1990-04-19 . tllfre QIit~ of ~2uerI~, ~a55Cttqlt5etts CONSERVATION COMMISSION BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES FROM MEETING ON APRIL 19~ 1990 1"'1 f.'I'" B E F! ~::) Fi J:,: L ri E,/'..I T : ,:;i. n d '\1 "-'I n c t,,) L 0 cj '.:J C, . Peter Gilmoie, George Batchelder, Vincent Cotreau MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Af 7:50 P.M~ MOTION TO RECESS FOR A PUBLIC HEARING made by Vinnie Cotreau second George Batchelder ALL IN F/WOF? SIX (6) CONTINUED HEARINGS AS FOLLOWS~ #5-344 Landscape Garden 7 Juniper Valley Court Lot 4 Representing, Applicant Papalyea. Consultant Alan Taubert, satisfied with all the information. Vinnie Cotreau motioned to close the hearing Nancy LOdge seconded AL.L. IN F/\\.iO R #5-351 ~arage addition 20 Morningside Drive Representing, Michael Grasso. Has flagged the wetland more precisely; has submitted an ownership letter. GClol"'ge B<~'1'fch(:. I d(;:>)". mot i on E':'d to c ]i(J!::;f? t hE~ hr,'iH' i ng Vinnie Cotreau seconded ...'\L.t. I N F'~IJ\/(JF~ #5-346 Cranberry Drive Realty Trust Boyles Street Lots 1 and 2 PY'E";:;F2n t, P ,:;(u J Somrr/(::"lr., En \J i y. on ITIE.!n t c;\ lis t ; C h 1" :i.~; t'ie 1 .1. 0, En g:l nE~ei~ ; Attorney Scott Grover. Representing, the attorney, Scott Grover and Paul Bommer. The driveway has n00 been reduced to 900 square feet. Only 4% of the area will be replicated. Sails in the area crOSSing, from the Boyles Street side to the upland side. A good base of sand ( ? ..... oS ") f () Y.. .:;:i. d Y.. :1. \/ E.:' cu .:::\ \.:.i t u I::;; c:.! ~::; (.::! t i. nth a tal" (.:,:' ,;-:\ " :.-/ i9. ':::. ":\ <J l.... f.:" (,! d eLl i. t h r~I;", T 2. U b €~ Y" t t u P Li t i. n a .1. :;;:: " p :i. p f? , ,'.:1 r.1 d t h I;:> 1" (", f 0 ,.... {.:,;' t 0 a c: c: f.~ P t t h (-C,' p r.. C) F' U ,,:;. i::\ 1 " Nancy Lodge stated-Thursday April ~C, 8=30 A.M". Perk tests from the Health Department will be dune. Concerned re= the septic systems/TITLE 5" Two areas need to be perked. L.ot _ adjacent to the railroad tracks. Lot I-near the stone wall, near flags #101 & 11m2. The machinery wiil be bridged across, as not to enter onto the wetlands. Area of water transport is 2 feet wide. A small track mounted backhow will be used. \) :i n n :l (" C (J t )'. i:'? dU. cu.:'! r., t '::::::\ J J t h i. ",:. i. n C!I (' :i, t :i. n 5J I:) F2 f 0 j" (::.~ t hi'". :I. ~::;. C' Ci n I,.:.:, " /', n \:.J d :1. ':::, t U j" b <::1 n c: c::' h "'( ;::;. t u I::J E! c:: C) j" j~ E.:' I: : t E.:' d .:;.:1 n d y., (;'., <:,:. t 0 lr. F! d :1. IT/ITI c.:' d :i. i:'\ t E:' J t....J . F' (':.:.' t E'1'.' C i IITI C) V.. f'0 (.:,.:.::< p I i::! :I. n (,:.1 <:::1 t hi::, t r., u I.\! U 1'. k J. .::::. t C) l:J E' c:1 C) n E 1..1 1'i t :i. 1 ;;:\ f!:: [.'1'".. thE:' app(::.!,.:~ 1 PC':,'.!'.:I. ud" Deadli.ne fur perk test ~_ end of April" GeorgE Batchelder sees no problem with the perk testing. Vinnie 0Jtreau feels if DCP gCieS along with this then how does the Cornm i. 55 i em .h;:>e 1 ? Peter stated clearly that asked for information and Mr. Taubert stated these Chris Mello will comply b,,':\ ck hOE'. ThE a p p I i ( :':3 nth i::.' ':::. I.U:I. t h c:l)" i::\ cu non b .,~ i n (,J i n g f.i. n "'I n I:.J iTl,;:\ chi n F::' )'., ~.,J " (" ~ this Commission is not at fault, it has nut been given to us. tests can be done by hand. to do one test by hand and one with _. ttlf-:.:' h,::.'.\iC' ::;rn;;~ 1 .I. CiENC:i:i\L l'IJ.1:'./... J C By..u ce~ r'iu n ":,,c:Jr, R(:;;>gar'c1i. ni,~J th':3 T a 1.1. Tr'c.'E"f D1" :1, pF3r i Dd:l, c.:::.,.l 1::J" ',I BC)!::Jlc:~,,: Utl'..E?E,t ':::t.I"C'<:~.liI hdd r..unninSJ 1.!Jdt\=~)", and it f3!nteY'~::; intc:J .:::1 !::Jjr'uok un ve and then into the ocean. Would like the water tested Gary Ciavala 109 Cross Lane Will perk test resultss have an!::Jthin9 to do as to the positions of the houses? L.ike septic systems locations, etc. Pi~ tE:'Y'. 5;. ti:'I t f:~d t hi::l t i:~n~J ch ,3.n<,3f2!".; w:i, 1 1 ITIf3!an t ha t t h(,? app 1 i can t lJ.IDU 1 cj hElve to comE back to the commission if the Board of Health says okay, we'll abide by their decisions. We're bound by their decision. Steve Crane 3 Hobin Road L~ hat "s t h f:.:' po,:::. it :i, (:In, C' f. thE' COIT,m :i. s<:::. :i, on c;\',; ver su~; the Au c:lu bon ., .,:,: ~3c) c: i c.t y :1 thf:' buf.r-'f2Y.. :,-~Dne'? Peter stated that we have no by laws. George Batchelder doesn't like the fifty foot boundary regarding the perk testing for the septic system being so clDse to the wetland. Renee Mary 274 Hale Street F\/ey..y timE! ';:;C)lTiE' t h :i. n CJ J:I. k E' t h :i, "0 :i. ':;; cJ 0 In 9 un, ,I '''~E!E~ c! lot D t lJJ.: it (..::.:,Y'. effecting my pond. ESPEcially where a septic system is involved" I Lt,1 i 11 not h i:), ',IE? my Pl" OPE;)" t U y..u i n E'c:I C)Y' po 11 u t E~d.. bo j t ul:: h e (.:(:::<II!II/ i c::.'::; i or., please Judge wisely. It worries Nancy Lodge duing this In the butfer zone. Bruce Munson questioned if orders get put into deeds. Peter to the applicant-Revised plans EtC. Vinnie Cotreau motiuned to put into the Order of Conditions a statE~mf"nt Y.'(.;;feY.Y'in'j to thE! 12" p:i,pE,', George Batchelder seconded that motiun. (:i (.;!! 0 '1"" ~J (-":::' I!: .:"::i, t c: h c:? 1 ci ~.:.::1 j'" !T! C) t i Cl n (-:.::1 ::::1 t CJ c:: J CJ :::;_ (.:.:.:, t 1""1 ':: h ........_, ,. i i -':.J '; Vinnie Cotreau seconded it. ALL 11\1 F.A'v'OH David Drive Boxwood L.ane Lots #1,2,3,4,5 470 EsseN Street. Applic::,::\nt Atlantic:: Build:ln1] Cont. Co. .1:<€~Pr"E~':;E:'ntin~3 FXClhE)rl:: l..ynch, Engineering" Submitted "mortoiless concrete block retaining wall system". Drainage on Lot #4 and coming onto Lot 5 has been Changed. Wi.1.I drain eastward. GE\Ol~C]f:.2 questionE~d th(::.? s:;w'::ilE~, cI(/".tE!nt:lDn Florid, Both Nancy and George are satisfied with the changes. Vinnie motioned to close the hearing Nancy seconded it p,LL. IN FA'V'OF~ FOI~ THE: F~I:::COI~D The set of plans submitted tonight from David Drive/Box Wood Lane are for'. cd 1 5 lots.. RE: CO N') E: 1\1 I? ! BEAVER POND Lot 41 #5-184. Al Symes Partial Certificate of Compliance Representing, Carl Balsley-Hayes Engineering Co. Vinnie: The area needs clean up. The siltation is half up and half cloltJn" Peter stated that the finished ~rade be stabilized. A partial for the house only, also to put up additional rows of siltation to prevent any E!Y" D':;; :i, cJn . 1\ 1 SD '} t C) pu t i )'.1 ';:'. t r' C\ !:;; h y. i;;1 c k . Vinnie Stated that the hay bales are eroding on other parcels. Whereever work is being done, fix the hay bales. Virinie motion for a partial house only, Nancy seconded., ALI_ IN F,\\/OF~ A letter stating cleaning of debris to follow. F'EHI'1IT FXTEI\ISION Robert Smith rear 5 NethertDn Avenue #5-252 Vinnie motioned for a one-year extension GE'O).(JE~ ':;E'conded ,t>.IL.L Jr..1 FtIVOF~ 1....0 t ::*ll.Q:j Is:; thE,' COfrlln'] BCc'EI\/E2l" Pon d change significant in from Middlebury to file? Has re-Iocated the L.C\ne instead of Patti Road. d)~ i \/eWE\U '} George motioned that the change is not significant Vinnie Cotreau seconded f.:1LL 11\] F"~.,\/OF~ A letter to be sent to Mark White stating such, and to restore/replace the hay bales/ or fabric fence. AIRPORT DISCUSSIUN! TREE CLEANiNG Pre hearing conference scheduled May 2. Request to hire a lawyer has been submitted. Peter suggested that we propose to clear cut the top of hill and to k~ep c.1.ear of the buffer zone. Tom Alexander is going to try to have the conference for May 18th Discussion for additional meetings Just to catch up, etc. A work shop type meeting. At 9:31 P.M. Motion to adjourn made by Vinnie Cotreau seconded by George Batchelder ALL. IN FAVOR Marie S. Cotreau/clerk \ ~