1988-04-28 . W:q~ QIifg of l'i~uerlg, cffiallflltt!ru5~ff5 CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETT/~ MINUTES FROM MEETING ON APRIL 28, 1988 1"II:=J'1 B ERE:; F' F~ E: b E t\j T BATCHELDER, NANCY RAY BOUCHARD~ PETER GILMORE, LODGE, VINCENT COTREAU <:jE:Cj H(!E~ MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7~45P.M. Motion to recess for a Public Hearing made by Peter seconded by Vinnie t~U.... IN FI//OR Normandeau Engineer Vitale Site on Route 97 Paul Williams f'epr'e':3E~n t i nC3 George Batchelder abstained abutter, a conflict of iT'ltel~e~~t.,... L...oc:al res;j,dET1c:e r-i ~.:'.i .j r"o C) ]. C) ~J :i. c:: ,':~'t 1 ], r'i \: (.:.::, ~:::. t :i. ':J E:\ t :i. D n C) t" t h c' ;::;:I.'r E:? " a. n c:f '.I E':':' \./ E,::" n 1:: u. \::Z J J. ~7:J ? 1_ L) d ~.:.::: \/ f:::: J C.i F' {,::.:, -n c:: J (:1 :::. I 1 'j . (':::' F' J .:'::\ T'l ':::. n Ti'-;:''''':::.r rf.?':::t pi ts. a.nd pit ":;:; U..l :i. 1- J fJ C:~l C) r rn'c)!! i "t:cJY':i 'n<.:~! U) .::.: 11 cc)n ':::; t ("'l...t c: t i c:)r1 " + h ;7~, 'f']' ~7:; ,:';':'i, ::::. h :: F:' :i. -!:: ':::. '! eu h j. J (.:.:~ t F::.' ::::. 'j:- :i. fi ~:J LU j~ J J t:)E OP0Y12Cl 1~~_.~~r0 rl):iY'~l.J1::e~~ cJu. ',r ,:::; .!- 'j rUI j""', .... ,-.- -.". Pe.tel~ qlle~~'l:j,c)ne(j dE~)'!:I') CJ'f '!:e~~;t: F~:i'I::s,: Williams:5-20 feet (will go Mo deeper than 20 feet. r, ~':':'l. '::::. :i. c: -:::-:\ J J ~:.-.l t C) .k L..i LJ ,.; T C) r" iJ LJ. 'r-' i.::.:! d IT! {,:,:.:, t E:\ ]. 0: MC)J'li'l(:)r:ir)s {Dells wi.].l ::::1 c':~ t E:" Y" rn :i n f::.... l.LI i 1- 1 d t.;.,' t (:'::' Y" !Ii :i, n f-:~ :i. 'f E~, ~:; h .-,.P......... Lii_.I\.:":.":::'. exist. To determine the thickness of the ash. Vinnie questioned the con~istency? Dusty? hI :i. 1 ]. :i. E:~ rn ~:; ~ '...) <:.:.':' Y" ~J f.; j II 9 Y" CI_ i n 'J h D J cl::;:. rr! l! c h rTI [) :i. s:;. t U '1"" E~ 'J IT! Ll c:! cI ~,J 1'1 CI t du."~t~::J Vinnie: When will the work start? Will:ian)~:~ 1 j./:~~ !'I'i(~T'l.tl"!s~ I:)e.ter~:: ar)~ (:Ji:~ie)~ ac:(::oll-!p:lish!TleI'l't~:; 'frc:)ITI 'l::I"li~; e}~I~ec::ted? Williai'/)s: ~i()J1e t:t',a1:: ~ie'~~ aUJare (~t S~.!ffic:ieJl'I:: ]:Y1'fc:)r~Jn2'!:::i.[:)n ~!E~:Ai~:i:I\!(~ (:l..(")~:~F:~r1 hELL.\ 1\1 I ;::) ~:) (~:'! r,.1 ":~I' :? t71 C "::~ l:) Cj t ~:::; 'I:: " :E', Y" :i .:';':\ r.! ~< f::..' J J. ~'.:..J ',) CC),("', ~:::. -I:: Y" U c: t i (Jr~ !~ C' i:! r" (.,::- '::;, E.! ';''', t i. \i to- D " €:\ y.,:;. F; ,(, ~::'t I:::: t h fE: f (-:'!'i"i CC':; fI '::;.L (J pt.:,:, 'I e :,.( 'I:: (:::'"{"i ::':. :I. C::; ';"i of parking lot relocatIon of B I'" E( c:! f e J'" c:! E: n (,) i. n (.:" (:;C';' :i. Ti q ViY')C8y')t CC)'tl~~eatJ 2t)~a;,I:a:i.Tle(j Conflict ef interest Steve Connolly Connelly Bros. made the presentation. He desplayed 2 plan and explaIned in detail of the project. Has installed rip rap to stop erosion from backing into the slope. Invert of pipe= 12.01 Elevation soil is higher. Relocated fence in the upland portion of the buffer zone. Oil separaters in the catch basin has been installed. Peter questioned the property line? Connolly In the centerline of the creek George: New fence seems to be falling over into the Wf,?t Idndso,. Kelly~ Due to snow pilings it will be straightened out. GeOr'(~j(=:!: qu.r:.':.,~:;tionr:.':'d ir'un-off'/ ~"lhE?l'-'F::' does, it (,::JO to'7 Connolly~ Will go Into a catch basin, then out to a rip rap spill w~y The 16" pipe empties into the Bass River, then into th(,2 ocean. Consultant AFT. reviewed the 16" pipe foresees no problem- Chairman relayed this message to George Batchelder. Connolly: No drainage pattern flows will be changed. Just to stabIlize the slope. (; [~ I\J E:: F~ t-i 1.... P t) It, 1.... I C Joe Abram 46 Hillcrest Ave. Questioned the maintenance of the oil separaters. Chail"'lIii0n <:~tatG'd it will be in thE! Or dE ,'J'" of Conditions INFORMATION SUFFICIENT HEARING CLOSED F~L C.:OI\j\)[:!"'~E Willow Pond Discussion. PY~e~;erl.t: Al~.tt'!llY~ Gj.angral1d~? Lrlglrleel'~~ Develof)e)r !:~CJ(::c:C) Bati:on ~ier'e tJ~ jJ")v:i.tai:icJfl 'to gjve aT~ LIFJdai:e (J"f tl.-le F>l"o,jec:'t:" To amend the plan in order to put In larger stones along the ditch section. A letter to be submitted stating what he p].an~3 '::0 (](:)II A.t.t )"B<::larrlai::i.oTl a)~\ea~; tiave tJeeTl st:ari:ed a~5 o"f =:; tUf::'~i..~:'k'::; ,:,\go. ..Ju~.::,t th,;:, j:.y'ook hi0,s~:; to bE'cc)mpl(~ti:2d. In th,=-, process of doing the as bu.ilt plans. Time frame -end of May. Work On the ditch ~rom first control structure to the outlet of the second control structure WIth letter, Also~ to be submitted, certification from Engineer. Vinnie: Ditch -haybales half covered, due to decay, will they be taken out? Nancy~ Beer cans in the control structure and in the brook should be removed. McManus, Gulf of Maine, also present- Stated replication work started end of last summer. Since last fall, due to ITlt.ACI-i l"0ir) -ll"le )'\eF~lj.c::01~:ioJl al~2a~ f~as tJeeY'l 1.!11(jel~' wa1::el'\" P (_:.;.:1 t E.! Y" c:: C) rn rn f,::,:, n t t-::::' c! t h (.:~:, ,.-. E-? 1 -:~. C: C) Ti ~::; t .:'::; n t t."::,!, C) ~:~. 1 C; T'! :i. n -l:: h F:,; {'::'!, Y" (.::::, Ei C) f t h {.:.::.. by" CIC) k .- F; h (J 1...1. J cl b (.:~:, p ,.... C) 1: E-:' C -!:: :i. C) Ti '.I .~ 'f" U.J C) 'j . k 1 .~::. (,:,:J C) 1 'n (.:.:,1 CI r'! -l:: h f:::" l" EI " Ray commented that the owners Dr Lot J have not maintained their area. Engineer will see to it that the haybales are On the top of the brook, Should be the first order of business tommorow. Ms Janet Appleton- Co. owner., commented it is a man made pond. Feels it shouldn't be replaced because it is not a natural pond. The dam is impeding the growth of the brook, wants it out and a fence put up. Giangrande explained to Ms. Appleton purpose of stone is to prevent erosion. Order of Conditions expire August 5th , 1988. No objection from the commission to use the larger s,ton€0s. PERI"IIT EXTEI\~~::;JON Connolly Brothers Peter motioned to '::iE~Ol"(3e 5e con CIE'c:! ,tiLL, I I') F/","/Ol~ ConDnt grant it St. W3"-L:H MOTION TO TABLE ALLEN #5-189 at Willow pond seconded by Nancy tILL I r,.,/ F/;")OF~ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Lot 3d:1 b~.j P€~te'(' ORDER OF CONDITIONS NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE #5-296 11 Cabot St. Cable CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE recorded (prool) Standard -Performance for Coastal Wetlands (applicable) copies of all other permits and applications S1:andard ~;pe(::i.al CC)11ditl(::)nS 'lailc)l^ed ~~):, c:c)as.tal Motioned by Peter Secc)T,cle(j t)~ (~e(:Jl"ge /:': 1.... 1.... :r. ;"'.J F" !~\ \/ () r~~ 1\1 C) ',"', 'J:: h 1 ;,':";\ "r-; c:~ F~ ;:::;:: :;;: i el;',:-- ['I i:: ::. c.: >:::) 1T! rn C.i )"""! L..:::i.f'!F::' ! Ci-1: ..... MCJ"I:i(:Jne(j bd (;e(~rge Seconded by Peter r\ L.. L. I r'..1 F' !~~\ \./ () r~ ~3'!::2n(jal~cj~~; P:!.Ll~; C(Jl::~~ C)T .::\i~"P.i. :!.; 3. (:)"("1 "( CJ r-' Cor" p:::,,, PE',l!,"I1I:i, t" Ratification of the Enfo!cement Order for 55 Cross Lane. ~~(:}T1Sen~5{JS i'~i" the (~c}r!)!'I):i.s~~;j.C:)T')u (irdsln o'f Cc:)ndit:i<:)Y"lS Vi-tale ~3.i.t:e Peter motiOned for non-significance Seconded by Vinnie ((~e()l~ge ab~~3tair'ed (jt.lP 'tc:) c:c)T1'fli.c:t: c:)'f j,Tl1::ey'es.t /". /., L, I r\J F f'-'; \) U F{ OF:DE:I;> UF C:()j"-..!I:) J T I ()!\~~3 :c: ! \.. ! ',' !\) T :::::;~:::;/':',l' . .... .........., "'I:?D bCl t ~::; t . ~1c:)tj.(JT'lecl t:)~ Ge(~)nge (~;t:0r')(:!al~d~;) SeCOf)(jec:! by F)etey' (V:iY'lY'lj.e ab~5i:ailled C(~Tlflict of iTlt:er~es~:) ALL IN FriVOI~ Hay bales to be located around the fence area. " Discussion with Robin Levesque's Weekly reports. Re= H<::\thi"",w<::~y AVE'nue Wellington Hills Lot 40 being filled. Alan Taubert abstained from commenting due to a conflict of Interest (abutter) Winthrop's Grant was re-flagged and suggested to do so by consultant Alan Taubert. DISCUSSION Re~ submitted ot nylars by contractors of the appy"oved pla,n~". Motion to make this a standard conditiOn Order of conditions by George Seconded by Peter (-i L. 1.... IN Fl\\)OP George motioned that the chairman conjure a plan in order that the Planning Board coincide with the final approved P:I. -3, n 0 'f" t h E=:) C:Cin ~5eY" \/ {':':", t J. Clrl Cc)rnrn i S;.'f;:. i on ., Seconded by Nancy (3,LI..., I t\1 F/,,'v'OH Peter to invite from Gloucester a spokesperson to speak at ne}~t l'~1~11~~5[jay I'ligl-!t's !neetin9n Re: area~~; [J"j- c}nitj.caJ ef)v:i.l^(:)J'lffI2Q'ta]. t(::) ta}~e notice of," Mot:ioTled to all.t:ho~~i2e (~"B" t(:J WCJY'~:: witt) t:~le l~ePn 01- .t~)e O'!" We'll"lon"l t:i. C::(Jfl',j:):i.le 2 I~at:l.l)ne f:)1"ESE1^Ve -I"rail Map" "r'C)l..un M(Ji::ic:}Yl .!:(~ a(:j~jc:)Ur~l') at: 10=30 fJ~!1u IT!3<:le b~ Peter Secof}cle(:! b~ ViTlf):ie t.;.II....L.. J J\1 ;:::" {~':'1 \.... () F~ Marie ~~~.= C(~-!:r~eal.l/c:lel~!"~ ~. .H. .~. .~::- .~~. .*. .*, * -~~ i!~ '*, * i"~' -t'.:' ,j.::- * -*. {<;. i~' .~.~..!*.K -!.~' .H. .~:J-:~. .~:. '~i' '7':' *~. .~. ~~ -7-:' -f.('~' if:. .*. -ft. 'R' 'f.:' '1-::- .*. ~- 'i':- .~{:. .*- '$~' .~:. -*. .;ii. .!.~. -*. 's~~' -$;::. -~':. ~~. .t::-