FOR TESTING ONLY ALL IN Ff;VOR MUGFORD lot 17 Willow pond #5-188 Peter Gilmore with drawing possible conflict of Interest. new plans, Is there a need for a new filing? George motioned- no need to refile. Vinnie seconded ALL IN FAVOR To l"E'view ,j . LONGFELLOW PLACE Thoreau Circle Lot 24 To review wooden guardrail structure. George motioned to table Vinnie seconded it. (-.LL IN FI'iVOR (FOR MORE INFORMATION, WORK DONE ITO BE DONE) ORDER OF CONDITIONS George and Vinnie to Motioned to table by Seconded by George ALL._ IN F'<vvOR Burke 55 Cross Lane #5-305 site visit Friday afternoon. Petpy" TABLED (2:~m p.r". 0'1" dF?)'" 0 f Con c:l it ion '::: 1\loy" t h ]. cln cJ SF::'WC!Y" E >~ t 0.~n ~::.' i on ur; By. an c:: h Lc:\ neT I\BLED Motioned by Vinnie Seconded by Nancy P,I._L I ~'.I F (.\\)0 R CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LOT 11, #5-250 Longfellow Pldcb. Berube, Site manager, explained. Motion to table by Vinnie Seco{)dec1 b~ Geol:~ge (".L.. L. I ~-,i F'/::, I....) (J P No retaining wall there. KE'i t h ( cl 0::' by" :i. '~:; c: J. E~'d Y" E' d ) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE L'Italien Lot 8 Hathaway Avenue #5-158 be(:)l:~ge lCJ(J~::e(:j at }':Ji: ,... silt bl(~c:i.::ecj b~ .tl:)p I:Jales" 1"')is i~s a ~;e(:{:)n(::1 l"(::)t~ Cjf 1::)21es ~~u-!: :i.Y') I:JY L':I:taJ.:i.2Y" .to l~rcevel1'1:' s:i.:L.ta'j:::i.Ofl" i"ID t i c,"(', to\] i" .......... f' 1..11 .J. C f:'~ 'r-' t i 'f :! c:: .;':-:-i. t E:' (J t C C) iTI F' .I. ], ,:;':\ "C.! c: c.::.' [) ~.::J ..../:L n r1 :L E-~' '. f> f,:,:, t f':'~ {" :::. (:.~.:' c:: C) Y"j cl {.:::.: cl (\LI.... ~: 1 ! ,.. , " ! J:: FO I r--.l1""\! L.t:) t :!. C;i :N: ~~:I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE F' (.:.:.:, t E.:! 'j'-' iT! C) t :i. C} n (:;.; d "j-o. c} r' <::1. F.-:' Uo :1.:1. C E? '!'~ t i fie ,;':\ t E:: C) f c:: C) rn F) 1 i.c:\ 1"1 c: e Ge(~f'gp ~~eCOrl(jEd i.t !'-\L...L. I ,.) F'/1'.../OI~ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Bass River Brimball Ave Interceptor #5-175 11(Ji::ioYO)pd t:)y I~eter Sec::{:)T1Cie(j I:)~ Vir')nie A~....l_.. IN F:~AV(::}R (l~l,)J._.I._. (:E:I:~l"IF'ICA"I"I~: (-)l~ (~()~!l:Jl_IA~I(:;E:) Rubin's Reports Members have copies Discussion with DPW Commissioner Taubert Re: Beach Maintenance Continue as usual for usability and purpose of enjoyment. A letter to follow. To post at DPW Garaqe Peter motioned to adjpurn at 9:42 P.M. Vinnie ~.3econd{.?d AU_ IN F/WOR MARIE S. COTREAUI CLERK