1988-06-02 MINUTES FROM MEETING ON JUNE 2, 1988 i"IEI'IBEPE3 FiP!::!3El\lT: H c.;\ ~"'J E', C) u c h d 'I . d 'J' 1\1.:::', n c:: ':J L c, d '~J E': , ,J Ci ,:.,,' ,"., EI fl Z :i., d n c:1 V i. f1 n :l (,,:' c:: C) t ir. I;:? -=~ U. Meeting called to order at 7:58 P.M. Vinnie motioned to recess for :\I.,"\1i C',j <;;;ec:on dF:3C! a I:Jt.1IJ:l:l(: I-~ea)~ing ALL_ or 1-. f .1. ! ~l F~~l')OH I I #5-280 Rpvprlu Roc:ks--Amended Change -,'- . -- . ~ O~~c:ler of Cor1cli.ti(~11Su 1:~aT')cjy Watel~!l'ian "fl^Orr! .I~ea:ls 21"ld -r!"!c)j'r!as?~I:f1c:: submitted an additional plan at thIS time and explained, In detail t h Fie C h "" n ~J e . f'1, ], <;C. 0 , by" i E' f 1~,:I de c::. CI" i bE,' d t h t::.' p ,c. Co j i..::;' ct. T hi':::; c:. h El n <] E' reducing work In the buffer zona. Existing pavement = 22 feet. Erosion control barriers will be constructed prior to road paving. Imp,~o\/i;';!ments to 3 cul\/ey"ts '::-;.lone:; C.:()ITIH;On Lclne. II BILL L_ I E"S (.'\F~F~ I I,/DJ /::''1' TH 1ST 1,'11:::" Joe questioned the new driveway. Vinnie questioned what will be done with the other Answer: They'll be sold separately Waterman: Lot 7 would require a separate filing. Chairman~ Requested a copy ot the plan displayed. lot o.;;i te'5.. J R F::' n (.:.:, (? Ivl i::i r y nDI" lot, Waterman: wouldn't require a filing. Vinnie: questioned location of the stream. Waterman: To the east of the Pl'oposed driveway. thr::3f"e. Vinnie: Why no erosion control barrier. Waterman: Due to steepness-erosion won't go up. Nancy: Try to be careful- saving the woods, etc. Joe motioned to close the hearing SUFFICIENT INFORMATION IDt~." (shC:H.ui ng i ncl:i.vi c:Iui:<.l ::;-~7L~ H,::,\1e HI:. questioned crossing I:hf:'~ \!.Jel: la.ncl':::;. LCjt~; ..../ '...)'1 f'..IE'lU Con cy. f:? t e pipe cr> \1 Cont. #5-302 Thomas E. Cargill III Water St. Marina Glovsky and Glovsky, made the presentation. (HILDY FEVERBACHl Wes Stimpso0n, Vice President of Haley & Aldrich, expert re: Hazardous Waste. Lane Background re: Haley and Aldrich Cambridge, IVla <::;,,_~a c hu SE~ t -1:<::;.. Bill is concerned re= the contamInated soil. When the 2 underground t D. n k ::::. .'::'1 Y" e '1" t::' rn U \i c:, d , :i. t L<..l i. .I. 1 t h (.:.::, n I,:) c' d '::.? t (? '(. iT, :i, fl E:? d .. Joe excava~ion -removed of tanks, re-uslng.. Answer: No uncontrolled airation on site. NOT ALLOWED BY DEQE. Hildy commented, a boom is avallable at all necessary times.. Vinnie: questioned an update on the project.. Bill Goldberg questioned groundwater contamInation. Testing of the tanks., (;?tc. ...../inn:ie: !:;hE'(-.';,t F'iline.:J /~'! (Jut'l '1"'. thij1: nE!c~F~S,'::;:.i::\Y"\.J? Jim Wheeler answered Yes, proposed for constructabilitw. Motioned by Joe to close the hearIng SUFFICIENT INFORMATION :1:1: 'j.-. ::::. CJ (;; Con t .. 1..I:i, I I ~:::; t . t.J D h n n ':,.) Pi P P IF:.' ':: (.:,,:' F:' d ':::; Additional buildIng to the warehouse. ~!2se~sa El.~9j.l')ee}" Fje"tel" C)g)"eT1~ !l"!ade tt)P f:)re5eT"~.i:at::ion (f3.teve (:ofll"la:l:I,y ()"f COT)nall~ B}"Dt~)er's ol~igirlal al::)!:Jlj.cal"lt~; in 198J.) -,.530 ac)^e F)r'(~ject to tt"IE wa.i:e),.~;tIPd -In 1981-800 acre SIte -Wetland areas ha~e been flagged -Elevation 27, eXIsts up to he~dwall. '-'E:::-~F}lE\inE;d th(;? pli::i.n'J in full detEli.l. -Joe Manzi questioned the flow of water. -answer to 80 into a french drain and back along the ground- into a graveled drip line (around the building- grass coveredlBuilding is 88,000 sq..ft. in size.. Existing building is 60,000 sq. ft. - no drainage problem there. 38.50 original elevation 38.41 present elevation Bill .questioned the height of the building Steve Connally -22 feet. Peter Ogren- Water flow (in frontl Bill questioned the roofing structure. Steve - A ridge and will be pitched.. ljinnie: ~<('2al~ of bld']. i.<:" ClOSE? to thl.? !3ty'eam Peter Will use erosion controls, as necessary will stake hay bales. No cellar- a slab (4 ft..l E:-: ca\/a t ion will for'm a <;;;01'-' t u f bi::\r' l~ i F~'r-' . Channel is deep- embarkment is stable there. Once the foundation isa in, vegetation can then take place. Water from parking lot - to flow easterly.. Joe questioned flow of water. Would like to see it directed to the present hOlding water area. Peter: to place a bermal and a catch basin in the small ponding area? Nancy questioned oil or gas entering wetlands from vehicles parked in the lot. I I e ~ Peter : could include a standard gas trap. GENERtIL. PUBI_l C Joan Murphy 36 Longmeadow Rd. Erosion Concerns Answer: Band M Railroad started to replace a culvert (not yet COITiP 1 et(::,d) Therefore, cousing such erosion Joan: Have you checked the str0am lately? Peter: Has taken photos(shows them from April 6, 1987 Storm proved that the channels are in good shape to handle the water. Vinnie: Streams are discolored. Why? Peter~ Nothing on this site. Maybe some organic color from the brook un TOZE')';'" F~cl" Chairman: commented tributary to the landfil. Renee Mary questioned location of the driveway Answer: on Hill St. onto Shaw's Lane by the Tennis Club. No proposals to change the dimension. Pat Gaucher 38 Lexington Drive. Noise of the aIr conditioner. Chairman: No control re: noise Vinnie : questioned location of the loading dock? Peter: on the easterly side of the building HEARING CLOSED DiPaolo 21 New Balch St. BIngle tamily dwelling with garage aqd d Y" i \i c.:' u..! .::< ~..J " E: T"i ':.:.:1 :i "j"'j e E.:' 't'" F' (.:.:.:, i~ E.:' "(" ,.....! C) t" d ~;::. 1::', . C) !T, Cj.vi:L ~:;ii::e5 As~~oc:ia't:es In c. J'oe C{lle5'I:ioJ'~ed )~2a)~~ CJt t'C:jllf~dai~j.(Jl'1 i::o b~noot( aY"lSlJJerecl L~0 fEei=~ JUEe luc)ulcl lil:s thEe (:.::,.!.c:;: ,::it:i.c'" :[ fc)()t hl9hF:::)' thE'.'n I';;;. Raw can do it in the order of conditions Joan Murphy- 36 Longmeadow KG. Questions dimensions 40' from brook 30' from wetlands Joe motioned to close the hearIng 'v! i nn i e ':';E'con c1F:3d Northland Residential Sewer extension on Branch Lane Beals and Thomas, Inc. Randy Waterman made the presentation. This is a 30' sewer extension to the one on Common Lane. Work is within the stone walls. Culvert to be installed in the roadway (24" pipe). Erosion control barriers installed on both sides of the proposed pipe. Both sides of the stone walls. Joe : work in the stream? Randy: No stream- a gravel roadway Low area In road- WIll bring Iii fill Road 15' wide, stone walls 30' Rip Rap on sides at end of Job. Renee Mary 274 Hale St. Water replacement? Answer- none .Explained a sewer pipe under the roadway onlt. Joe questioned paving of the roadway. Randy: paved for the first 500' to the driveway, to revise the plan with inverts in and out, detail of the drainage system. HEAI~ I NC:j CL.OS[:D ,. . RECONVENE REQUEST FOR A DETERMINATION Harr~ Faust Lot 4, Boyden St. Single family house. To use Boyden St. for front entrance Atherton is wet. (lots A & B) Lot 4 to become A & B. Joe feels close to the wetlands. Vinnie motioned Positive Joe Manzi seconded ALL. IN FAVOF~ BUrke 55 cross Lane (TABLED) Rossi :-:-:9 Li'nden (':;vf=.'nue, "bench" Tabled to talk with consultant and DPW Engineer 6 month extension request Bill motioned for a 6 month extension with hold fencing request Joe motioned for a 6 month extention p, i 11 SE!COn df:?c:1 AL.L.. IN F',6,\,IOR o FWF F~ OF C("'.ID 1 T :r 01'):::: D:i.Paol(:) :21 Net!J B~lcJ-! fit:~ (=)r(:!er of c(~nditi(:)r}s #S.--30Lj' Joe motioned for Gt~ldar B :i. 1 1 'c:, E' c:: Cl 'i"! ,j (.:.:, d At.t... I j\1 F"t,!l.......IO F~ F)lu~~; 0 Or"l8 'fcJc:)"t t].(~{::j}O' eJ.e~a.t:J.c:)rl ,H Cargill - Water St. Marine #5-302 Bill concerns WIth on ~lte storage Of materials Siltation Boom present A:I.l (::{JJltarl'~iT12.ted j"j',at:er:ial i~o IJE -!:}'cea1:e(j Ofl site~ or to be removedd NO SITE STORAGE Any site approved by DEQF First remove tanks Cleanup site NO SHEET PILING tiLL.. J \1 r',,::.,\..-'(J F: Johnny Appleseeds Hill st. #5-306 STANDARS --GAS TRAPS B:Lll lTlutiDned ~J i r"I""1 ie ~;E! cun dE' d A L..L.. I r\j FO t:i \)() F? Ivi C) t :i. D n +:. Co,::l cI ,.1 D U )., n ",l t :L ('j :: :!.~) F'" !"i" b 1::.1 p, ill \'):i.nnie ~,;E'c:uncJE::'d /\1.... L.. IN F f\lv1i) i? MARIE S. COTREAU/ CLERK