1988-02-18 MINUTES FROM MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18~ 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ray Bouchard, Bi)l Liss, George Batchelder and Peter Gilmore Motion to recess for a Public Hearinq made by Bill Seconded by Peter ALL IN FAVOR NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE #5-296 11 CABOT STREET Paul McManus, from Gulf of Maine Research made the pr~sentation. Distributed additional information at this time and explained the plans. This is a continued hearing for a "submarine cable". Engineer Jack Rowe for New England TelephoneCo. Bill questioned" Is there a proposed starting date?" McManus" Hoping for June ( early summer). Would like the commission to issue an order of conditions in order that N.E. Telephone may go forward with the project as not to conflict with boaters. Would like to get the trench dug as soon as possible. TO CONTINUE THIS HEARING UNTIL APRIL 7, 1988 Reconvene Bill motioned to allow Laurel Ridge Notice of Intent to be withdrawn with out prejudice. Seconded by George ALL IN FAVOR Informal Discussion with Jim Dennesen from the N.E. FORESTRY FOUNDATION. To submit a letter to the Commission Re: A proposal to survey conservation land. Budget: FY '88 TO ASK FOR $500,000.00 " LANE ACQUISITI1. AND CLEANUP Bill motioned to increase our budget to $500,000.00 for land purchases and cleanup Peter seconded to ask for the same increases as FY'87 AI_L IN Fj:\\JOR Certificate of compliance House only George Warren #5-159 10 Stone Ridge George motioned in favor Peter seconded it ('iL.L IN F A \,..! 0 R Tabled CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE lot 50 #S'-U:3.4 Bill motioned to table it, Beaver Pone! (:J e CI Y" ':;1 f:::' S f.::! C Cl n ci E.:' (:1 /',11 :i. n fa\/or CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Humphrey Thoreau Circle Lot f:i t-1::5--228 "Buffer zone activity" George motioned to table Bill SE'cmn ded tiLL II\l Ff-\\JOR Bill motioned to adjourn at 8:55 P.M. Gc~orge secon ded AL.l II\! FAVOR MARIE S. COTREAU/ CL.ERK