1988-01-14 MINUTES FROM MEETING ON JANUARY 14, 1988 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:45 P.M. t'![!'1P[R~::) PF:U:::;ENT: R.:'I'J }i.cH.lch<cn'd" GE'orgE.' BE:(tc~hel dE')", FletE'l" (;ilm(}Y"E~, ,J(J('=.' r.1a.n::::.i, Bill L.i~.~.:: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NICHOLS 600 ESSEX ST. #5-178 Motioned by George SE~ cc)n cle d l":)y Bi. 11 AI...L IN F:- t,,') 0 R COFFEY ~ MARSHALL CT. f"!Dt i oned b~::J JO('? Seconded by Peter ALL. :r N Ff~NOR . :1*':':'-'151 ORDERS OF CONDITIONS #5-278 NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE St,:-;,nda.l"d'3 Also, Peter motioned for a monthly progress report ,JOt.? '::;:.E'con ded AL.l.. Ir\1 I=-A',,'!OR John WeIGh, Project Manager of the State suggested that all reports pertaining to thIS Commis51Dn's interests, be submitted to this Commission. These mcetings will take place W€2E:!k 1 y. Chairman Rau BDuchard suggested that the CommissiDn be notified of these meetings and that at least one member from our Commission attend. Commissioner Taubert suggested that Robin L.evesque, Conservation Inspector Engineer Aide, attend these meetings. Re: Control structure" maintenance and management of it. Bill motioned that all of the above be included with Standards. p(::..te'J" secon d(?d ALL.. IN F tNO F' ,'1 0 i:: Ii.)>> ::,... 285 Peter motioned the same fJr the road structure, Bi I. J. S(;?cc'f:ded, I I T r.! c:- /"__1',., c. FINN MORNINGSIDE DRIVE #5-295 S:i.nc]le d!!Jf?lling George motioned to mark Dut the edge of the wetlands with pey"manE;"f"lt IT!E:"ir'kE'rs, to b(~ irlcJ.ucIF..!c:I 1n thE- ,:f.?ed. J?,ill motioned for Standards George's motion be adopted F'c:' t,?':!',', S(:;~ con dE' d ALl.... 11\1 Fi\VOR BRIGHT 224 COMMON LANE #5-294 beorge motioned for a non-significance f) E.:- t (::..:,(. ',; E-?' con de d I\I...! IN r:I\')OI.' DIS~USSION WITH COMMISSIONER ALAN F. RE: Former Vitale Property. Test1ng program at the land T ,'";'.}P,[ I)T on L.P. Henderson Road. C 1 E:! ";;' (n..l. p , c~ t C . .J t 1 (;? a'::'. t d h ,:7\ 1"F .,.... IT, :i. 1.i. t '~, n cI 0:1. "I. .,::<. r <::'. c ';;'. P F' i. 1""1 (J and ':J Y" a d :i n q it.. F 1...1. 1 1 ~.::! E' ::-: p e c t t 0 fin d <50 1 V' F" n t s cp !T! po U n d.:;:, i:: h E' f' E' 0 nth e ':::. i t f.? . I\n (.:.?nq :i n f:?€?ir. (h~) t h P C:01Ti!T1.)== h ou. I d bf.? hi)" E::" d t h3 t c~ OiTI F::' 1 i e,,::. lJ)i th D.. E:. q.. E. A meeting with Service and Aid Committee has been set up-Tuesday-January 19th at 7=00 P.M. Chairman to attend (or another member). Normandeau Associates is the firm the City has dealt with in other situations, therefore, a selection should be made prior to thE~ meeting. Bill motioned to make a selection that we go with Normandeau I{; ::::. .~::. C) c i {:7t. 1: e s .. Peter seconded it :'-\1....1,... HI F(.>,"/CH~ Bill motioned that Pay Bouchard and/or Peter Gilmore, CCJITimissi.onel" Tal.lbert anej Al Ri.c:cj. to neg(~tj.ate l!J:ith Normandeau Associates ,Joe Manzi seconded /\I....L IN FAVOR COMMUN I C(.~ T IONS ME-:'n,I]f.'~rs hc'l',1e all DISCUSSION AMONG MEMBERS RE~: land c;'.cquisition.. Chairman-we should get a listing of all open space,etc. George: Wildlife preserve and maintenance of it. ,etc. Consensus of the Commission to ask (rposs LANE TRUST) "Birch ~'Jc)CJd<::;" tc::. lilithdr;"u.J [,I:i.th cut: p'r'cjudicc- be:i.Ti(] it :is not .:3 l:i.1Ti1t(?d pY'D,.J(:~cct'l etc. th,:~t +:hr::~ ch;::'.:i,,'m,.::<.n nutify the -~~pp Ii c-:::',n t.. PPt0' ~ntinnprl it l;/....!_ .1. I., I 1-" "t' ,_; I \ Motion to adJourn at 8:40 P.M. made by Bill Seconded by neter AI....L. IN F AVOP r.1(:'1 PIE ~3 co THE/,;!J/ CI._CHI< ...... .-.... '-,.' r._. ......r... ...... '\.' r._. r,. '\.' ,..~..~..~'\..~~~~.~0~~:~~..~..~:~..~.,:~.~..'\..:\..~..~'\..~~~~~~~~~~..~~,~,~ ~'~~,'\.~.:~~,:~-\:~~:'~~..'~..\..~...~~~~.~,~~~.\..~~~..0'~~'\..~....~~~....~~. ..~~ ,~~~,,'~~~~~~(~~~~~'~I\..